What is more painful than spending several hours writing a blog post only to finish it, save it, open it up one final time for a last minute skim, click “X” to close it and then have your computer ask you if you want to save any changes before exiting?
And you didn’t make any changes?
So you click “no?”
It’s when you computer says “You got it!” and then proceeds to delete the entire blog post from your hard drive and, by association, your memory.
Then again, it might be ten hours of back labor right before having an emergency c-section.
I think they’re pretty comparable.
So instead of the post I originally intended for today, a post which, I might add, was insightful, thought-provoking and verging on Pulitzer territory and you’ll just have to take my word on that because, well, YOU HAVE NO CHOICE, I’m going to write about how my family celebrated me on Mother’s Day because it is insightful, thought-provoking and verging on Pulitzer territory as well.
Humor me. I just had a 3,875 word blog post go *poof* in mid air and it’s awfully hard to type while curled up in a fetal position under my chair.
Helena gave me breakfast in bed, which consisted of a toasted bagel thin and orange juice and the best part was that she waited until 8:30 a.m., to serve it to me and for that I gave her a big kiss, stinky breath and all, and she didn’t even protest by gagging and washing her face with Listerine. Nate gave me a dozen beautiful red roses and Zoe came home that morning with a bouquet of gorgeous flowers as well so I cut them all down to the same size and placed them all in the same vase and proved to the world that I will never make it big in the floral arrangement industry.
By the way, just to clarify … I cut down the flowers, not Nate or Zoe. I wouldn’t do that! Not unless I was provoked or something.
Then they presented me with a gift card to one of the nicest salons in the area, with enough value on the card to cover services for all three of us and when I say “all three of us” I mean Zoe, Helena and me as the closest Nate ever gets to a salon is when he gets his hair buzzed at Super Cuts and that’s only because they happen to be located right next door to one.
I then discovered that a salon gift card was Helena’s idea and that Zoe had earlier that week spent the better part of one day calling every salon in our area, trying to find one that could schedule all three of us for Mother’s Day pedicures and as it turns out, this task is so difficult, I’m thinking of proposing it as a roadblock for the next Amazing Race. Ultimately, she was successful with Scott Miller Salon, except that instead of Mother’s Day pedicures, we’ll be enjoying FIRST WEEK OF JUNE? SERIOUSLY? THAT’S THE EARLIEST OPENING YOU’VE GOT? FINE. WE’LL TAKE IT pedicures.
I admit, I got a little emotional over the fact that both my girls were so involved in my Mother’s Day gift and chose to do something which includes all three of us. With our schedules, it’s not often we spend quality time together that doesn’t consist of inhaling dinner and hastily throwing stuff into the car so as to get one of them from Point A to Point B in the fastest time possible while getting the other one to Point C before it closes.
I look at my flowers and gift card and get the warm fuzzies and almost forget about my 850 stretch marks.
Then Helena gave me a card she made for me in school. In case you can’t read it:
Dear Mom, You are like a fluffy white cloud. I love when we are together and we bond. When you tell jokes, it makes me laugh. I love how you tell me stories. I look up to you because you are a role model. I never told you this but I miss you at school a lot. You always seem to love me, you never hate me. I will always remember how you told me you loved me a bunch, forever and ever. Thanks for everything you do for me. I love you mom. Love, Helena.
Stretch marks? What stretch marks?
24 thoughts on “I am like a fluffy white cloud”
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Oh!!!! My!!!
I have tears and goose bumps. How very, very, very, sweet all of that was! Helena’s letter to you was so wonderful, so Helena!
I’m so proud of my wonderful Granddaughters. Good job Mama!
Such a sweet entry (okay minus the loss of your previous post!)! Those flowers and that little letter are just beautiful!
Definitely sweet!
And I can empathize with you on the computer glitch–I lost 5 pages of a script this weekend (despite the fact that I swear I was saving) and had no choice but to rewrite them.
.-= Scraps’s last blog post is here ..A Big, Toothy Grin =-.
Awwww ever sweet.
.-= Tracy’s last blog post is here ..I received a tag from a celebrity YouTuber =-.
Awwww…you have the best girls in the world (and I can say that without guilt because both my kids are boys! LOL). It’s lovely that they made spa plans for all 3 of you…and now you can celebrate Mother’s Day twice–once in May and again at the beginning of June! Bonus!! That is a very sweet card from Helena. I wish I would have scrolled down to see that you had typed it for us instead of squinting 2″ away from my computer screen here at work trying to read what she wrote, and getting strange sideway looks from my co-workers in the process!
