

Sunday regurgitation for February 22, 2009

For those of you wondering why Sunday is throwing up, fear not. Sunday Regurgitation occurs every Sunday, when I link to a prior post of mine, because I am trapped under something heavy and am unable to write anything original or riveting. Hopefully someone will notice I’m missing, remove whatever is suffocating me and I’ll be back to normal by tomorrow. But just in case this doesn’t happen, think of me fondly.


I’ve got to pick up Helena from her cousin’s house today. There was a big sleepover birthday party last night, which meant that yesterday, the majority of my day was spent by:

  • Me reminding Helena to pack.
  • Helena reminding me that she told me OK, OK, OK ten times already.
  • Helena packing a suitcase.
  • Me checking the suitcase.
  • Me packing pretty undies.
  • Helena unpacking the pretty undies and replacing them with SpongeBob undies because apparently, nothing screams sleepover louder than a yellow, helium-sucking sponge wearing his own set of tighty-whities. Who knew?
  • Helena packing socks.
  • Me unpacking the socks and re-packing socks that actually match in color, not in number of holes.
  • Helena packing jammies.
  • Me unpacking the jammies and re-packing jammies that actually coordinate. And fit.
  • Helena zipping her suitcase and running off to play.
  • Helena trudging back upstairs to pack her toothbrush.
  • Helena zipping her suitcase and running off to play.
  • Helena stomping upstairs to pack her hairbrush.
  • Etc., etc., etc.

I’ll leave you with last year’s post on Expression. I’ll let you guess which one of her many expressions Helena bestowed upon me ten seconds after I hollered DID YOU PACK A HAIR SCRUNCHIE?


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15 thoughts on “Sunday regurgitation for February 22, 2009”

  1. Avatar

    LOL! we really should find a way to get Helena and Hannah together! 😀 Hannah is great for not wanting to wear pajamas that fit or coordinate. Hairbrush? For a girl with waist length hair?? LOL!! NEVER!

  2. Avatar

    At least you were there to check and double-check. I left DH in charge of this last year while I ran to Costco (and why does that seem to take an enire freakin’ afternoon, anyway?) and he did not do the check let alone the double-check. No toothbrush (although she mooched a new one from her host) and her favorite p.j.’s that haven’t fit properly in a good two years. ((sigh))

  3. Avatar

    I love reading your posts…not just b/c I love your sense of humor but because you provide a glimpse of what my life is gonna be like in a few more years with my daughter!

    I love the pics!! Wow, she has every facial expression down! I absolutely love the pic of her with her arms out, looking up at the sky!

  4. Avatar

    From my point of view:

    We find these sleepovers are great opportunities to give our kids freedoms without much risk. So what if she forgot here toothbrush – she have fuzzy teeth and won’t forget it next time? She want the Sponge Bob undies – if she gets teased, she think twice next time. No amount of prodding by as parents will be as memorable as these real life lessons. Far better she forgets her toothbrush now than her resume at an interview – these are practice for real life where it counts.

    JMHO. Thanks for the great post because every parent has been there (and I love MY Sponge Bob undies too!)

    Stan at Scrappers Workshop

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    BAAHAHAHAHA Oh yeah. She gave you that last look didn’t she. The one that screams “I’m going to look like this all the time in a few years.” My daughter is 8 and lately we’ve had many moments where my mind flashes to when she’s a teen and it’s not pretty.

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