I’m off on my very first pilgrimage.
My maiden voyage.
A journey, if you will.
To a destination filled with spiritual enlightenment.
A place of deep meditation
And reflection.
Where I will stand in the presence of greatness.
And then fall to my knees to give thanks
And pray for inner peace and eternal salvation.
Where I will find tranquility
And clarity.
And quite possibly achieve zen.

May my shoes be comfortable, my measurements be accurate and my MasterCard be limber.
22 thoughts on “If I’m not back in two days, think of me fondly”
Oh my gosh, I love IKEA! It’s a good thing I don’t live anywhere near one!!
.-= hairstyles for girls’s last blog post is here ..Ribbon Wrapped Hairstyle =-.
I love Ikea! I hope you had some meatballs! I am lucky I actually have 2 Ikea stores within 45 minutes of me. I spend at least 3 hours window shopping and 1 hour deciding what to buy!
Stopping by from Mom Dot!
oh IKEA how I wish you had one near me
.-= Kelly W’s last blog post is here ..Chinese New Year Party: Games and goody bags =-.
Well I’m lucky enough to have an Ikea about a 5 minute drive from home. Too lucky perhaps although I don’t shop there much, only through a lack of funds and not because I don’t like it. Sometimes we go there just for lunch though. Swedish meatballs and gravy to die for and about the cheapest lunch you’ll get anywhere here. So what may we ask are you shopping for? Storage, furniture, knick knacks, Swedish meatballs?
.-= Davinia’s last blog post is here ..Lucky, Lucky, Lucky…. =-.
hahahahahHAHAHHAHAHAHHALMAOOMG!!!!!!! so very, very very true!
I love love love Ikea!!!! Hope you did wonderfully there!
.-= Cheryl’s last blog post is here ..Why Hello, Strangers! =-.
eeeeeee! we don’t have one here, but every time I go to atlanta i have to visit. strangely enough, i call it Mecca too 🙂
.-= lora’s last blog post is here ..Lent: Ash Wednesday =-.
Gosh, I wish I had the appreciation for Ikea that you and some of my friends have. Each time I’ve gone there, I end up getting lost. Everything looks the same to me.
Hope you enjoyed your shopping trip!
.-= Helene’s last blog post is here ..What does ice cream have to do with sex? =-.
*LOL* I loooooooooooooove Ikea…
.-= Heather T.’s last blog post is here ..Eeek! Opening at The DigiChick! (and a freebie) =-.
LOLOL!!! that was awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!! omg I miss Ikea. I live in Tulsa now but I lived in Jersey for about 15 years…. oh man do I miss Ikea!!!! you can get a whole house for 200 bucks!! lol
awesome post!
May the meatballs be delicious and the lingenberries sweet. If you’re heading to the store in the land of my ancestors, we might pass you on the road as we head north once more……..
I so wish we had one closer than Atlanta (about 2 hours away). I’ll have to shop vicariously through you, get me something really cool, ok? We need new desks, just so you know 🙂
.-= Jenn’s last blog post is here ..Digital Scrapbookers – Size matters =-.
Oh my. I haven’t been to IKEA in years. Enjoy yourself! Enjoy for me as well!
.-= stacey@Havoc&Mayhem’s last blog post is here ..Purification =-.
I go in through the outdoor, straight to the warehouse and back out again – stopping briefly to also pick up 3 packets of frozen meatballs.
The alternative method of ikea shopping takes about 3 days and you end up coming home with 57 things you never knew you needed. (And later realise that you didn’t need 53 of them afterall.)
.-= pixielation’s last blog post is here ..The strangeness of kinders =-.
My suggestion:
1. Bring water bottles. You need to stay hydrated whilst shopping.
2. Bring snacks. You need to keep your strength up.
3. Kidnap a young, hot Swedish boy who will put together your furniture.
4. Mail young, hot Swedish boy to me.
.-= Kearsie’s last blog post is here ..Meow, and Top Three Thursday =-.
LOL! There’s an IKEA in the area we car trip to for short vacations– it always makes our list :} And it’s the kids begging to go! I simply play along and let them think we are going ‘just for them’. They are younger and get to stay at the play area while hubby and I wander in peace and quiet for a solid hour! Then we go collect them and do it all over again. It takes less than an hour the second time around ;}
You are too funny. I don’t care for Ikea. Every hotel room in russia and Kazakhstan I stayed in during my adoption journeys looked like it had been furnished form Ikea. I prefer antiques or “shabby chic” style, since I decorated my entire house from my parents’ attic. LOL
.-= Dee’s last blog post is here ..My Impressions of the News Today =-.
If a church can be defined as “a building for public worship”, then I’m worshiping right there with you! IKEA rocks…
.-= Claire Gutschow’s last blog post is here ..“Doctors are men who prescribe medicines of which they know little, to cure diseases of which they know less, in human beings of whom they know nothing” =-.
I WISH we had an IKEA. I’ve always wanted to go!
.-= Kasandria’s last blog post is here ..Freebies!! =-.
Funny, I thought you had seen it all! I’ve never gone into an Ikea — by choice. We have a bus that makes scheduled pickups in my neighborhood (and hopefully drop-backs), transporting shoppers to an IKEA store. Hope it was all you wished for…
.-= sba’s last blog post is here ..10 Tricks to Make Your Blog Posts More Attractive =-.
Oh I’ve always wanted to go to an IKEA…too bad my small town will NEVER have one…
I HEART IKEA! It is my favorite store ever!
.-= Shasta’s last blog post is here ..NOVICA ~ $50 Birthday Bash Giveaway ~ =-.