The above image is a photo of which of the following:
- Reasonable suspicion that Jack the Ripper is alive and well and practicing on my Pfaltzgraff
- Nate’s last meal
- Defense Exhibit #1 in State of New York vs. Woman Driven Completely Batshit Insane by Husband Who Insists on Cutting Spaghetti With the Ferocious Intensity of a Rabid Beaver
- All of the above
Answer: (4) All of the above.
Thanks for playing, everyone!
Tune in next time to see the same defendant spontaneously combust when her husband insists on proving his point by shouting “Boom!” at the end of every sentence, on the next edition of STOP IT, STOP IT, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD , STOP IT BEFORE I GOUGE MY EYES OUT WITH A FORK.
115 thoughts on “A multiple choice quickie …”
Get him a set of plastic knives…. 😉
on the plus side…he did cook you pasta for the first time in forever for Valentine’s. Is that possibly worth all of the scratches? Nah…probably not. I mean you have probably cooked spaghetti something like 28,357 times in your marrige and the plate does rather look like a rabid beaver got at it so…nope, you are well within your rights to head bash!
I suspect yours is not the most quiet of households. =)
Congrats on being Featured on SITS today!! =D
Happy SITS day!
Uh oh!
stopping in from sits to say hi and wish you well on your day!!! enjoy!!!
oh, my! a plastic knife and a fork witha cork on it (Dirt Rotten Scoundrels:)) may be the way to go.
Happy SITS Day!
Just to say Happy SITS Day…enjoy every bit of it…
Good Morning from SITS….my plates do that’s crazy!
-sandy toe
Wait! I see it! I think Nate spelled “I Love You” with his fork!
Who cuts spaghetti? Oh wait, I do. But thankfully I don’t do it with the “Ferocious Intensity of a Rabid Beaver”! You are funny!
Oh my! Happy SITSday!
Congrats on being the FB today at SITS! Hope it is a wonderful day
Happy SITS day!
It would be number three in our house LOL Happy SITS day!
Oh dear! At least he eats your spag bol. Am I seeing things or are the xmas trees disappearing one by one?
LOL! Sorry, but that’s just too funny! You have very pretty plates though. Well….you did…..
Congratulations on your SITS day. Great blog. Enjoy the comment love.
Congrats on your SITS day!
Congrats on being featured on SITS today! 🙂 Very exciting.
Visiting from SITS. What a great blog. Sorry about the plates. I must admit I giggled a little. Mostly because it is the same at my house.
Love that! I to get sooo iritated with those lines all over my dishes-isn’t there a way to magically make them disappear??
Happy SITS day! I hope that it blows your socks off.
I am here from SITS! Congrats on being today’s Featured blog!! Very exciting!
Happy SITS day – your blog is very funny!
happy SITS day!!
Happy SITS Day!!!!!
I had a great laugh. I had to put my set away!
Congrats on your SITSta day!!
Happy SITS Day…what a great blog you have!!!
happy SITS day! you are so funny, girl!
LOL!! Happy SITS day 🙂
You had me at ‘quickie’…
LOL! Looks like my plates! Congrats on your SITS feature!! 😀
OK – tell me – what is SITS? Is it contagious? Is there a vaccine?
(And I want it too – 34 comments already?)
congrats on your SITS day!
We have a set of Pfaltzgraff plates too. They were one of our wedding gifts 12 years ago. I’ve never once scrubbed them because I decided all those little grey lines where part of their charm. *lol*
(What in the world is SITS?)
Your blog is freaking hilarious!! I just read all of your posts from SiTS and then snooped around and read some more. You are officially one of my favorites…
lol how funny. this is why we eat off of paper plates!!!
Happy SITS day!
OMGosh the poor plate! Using paper plates might teach him that he’s cutting to hard, he might go right through the paper ones… lol.
I don’t know why I’m using that format. Just blown away by your awesomeness, I suppose :0)
Congrats on being featured today–I’m so glad you were! I’ll be visiting often.
LOL! That’s why we have **cough** cheap plates! Hey wait a min…just remembered I haven’t actually SEEN my plates in awhile. Oh yeah! That’s cause we use paper plates! LOL!! Nate, Nate, NATE!! Control that strength man! 😀
Wow! That is intense! LOL! Congrats on your SITS feature today!
Congrats on being Saucy! Have a happy SITS Day!!
Happy SITS day!!!
I was going with number 3… all of the above just made it even better! hahahaaa
Congrats on your SITS spotlight day! BTW you say you don’t do poo, but you did have babies right!?LOL
Congrats on your SITS spotlight day. BTW you say you don’t do poo, but you did have babies – right?! LOL
Happy SITS day!
I guessed #4 even before I read the answer!
LOL LOL – Love it! Tell him to use a fork and a big spoon so he can just twirl his noodles instead of cutting the crap outta them! Better yet, take a small plastic cup and use the rim to chop his sketti before serving it to him. It works great to cut it into tiny bite-sized pcs! I did it with all 3 of my boys when they were babies-hehehe
Stopping by from SITS! Congrats on being featured. I’ll be back for sure! 🙂
Stopping in from SITS. Too funny!
Would you please give back my dishes? I have the exact same pattern. Copycat!
You know you can buy Nate a set of kiddie knives, that won’t damage the plate when he’s cutting, his spaghetti. Also, glad to know that Nate and I are the ONLY people in the world who cut their sghetti. Great minds thing…..
Happy SITS day to you!
“Nana’s Box”
happy SITS day
I do believe that you will have many requests for that fork!
Congrats on your SITS day!
I think you may need new plates.
Maybe wooden for Nate.
