I love my former mother-in-law who continues to forward me emails that make me smile, cringe, laugh, cry, stare in amazement or wonder if she spiked her milk by accident. One of the best emails she ever sent me was over a year ago and it contained some gorgeous photos from National Geographic. When I browsed through them, they reminded me so much of my own life that I felt compelled to write a blog post about them and that post, to this day, remains one of my favorites simply because it is still an accurate depiction of my daily life.
Which is weird and scary.
The fact that the post is still relevant, I mean! Not that my life is weird and scary.
Because it’s not!
Is it? I haven’t asked around lately.
I leave you with Excuse me, do I get royalties or something? I’m off to watch the USA and Canada duke it out for the gold on Olympic ice. I’m typically not one to get all jacked up about any sport and I mean no disrespect to my Canadian brethren because I love our neighbors to the north! Their bacon is out of this world and next to Walter Cronkite, Peter Jennings was my favorite anchor and I’ll be the first to admit that the Canadian side of Niagara Falls kicks our side’s ass up, down and sideways.
When it comes to the potential for another miracle on ice?
Happy Sunday, everyone!
Excuse me, do I get royalties or something?
My former mother-in-law forwarded me an email yesterday which contained some of National Geographic’s best photos of 2008.
I have always loved my former in-laws and I have always loved National Geographic. Their photos blow my mind.
National Geographic’s photos, that is. My former mother-in-law, bless her heart, cannot take a picture without lopping off someone’s head.
And my mom is no longer allowed to touch a camera lest her grandchildren think they are descended from the Headless Horseman.
I need to keep my current mother-in-law sequestered. There needs to be one grandma in this family capable of taking photos of family members with all of their appendages attached because I simply do not have time to photoshop heads onto relatives.
So anyway, National Geographic photos blow my mind and it’s not easy to blow my mind because I experienced the seventies and eighties and nineties, which is like living through the sixties times ten. Oh, and I’m also currently raising a teenager. A female one. So yeah, blow all you want, my mind is not going anywhere.
Except when you stick a National Geographic in front of me. Because as soon as you do, watch out as my mind hightails its ass right on out the window to far away, exotic places.
I wish the rest of me could go to far away, exotic places. Cracker Barrel doesn’t count.
The photos contained in this particular email blew my mind not only for their subject matter and artistic excellence, but because they reflected so much of my own life.
So much so, that they actually scared me.
It’s not easy to scare me. Did I mention the whole seventies and eighties and nineties thing? And the whole “raising a female teenager” thing? A female teenager with hormones? And issues? And attitude?
So here I sit, wondering how National Geographic managed to sneak into my house and create a photo essay of my life without my knowledge.
Nate kisses me goodbye every morning.
I’m the smaller one.
Like I had to tell you that!
Didn’t I?
This is Nate, waiting for oodles of money to drop out of the sky so that he can go buy something, preferably off the Internet.
He thinks that I think he’s just answering emails on his laptop.
Little does he know I’m watching. These are the eyes in the back of my head. They look exactly like the eyes in the front of my head. Except bigger.
Who says you need mascara?
Not me, that’s who.
Why why why did I blink?
There he goes, out into cyberspace.
Off into that big retail nirvana that is online shopping.
Totally unsupervised.
God help me.
Excuse me while I flip out.
Because OH MY GOD, I have only to look at our $80 Chia Pets to be reminded of the damage Nate can do in mere seconds online.
I won’t even bother mentioning the numerous Wii systems he “won” online in a few moments of panicked desperation one Christmas, all for only double the MSRP.
Or the framed certificates pronouncing our daughters as owners of specific stars in the universe.
On second thought, I guess I will.
I just don’t think our poor, frazzled, worn out MasterCard can hack it.
Believe it or not, our MasterCard was once firm and shiny and vibrant and full of life.
Come to think of it, so was I.
Before I married a man who thinks buying on eBay is written in the Bill of Rights in invisible ink.
I live in fear that we are only one Chia Pet fiasco from declaring bankruptcy and relocating into the gutter down the street.
I don’t do gutters.
Maybe Nate didn’t get that memo.
For God’s sake, do you know how long I’ll have to skip shaving to grow a fur coat heavy enough to survive our winters?
At least two days.
I am simply inconsolable.
We finally get our MasterCard bill and as I hyperventilate and go into cardiac arrest, Nate tries to make nice nice.
As if.
Take your nice nice and stick it where the sun don’t shine, mister. Take your Chia pet with you.
What’s wrong?
You know what’s wrong.
No, I don’t.
Yes, you do.
I can’t help you if I don’t know what’s wrong.
If I have to tell you, then you don’t deserve to know.
That doesn’t even make sense.
So what? Leave me alone.
(Repeat 10 times)
For approximately a day or ten, I concentrate all my attention on the kids and remain aware but aloof to the Y chromosome lurking in my midst.
I am frustrated and upset.
Translation: Who ate all the goddamn cookies?
I am no longer frustrated and upset.
