

This year’s cookie mix jars – who knew OCD tendencies could taste so good?

Last week I posted that I woke up crafty one morning and made some personalized hand sanitizer bottles for teacher gifts.

I woke up crafty quite a few mornings this month because I also made thirteen cookie mix jars.

As a side note, I think my husband secretly likes it when I wake up crafty because that means I’m actually excited about something and it’s morning and I’m in bed. Half the work is already done for him.

I made cookie mix jars last year too but this year, I was more color coordinated. And much more anal retentive.

Cookie mix jars are probably not the best gift to make if you are prone to OCD tendencies because truth be told, the whole process is messy and lopsided.

Just like me!

Which is weird, don’t you think? I mean, you would think that someone who likes to fold her towels with a straight edge and who, after running over a pothole with her left tire, will immediately run over another with her right to establish equilibrium, wouldn’t be messy or lopsided, right? But I drive around in an eleven year old Honda with nine month old bird poo on the window and my left boob is bigger than my right.

God has a weird sense of humor sometimes.

Or I’m just an enigma!

I tried out a couple different recipes and just so you know, it was all in the name of science and had nothing to do with it being the week before my period. I wound up using a recipe from the Launder, Fold, Repeat blog because biting into the twelfth first cookie was pretty much like Christmas in my mouth.

Here’s the recipe:

  • 1/3 cup granulated sugar
  • 1/3 cup packed brown sugar
  • 3/4 cup all purpose flour
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1/8 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1/8 teaspoon salt
  • 1 cup quick cooking oats
  • 1 cup Craisins
  • 1 cup white chocolate chips
  • Recipient will need to add 1/2 cup butter (melted), 1 egg lightly beaten and 1 teaspoon vanilla. Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Pour cookie mix into large bowl and stir to combine. Beat in the butter, egg and vanilla. Cover and refrigerate thirty minutes. Drop by tablespoonfuls onto ungreased cookie sheet. Bake 8-10 minutes or until slightly browned. Cool and enjoy!

As Zoe and I layered the ingredients, we quickly discovered two things: (1) A rolled up piece of paper in the mouth of the jar worked just as well, if not better, than our plastic funnel because it was more flexible and it wasn’t covered in dog saliva and hidden under the couch with Oliver and his stash of seventeen left gloves and three pair of dirty underwear; and (2)  it was a lot easier to line up the ingredients in assembly line fashion and have one person constantly ask “You added the sugar? Are you sure? How about the baking powder? You didn’t just add the baking soda twice? Because they look exactly the same. You know that, right? So, you’re absolutely sure it was baking powder? SWEAR TO GOD ON THE LIVES OF MY FUTURE GRANDCHILDREN” and have the other respond “Please tell me I’m adopted.”

At one point, I had to take a turkey baster, a piece of cardboard and my glue gun and unleash my inner McGyver all over them to construct a device that we could use to pack down each layer to ensure everything would fit snugly into the jar.

I never felt so resourceful in all my life! And that’s coming from someone who once defrosted a chuck roast with nothing but her armpit, a butane lighter and sheer will.

This is where cookie mix jars and OCD tendencies do not mesh.

Because apparently, the Internet could not care less about middle-aged, uptight, premenopausal, lopsided women who make Christmas gifts while wearing aqua yoga pants from the eighties cinched at the waist with safety pins. Nowhere online could I find miniature levels that could be inserted into canning jars to ensure that all layers of ingredients were at precisely 180 degrees and parallel to one another.


My jeans were dirty. Stop being judgy.

WARNING: The following previews have been rated TWITCHY! MY EYE IS TWITCHY! and should not be viewed by people who octuple check the alarm on their clocks, organize their cheese according to color and height, or who are prone to anaphylaxis and do not have epi pens readily available.

I don’t add the swatch of material at the top of the jar under the lid like most people do because that looks a little too homespunny for me and I’m about the farthest thing from homespun you can find because I don’t live in a little house on a prairie nor do my kids call me Ma and the last thing I churned was a stream of profanity when I discovered last week that the Whiskey River BBQ Chicken Wrap sandwich at Red Robin has 62 grams of fat in it.


Instead, I like to just plop pretty bows on top of the jars and call it a day.


I also attached a tag with curling ribbon to each jar.