Or better yet, metal. And only plastic knives.
Visiting from SITS! Enjoy your day. What I have read of your blog so far is cracking me up!!!
happy SITS day!
no idea what SITS is but your plate story is funny!
found you on SITS and added you before I got through 2 sentences. You’re a gem, can’t wait to go through and read all through the archives.
One of my Mikasa’s looks like that–and cutting spaghetti? What’s up with that? My hubby does it too!!
That looks just like my plates! Have a great SITS day!
Congrats on your big day!
I am lauging out loud at your posts. Off to read more!
Knives? I know what those are, but my husband doesn’t – unless we are our eating at a restaurant. Stopping by from SITS and wanted to say congrats to being the FB!!
Congrats on SITS!
…shouldn’t that be “gouge HIS eyes out with a fork?” maybe that’s the ticket!!!
visiting for the first time from SITS!
nice to meet you!
hahahah! Very funny! Stopping by from SITS to say congrats on being the featured blogger! 🙂
hahahah! Very funny! I can relate. I’m a SITS gal; congrats on being the featured blogger! 🙂
I’m going to be the only commenter who will not mention anything regarding you know what.
I think you have a bad ass sense of humour. Me likey.
I’m going to snoop around, ’cause I’m like that…and then if I feel up to it I think perhaps I’ll copy and paste your site to my sidebar. But I’ll probably need a drink or two first…that is A LOT of effort to put out in the middle of the week.
Enjoy your big, bloggy day! May you be lathered in comment love!
Happy SITS day!! 🙂
Oh my gosh – your POOR PLATE!
I’m going with choice number 1… I mean, what else could it be???
Funny! lol I wanted to wish you a Happy SITS day! I hope it’s great.
I think it is time to invest in plastic knives. 🙂
Happy SITS day!!!
Congrats on being featured with SITS. I enjoyed reading your blog.
Oh yeah, plastic knives is the way to go!!! Congrats on being the SITS blog of the day…yeah!!!
Happy SITS Day!!
Came to say hi from SITS. Enjoy your day!!
Enjoy your special SITS day!
You are too funny! happy SITS day!
happy SITS day – use it as an excuse to go out and buy some little kids’ dishes and silverware before EVER serving Nate spaghetti (or anything else harder than… ummm… canned peaches) because it’s a crime to ruin good dishes like that!
too funny! happy feature day!
Congrats on your SITS day! I got to say, I’m laughing so hard over your posts that I will be back for more.
Happy SITS day! The garlic bread in the previous post looks divine–and your daughter could be on Letterman with that tongue!
Oh m G! That is funny. I totally didn’t get it for a little bit. Took me to read #3 before I figured out the funny. I am a little sloooooooow like that. =) Congrats on the feature! Have a great rest of the week in bloggy comment love!
That was absolutely hysterical! Thank you for the laugh I could always use one! Happy SITS Day!
Congratulations on your SITs feature:-) I hope you are enjoying your day in the sun:-)
Your blog is a hoot!! Just wanted to say congrats on being today’s FB. Off to snoop around a bit more! Have a fab day.
Happy SITS day…
That was F-U-N-N-Y!!!
I have had to recently (as in the last two weeks) buy new plates b/c hubby and kids ruined the older ones!
Congrats on being a featured blog!
Congrats on your SITS day!
Um, are ya sure you don’t have MY hubs over there at your house???? This would be so like him except I keep the good stuff away from anything resembling a knife LOL!!
Seriously though, sometimes if it’s not etched in you can remove those marks. Try Bar Keepers or even a paste of baking soda.
Congrats on being the featured SAUCY blogger today!!!
Congrats on being the featured blogger today! I couldn’t get to your site earlier, so sorry for the late response!
Well, that was a little scary for me.
Congrats on your SITS day!
– a SITSta
And I’m glad I’m not your husband! Did you fling that plate at his head??
I knew a husband had to be involved! Congrats on your SITS day!
Congratulations on being the FB today! Enjoy the all the special attention. You deserve it!
Congrats on the sits feature! And I will forever think of the word ‘quickie’ in a different light now, thanks!
that’s some serious spaghetti eating — I’d serve it to him already cut up, I think. or make him eat noodles that won’t require cutting.
I don’t think I cook enough to have plates like that. Thanks for the laugh, again!
Hi. Happy Sits Day…
It’s my first time visiting.
Congrats on being featured at SITS.
good stuff, maynard….love your style!
I would like a prize for being your 100th comment on your SITS day!
Oh boy, I’ve been reading through your posts here and have finally settled down enough to actually write a comment. I’ve bookmarked your blog for those moments when I need a real good laugh! Thanks for making my evening such a fun one!
Congratulations and happy SITS say!
Congrats on being saucy!!!
Hey funny lady! Happy Sits day!!! (there now, doesn’t that make it all better?;)
I LOVE this! The horrors we put up with!! I wish I could take a picture that could show how my kids throw the laundry I just spent days washing and folding into the hamper with their smelly socks because they couldn’t bother to put them away…but I have no idea how to create scratch n’ sniff jpeg, so I guess I’m SOL! DO you have a couple of extra forks for me to gouge MY eyes out with? Another annoying habit around here is the way they bring my silverware into the car or their rooms or the 4th dimension, but never get them back to the drawer, so I’m kinda low these days 🙁
Funny stuff! Keep writing! 🙂
What the heck is SITS day? I want one!! Your story is funny!
Congrats on being featured!
See, this is why we can’t have nice china.
Good thing he is so cute! lol
Hello… congrats on being featured today! Wow it took me forever to schroll down! Way to go!
I have those same dishes!
That’s a plate?