Can’t wait to show this to Kiddo in the morning!! You know she totally wants to move into your house, don’t you? Or, just to bring Helena and Oliver to our house on a permanent basis…
.-= Heather @ nobody-but-yourself’s last blog post is here ..How to April Fools’ prank a six year old =-.
I would most definitely pay $8.50 to watch Ollipoppers on the big screen for an hour and a half. I’m pretty sure posters and pinups of his squishy cuteness would make him more famousy than Lassie.
Well Queen Victoria would probably have said “We are not amused”, I however, think it is hilarious!
Did you note my location – I am reading your blog LIVE from Dublin.
House swapping is great – staying in a quirky converted cottage in the narrowest back street you ever did see (SERIOUSLY) in a lovely part of Georgian Dublin!
Special Agent Oliver seems to be a perfect operative when it comes to stealing hearts with great precaution. He is an absolutely handsome, gallant furry bundle of joy,. Thanks for sharing the pics. Much love for you and the Special Agent. And your captions got me rolling on the floor by the way!!!
25 thoughts on “The name’s Chamberlain. Oliver Chamberlain.”
Love it! How gorgeous!
.-= pixielation’s last blog post is here ..Banged up in Munich for being English. Probably. =-.
*giggles* What an utter cutiepie… and I love the mission impossible overtones!
.-= Heather T.’s last blog post is here ..Masked 2! =-.
lol!! A squishy and determined operative that one!!
OMG How tiny & adorable is he!
.-= stacey@Havoc&Mayhem’s last blog post is here ..Just a smoothie =-.
THAT was precious
love it!
.-= Allison’s last blog post is here ..As if I needed another reason =-.
Can’t wait to show this to Kiddo in the morning!! You know she totally wants to move into your house, don’t you? Or, just to bring Helena and Oliver to our house on a permanent basis…
.-= Heather @ nobody-but-yourself’s last blog post is here ..How to April Fools’ prank a six year old =-.
.-= Anne’s last blog post is here ..Dollar Store Birds =-.
Lol! Awesome! ;D
.-= Rose’s last blog post is here ..April fools? =-.
That was hilarious, great imagination!
lmao……… funny and adorable. what a cutie pie. and how did you GET HIM to DO that. and squish opotimus. snort.
Hahahahahahahahaha (gasp for breath) heeheeheeheehee (dry eyes and repeat)! What a wicked cute pup!!!!
Aww! Love it! His cuteness would take down anyone.
.-= Joanna’s last blog post is here ..All Kinds Of Randomness =-.
He is too cute.
.-= Tracy’s last blog post is here ..I received my swap mini today!!!!! =-.
AWESOME! Loved this. I so need one of those little guys and LOVE the name Oliver.
.-= Mads Mom’s last blog post is here ..Less Words Wednesday: I may leave you speechless, or Vignette anyone? =-.
I would most definitely pay $8.50 to watch Ollipoppers on the big screen for an hour and a half. I’m pretty sure posters and pinups of his squishy cuteness would make him more famousy than Lassie.
He is so cute!! Really enjoyed it!
.-= Couponpickers’s last blog post is here ..Crafter Coupons – Michaels, AC Moore =-.
Well Queen Victoria would probably have said “We are not amused”, I however, think it is hilarious!
Did you note my location – I am reading your blog LIVE from Dublin.
House swapping is great – staying in a quirky converted cottage in the narrowest back street you ever did see (SERIOUSLY) in a lovely part of Georgian Dublin!
He is so cute!
Aren’t puppies the best? Who would ever think that one small ball of fur with legs would be so entertaining? Keep the puppy pictures coming.
Third from the bottom picture is the best = “will you please put that camera away and let me get out of here!”
Stan at Scrappers Workshop
.-= Stan’s last blog post is here ..Foto Friday – Dude, Your Memory Card is Locked =-.
That puppy is just so adorable-how have you not eaten her up yet?
That puppy is just so adorable-how have you not eaten him up yet?
Oy, is he cute, but I bet you dread the day when he becomes to big or inflexible to get himself out form under there.
.-= feefifoto’s last blog post is here ..If April Showers Bring May Flowers, What Do Mayflowers Bring? =-.
WOW! That is one squishable dog! Too cute.
.-= Suebob’s last blog post is here ..The Layoff Chronicles Part 74: Job Search =-.
Special Agent Oliver seems to be a perfect operative when it comes to stealing hearts with great precaution. He is an absolutely handsome, gallant furry bundle of joy,. Thanks for sharing the pics. Much love for you and the Special Agent. And your captions got me rolling on the floor by the way!!!