Happy belated Mom’s Day to you, Andy! You’re definitely doing something right!!
Oh my, even I have tears in my eyes!! What an adorable child… I hope you guys have the best time waving your little toenails around together!
.-= Heather T.’s last blog post is here ..Two Beautiful New Products @ MScraps! =-.
Awwwwww, that is the sweetest card! *sniff*
I was all YAY WOOHOO SCOTT MILLER!!!!!!!!! until I read the word “pedicures” because you KNOW I don’t do feet. But you will enjoy it and it’s your gift card and your *shudder* toes so congratulations on that.
And I know you are secretly jealous of my Mother’s Day present of a brokenish nose and a five gallon bucket o’ primer. Well, at least my hubby got me a fresh, new roller cover for the paint roller, along with a new pole for it (that wound up being too long to use in the area I was painting so I had to do it by hand with no pole at all anyhow). Heh.
.-= Heather @ nobody-but-yourself’s last blog post is here ..Call me Marcia Brady =-.
Awwww! How sweet!
.-= Marlene’s last blog post is here ..Glass Houses =-.
Love it!!!! Happy Belated Mother’s Day!
.-= Lisa Dorsey’s last blog post is here ..You Make My Heart Sing =-.
What a sweet card! Great gifts!
.-= stacey@Havoc&Mayhem’s last blog post is here ..Monday Ramblings =-.
Sniff !
.-= Janmary, N Ireland’s last blog post is here ..Cloakroom Makeover and More Lessons Learned =-.
The flower arrangement is lovely. I clicked on the card to be better able read it. After about 5 minutes holding my laptop up to my face, I was able to make out most of it. Scrolled down only to find you’d written it out for easy viewing. That was very sweet of you. (Gah! I’m such a dork!)
Sorry about your unfortunate incident with the Pullitzer Prize material. I liked this just fine.
Cheryl’s last blog post is here ..I don't need no stinkin' Diet Coke
How sweet!
Wow, that’s SO sweet! You are like a fluffy white cloud. That child has some imagination. Steer her towards poetry! My kids say things like “There goes Mom, freaking out again!” so I guess I am not a cloud, more like a thunderstorm… ;(
Enjoy your June pedicures! hope your toenails aren’t too long to walk by then…
.-= Dee’s last blog post is here ..To Do List Anxiety =-.
Hope Jenn doesn’t read this – your family put me and our kids to shame….
Stan at Scrappers Workshop
Lovely, I will more than likely fwd this link to my family…for various reasons, none of which have to do with my “Choose Your Own Adventure” Mother’s Day celebration that I am not at all ‘piqued’ over.
.-= Maggie S.’s last blog post is here ..Invited to the Table…Afraid to Take a Chair =-.
What a great Mother’s Day. My daughter and I went for mani/pedis, too–she got purple and blue while I stuck to conventional red. And I know the pain of losing a document–words that you’ve shaped and acred about vanishing into the nowehere of the computer. But this post was great, so I don’t notice anything missing.
Stopping by from SITS
.-= kerry bakken’s last blog post is here ..Freely Forward =-.
Gotta love it when your kids go out of there way… just when you think your not appreciated.
Although I still treasure the small things made in nursery school, it’s amazing how the kids grow up and as they do, use that wonderful imagination that they inherited from you!
Happy Mother’s Day!
.-= Cindi @ Moomette’s Magnificents’s last blog post is here ..How to Publish Your Blog to Amazon’s Kindle: Guest Post =-.
Lol I love it, “fluffy like a cloud”.
I didn’t even get a card for mother’s day, let alone a gift card to a fabulous spa. Lucky!
That is so sweet. They really planned it out
.-= Robin’s last blog post is here ..Classic Chicken Soup Recipe =-.
Awwww — your kiddos are so sweet. I can’t wait for my kids to be old enough to really do their own thing for Mother’s Day.
First week of June? WOW — they must be good/popular.
.-= Rachel — Following In My Shoes’s last blog post is here ..Menu-Planning {The Healthy Way} =-.
how sweet! I’m so sorry you lost your original post. Happy Mother’s Day!
.-= Paula’s last blog post is here ..Happy Birthday to 2 of my favorite people! =-.