Translation: *burp*
And in the middle of all this hullabaloo, what do you know? Yet another raging bladder infection. Must be my birthday. Or Christmas.
Or Monday.
Can I get a WHOO HOOO anyone?
Can we talk now?
*Sigh* I guess so.
Eventually, we hug it out.
And before we know it, we’re back to ourselves again.
Just for the record, if this is ever made into a major motion picture, I call dibs on Brangelina.
25 thoughts on “Sunday regurgitation: If Brangelina splits up, I’ll need to rewrite my Oscar acceptance speech”
I missed this one first time round – hilarious!
(However I confess, while first scrolling through this post on my reader I thought – “My, Creative Junkie has taken some AMAZING photos recently!” – then I read it, the penny clicked, and I realized with relief that although you are talented you aren’t THAT talented when it comes to taking photos, so I can still be your friend …. I hope!
.-= janmary, n ireland’s last blog post is here ..Piano Lessons and St Patrick’s Day =-.
One thing you have to admire about those Nat Geo photogs-
Endless hours up to your neck in muck and gung with little food or water waiting for a moose to kiss another moose.
Glad they do it – because it won’t be me!
Stan at Scrappers Workshop
.-= Stan’s last blog post is here ..Scraplift Saturday – We’re LISTING!! =-.
omg u are hysterical. stumbled upon ur blog b/c me and the hubs have to pick out tile for some home renovs and :////// is all ill say about THAT but following u now b/c i love ur site!
.-= Candy’s last blog post is here ..Fancied up my Bloggy all By Myself
I absolutely love this post! Hysterical!
.-= Kasey @ All Things Mamma’s last blog post is here ..Grilled Salmon In Winter – What??!! =-.
Next, please do a post explaining to us teeming masses how you get that exotic eye makeuppy look, because I need all the cosmetic help I can get.
.-= Kearsie’s last blog post is here ..Keyboard Confessions =-.
Thanks for that wonderful and hilarious post. I wish I could travel to the places in National Geographic too.
.-= Katrina’s last blog post is here ..Houston Museum Of Natural Science – Faberge Exhibit =-.
loved the pics and this post made me really smile! have a good sunday
I loved the post, your style and the photos. It is absolutely a great weekend read!
.-= Jessy Troy’s last blog post is here ..Magazine Paper Photo Frame =-.
That Nate sure keeps you on your toes.
those pics are amazing!!!!
This photo essay could also be told in our house! Only (not surprisingly) I play Nate the bigger moose (or whatever that is) and instead of Ebay I spend ridiculous amounts of money “scoring” on Etsy.
Oh, and GO USA!
.-= Kate @ The Shopping Mama’s last blog post is here ..Joovy Zoom 360 Jogging Stroller Review =-.
LOVE those pictures!!! Great post
.-= Shop with Me Mama (Kim)’s last blog post is here ..Big Green Alligator By La-La Lisa Review
well, I get heads in my photos, but once I took a photo of my dd on roller skates and didn’t get her feet!!
so guess ALL grandmas have a problem with photography!!
.-= Deanna’s last blog post is here .. =-.
Awesome pics… I never get emails like that. Mine is 95% spam..blah
.-= Robin’s last blog post is here ..Hand Bound Books & Albums from Rag and Bone Bindery =-.
Fabulous post!! I absolutely loved it
And, you’re right, those of us up in Canada can claim awesomeness to many things . . . hockey included now
I missed this one. Too funny! Great photos though. How cool! Oh, and I can relate to the husband spending!!!
Would you like to re-word your thoughts on Canadians and hockey now?
Was a good game but just remember – you don’t mess with Canadians and hockey. We will win! I’m just saying!
Canadian GOLD baby!
Ever since I first read about the Chia Pet Fiasco, I can’t look at them or hear about them without giggling a little to myself. Only because it wasn’t my husband involved.
.-= Amanda’s last blog post is here ..Military Needs to Make Up Its Mind =-.
LMAO! You never cease to amaze me and make me belly laugh out loud! But for the record….I have the Moose picture in my house because Moose are my favorite animal which would make you and Nate my favorites EVER!
.-= Brittany’s last blog post is here ..Trying To Focus =-.
Wow. They are all indeed wonderful photos. These creatures just continues to amaze me. Thank you for sharing a very nice post.
I’ve seen all those National Geo photos but they’ll never be the same after your commentary!
.-= Sandy’s last blog post is here ..Is Imitation Flattery or Just Plain Copying? =-.
Your photos and words are just amazing. Wow…ok my favorite? The monkey waiting for money to fall from the sky
Lol Live Your Blog!
Will be peering back soon.
LMAO I love you and the turtle.
.-= Kasandria’s last blog post is here ..Walmart Deals, Steals, and Matchups: March 5th, 2010 =-.
Hahah. Very funny! Good story telling through pictures! I am impressed. But anyway, don’t you just love national geographic. They have the coolest pics! I just love starting at them for hours and hours.
.-= Francis’s last blog post is here ..Chef Knife Sets =-.