It’s Wednesday night and we’ve finished our family Thanksgiving dinner which was the very definition of awesomeosity, if awesomeosity was recognized as a bonafide word.
That was me, tooting my own horn. Because sometimes, if you want it done right, you have to do it yourself.
Nate and the girls are playing Risk in the kitchen. Oliver is snoring on my lap. My kitchen is clean, the house smells wonderful, we get to eat another Thanksgiving meal with Nate’s family tomorrow and I don’t even have to drum up any energy to even think about decorating for Christmas afterward because we did that last week. As I write this, my house is very twinkly.
And I am thankful.
Thankful for my little family.
Thankful for my twinkly house.
Thankful for stretchy pants.
Thankful for Reynolds Oven Bags. Those things kick ass.
Thankful that I’m not a turkey.
Thankful for homemade stuffing. OH.MY.GOD.
Thankful for butter.
Thankful for my Aunt VeVe with whom I got to spend an early Thanksgiving.
Thankful for my dad who continues to steadily improve from his stroke.
Thankful for my mom who continues to face challenges head on and doesn’t take shit from any of them.
Thankful that all three of them will be together for Christmas 800+ miles away in North Carolina, even though it means that for the first time ever, they won’t be with me.
Thankful that I’m not playing Risk so I don’t have to care that Nate is yelling BOOOOOOOOOM at the top of his lungs as he conquers Asia because we all know how much I love it when Nate becomes obsessed with world domination.
Thankful for online shopping whereby I scored The Blind Side for $3.99 without having to venture out on Black Friday or, for that matter, put on pants.
Thankful for readers like Dot who tell me to how to score The Blind Side for $3.99 without having to venture out on Black Friday or, for that matter, put on pants.
Thankful for all of you, every single one of you, who visit this blog. For the record, I’m currently wearing pants.
Whether tomorrow is Thanksgiving or simply another Thursday for you, I wish you a very happy day.
12 thoughts on “I’m thankful for being stuffed. Which is something I bet you’ll never hear a turkey say.”
Love you! Thank you for being my friend, I am grateful!
I’m thankful for great blogs like this to read.
And butter.
Oh, and bacon.
I am grateful and thankful that I got to reconnect with some good friends this year, especaially my friend Andy!
Thank you for writing such a fun blog for me to read. I enjoy your sense of humor and laugh at most of your tales. I’m so glad to hear Oliver is feeling better and that your house is all twinkly.. feel free to visit me in TN and make my house twinkly too! I’m too lazy sitting on my big preggo butt to do much about decorating right now! Thanks again for being such a fun read and Happy Thanksgiving to you and your awesome family!
So glad you had a good day. I’m thankful you are my Daughter in Law. My favorite Daughter In Law. Looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow!
Awww, you’re so cute Andy. Thank you for making the web a little more human every time you write!
I’m thankful for family and friends who share their love and laughter with me, and who support me through the dark times.
And for blogs like this that brighten my days with joy.
I’m so glad that your Dad is getting better.
hugs and blessings to you and your family
I’m thankful for the belly laughs you provide us with daily.
And I’m so glad I was able to help you avoid one of Dante’s circles of Hell (ie Black Friday Shopping). Have a piece of pumpkin pie for breakfast instead!
Happy Thanksgiving!
What a lovely post… I’m glad you had a wonderful Thanksgiving.
We had a terrific time with some fabulous friends and ate delicious food and laughed so much.
Wishing you a joyous holiday season!
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Yay! Butter! Strechy Pants! Lots to be thankful for lol. Glad you have a strong family