

I fear the good people at Nickelodeon are off their meds

For parenting blog

I recently found out that my blog is in the running to become a nominee for Best Parenting Blog in Nickelodeon’s 2010 Parents’ Picks Awards.

*thud* <———- me, falling off my chair in a state of shock










*thud* <————- everyone else, falling off their chairs in a fit of hysterics

I know! Right?

Me? Best Parenting Blog? I am flattered beyond belief and counting my lucky stars that I never blogged about the time I sent my kids out trick-or-treating multiple times one year, each time in a different costume, because I was on the second day of my period and it was cheaper to do that than to buy all up all the Milky Ways in the tri-state area.

Or about the time I was pregnant with Helena and I was out with six year old Zoe whom I dragged into the nearest church so we could receive communion multiple times over because I was out of saltines and it was either those communion wafers or blowing chunks all over earth, not to mention the fact that if I had to hear MOMMY! I’M HUNGRY! I WANNA SNACK! I’M THIRSTY! MOMMY! MOMMY! MOMMY! MOMMY! MOMMY! one more time, Helena was going to be born an only child.







*click* <———— the mass exodus from my blog of everyone I just offended. Shhhhh. If you listen carefully, you can probably hear them yelling OH MY GOODNESS, WHAT IS THE MATTER WITH YOU? LET US KNOW WHAT HELL LOOKS LIKE WHEN YOU GET THERE, YOU HEATHEN.


For parenting blog

If you’re still here … smooches! And if you click the button above and vote for my blog, I promise to never again say something as utterly ridiculous as “smooches!” But you better click sooner rather than later, before Nickelodeon comes to its senses and yanks away my spot and gives it to someone worthy, like someone who rescues puppies and sings in tune and makes homemade sauce and doesn’t hem pants with duct tape and whose children don’t brag to their friends that their mom can burp louder than anybody else’s mom or that their mom can beat the snot out of drivers in parking lots from inside her car using only her outdoor voice and lots of hand gestures.



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22 thoughts on “I fear the good people at Nickelodeon are off their meds”

  1. Avatar

    I think your nomination is totally deserved. Because the blogger that makes us laugh is way more useful than the one that gives us homemade marinara recipes. Fact.
    Plus, singing is totally overrated (that’s what American Idol is for).
    Oh and please can you upload a clip of your outdoor voice? I think I’ve mastered the hand signals, but my outdoor voice needs work. Plus there is a sanctimonious “home executive” I want to beat the snot out of.
    .-= Claire Gutschow’s last blog post is here ..You can have your cake and drop it too =-.

  2. Avatar

    I love it!

    And yes, Nickelodeon is clear of their meds…. They are NICKELODEON, after all. πŸ˜‰
    Do you not remember, “You Can’t Do That on Television”????

    Congrats! I go click now.

    .-= BlissfulBabe’s last blog post is here ..My Review =-.

  3. Avatar

    I just joined the site just so I could vote for you. I haaaaaate joining sites. But I did. For you. (Well, also for Oliver, but mostly for you. Though he’s dang cute.)

    You *must* win. It is not an honor just to be nominated.

    (Unless you don’t win, in which case? It TOTALLY is an honor just to be nominated. I’ve got a list ready of Fantabulous Folks Who’ve Never Actually Won an Oscar Despite Totally Deserving To and Having Been Nominated Beaucoup TImes all ready to go for that possibility, too.)
    .-= Heather @ nobody-but-yourself’s last blog post is here ..Mostly Wordless Wednesday… Lilac Festival =-.

  4. Avatar

    I don’t know. Being able to hem pants with duct tape is a very useful parenting skill. much more than making homemade sauce. Sauce comes in jars, there is no need to make it. But you can’t buy hemming. Hemming must be done & duct tape is fast & easy.
    .-= stacey@Havoc&Mayhem’s last blog post is here ..Monday Potluck =-.

  5. Pingback: Tweets that mention Best parenting blog? I fear the good people of Nickelodeon are off their meds | --

  6. Avatar

    Congrats to you! And ditto to Heather… I HATE joining sites. Except for recipes because us fat girls have to eat a lot πŸ™‚ So I REAAAAALLLLLY must like you. Just sayin’.

  7. Avatar

    I told ya a long time ago to get this stuff into a book! Now you have to!
    Congrats! So well deserved!
    P.S. I think I broke my tailbone when I fell off the chair πŸ˜‰
    .-= Deb Wisker’s last blog post is here .."Heeling Autism" =-.

  8. Avatar

    OH MY GOSHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! How so neat! I’m so happy for you. Ok, I’ll vote for you if you give me Oliver (just kidding-maybe).

  9. Avatar

    holy shit. You can hem pants with duct tape??? So, those pants that have been hanging in my closet for over a year and I haven’t worn them but can’t get rid of them because they just need hemmed can no be worn????

    You are the freakin’ mom of the year! πŸ™‚

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