

Go hang a salami, I’m a lasagna hog

If you’ve been reading this blog for awhile, you know that I don’t post videos very often. I usually prefer to enthrall you with you all of the fascinating stuff going on with my family, my house, my head and/or my body at any given moment, even though with that last one, I totally run the risk of infecting you with a particularly nasty case of the OH MY GOD, STOP TYPING. YOU’RE SCARY virus. My body has that effect on people. So, if you’ve suddenly broken out in oozing sores and it burns when you pee, now you know why.

Aren’t you the tiniest bit relieved that it’s not a raging case of gonorrhea like you feared?

You’re welcome. Now go see your doctor and get that cleared up before your spouse finds out.

Today, I don’t have anything of interest going on with my family, my house, my head and/or my body. Everything is status quo. No one in my family is puking or sleeping around or getting arrested or speeding out of control in their Toyotas. And, as luck would have it, there are no hideously disgusting things erupting inside or outside of my body at the moment which means I’ve got diddly squat for photos. I suppose I could show you another photo of our leaking kitchen ceiling but really, what’s the point? There’s nothing new to tell … it’s still there, it’s still ugly and it’s still sagging.

Which reminds me, my boobs say HI.

So I’m going to share a video with you today, even though I’m well aware that I posted a video yesterday but have mercy on me, please? My life is excruciatingly boring lately. Besides, that video was only sixty seconds long so it doesn’t really count, does it?

Tough nuggies.

This video is less than two minutes long and was sent to me by my friend Claire who, unlike me, does not blog about her family, her house, her head or her body and therefore, does not compel people to run screaming from their computers, swatting at their pus-filled boils. The only contagious thing she’s got is an infectious giggle. I know! I don’t know why she wants to be my friend either.

From what I understand, this video was made by a twenty year old student and entered into the “U @ 50” contest held by the AARP a few years ago. It placed second.


How cool was that?

By the way, can anyone tell me what this video and the title of this post have in common?



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17 thoughts on “Go hang a salami, I’m a lasagna hog”

  1. Avatar

    Very cool! Thanks for sharing the creative — and thought-provoking — video.

    (Oh, and the video and post title are palindromes — which I love!)

    So glad there’s nothing oozing or bursting out, in your family or on your body. (Although I do understand the distress of the status quo making blogging a formidable task.)
    .-= Lisa’s last blog post is here ..Fave photo of the week =-.

  2. Avatar

    Wow. I am not awake enough on this cold and snowy Monday morning to quite get the whole palindrome thingy, and as I was expecting a post on you pigging out on a lasagna, my mind is still reeling.

    But that was a wicked cool video, and just the sort of stuff we folks who live in this lethargic and lazy society need to see.

    Also, I really want some lasagna now.
    .-= Kearsie’s last blog post is here ..Monday is a royal pain =-.

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