I didn’t like how the tag looked when it was attached directly to the ribbon because hello? Have we met? So I used a jump ring instead. I happened to have a bunch of them on hand and I liked the way they allowed the tags to hang neatly and gently alongside the jars instead of sticking out at a 43.7934 degree angle.

Hello. I’m Andrea and I like protractors.

These are the tags I designed in Photoshop, printed out, trimmed and mounted onto red cardstock:


I used the Peace on Earth kit from Sweet Shoppe Designs. Three years later and a few thousand smidges to the left, nudges to right and teensy-weensies in all sorts of different directions, I was done.

Smidges, nudges and teensy-weensies are the lot in life for those with OCD tendencies. It’s a burden but we manage.

By the way, would you mind inching over to the left a teensy-weensy? You are not viewing this in the absolute center of your monitor. Don’t ask me how I know. I just do. Even from way over here.

And here are the finished jars!

All in all, I’d have to say I’m pretty happy with them.




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42 thoughts on “This year’s cookie mix jars – who knew OCD tendencies could taste so good?”

  1. Avatar

    The look delicious and I love your recipe cards! Eva is one of my very favorite designers & about 3 pages of my Christmas album this year feature that kit!

    I did wonder how people packed the ingredients enough to have them all fit in the jar. That was my downfall when I tried to do it a couple years ago.

  2. Avatar

    I laughed so hard at this because i do quadruple check my alarm clock and it did almost give me a panic attack when I saw that lone white chocolate chip, dear god I need to find a paper bag to breathe into….

    but truly… they look lovely

    <3 Sarah

  3. Avatar

    I really enjoy your blog. You do all the work for me. I feel like I’ve made awesome gifts and I didn’t have to lift a finger. <3

  4. Avatar

    Um, Andrea? I know we really don’t know each other all that well. But can I just be frank? Your post is quite alarming. Not that I’m worried about YOU and your ocd PROBLEM. But really, you must know that most of your readers read your blog because they share the same problem? And now you and your pictures are putting all of us in danger of being sent to a funny farm! And if the pictures weren’t bad enough, you actually had to POINT OUT the offending pieces of white chocolate, craisins (which are delish, by the way), and flour/baking soda/baking powder (or double baking soda or powder) to all of us? AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! ;o) I feel slightly shaky. . .

  5. Avatar

    How exactly did you know I was leaning?!?!? Trust me I was really leaning as I almost peed my pants reading this entry!!! Thanks for making my day!
    Merry, Merry to you and yours!

  6. Avatar

    Oh for shit’s sake just photoshop the stray bits out of your photos and hand out the jars already so you don’t have to endure any more trauma! (and destroy the original jpgs so they’ll be no more evidence!)

  7. Avatar

    Maybe now that my boy’s bar mitzvah is over (OVER!!! OVER I TELL ‘YA!!!!!) I will wake up all crafty one morning too!

    The cookie jars look very yummy! I got one of those from one of my little girls last year, but she forgot to give me the recipe. I asked the mom for the recipe so I could make it, but she kept forgetting and forgetting. Since I don’t like looking a gift horse in the mouth and I had no idea what to add, I just ate the chocolate chips & butterscotch chips out of it & threw away the rest.

  8. Avatar

    hee hee, so this is my first visit (one of my team linked you on our tumblr today) and i just have to say i giggled right out loud about the errant layers. i made about 15 jars like this (based on a bakerella recipe) and i thought i might actually have to dump two of them out and start over with new ingredients-to hell with the fact that i’d have to pick through to salvage the specialty gold m&ms i used for university of wyoming cookie mixes–until i finally talked myself off that ledge. and made sure the stupid chocolate chip that’s all up in the sugar could be turned to the back. package it up and move it on its way!
    : )

    1. Avatar

      I’m sorry, Sheila – I totally forgot to take a photo of the finished cookies. I would have needed a super fast lens though because they lasted about 2.9 seconds on my kitchen counter before they were inhaled.

      (not just by me, either. in case you were wondering.)

  9. Avatar

    Couldn’t resist..

    Are you sure you put the baking soda in…


    It does look a lot like sugar…

    Really sure??

    Or maybe you did double the baking soda and forget the salt – they really look a lot alike…

    Which one?

    Gotta ya worrying yet?

    Beautiful photos and such thoughtful gifts!

    Stan at Scrappers Workshop

  10. Avatar

    Oh Andy. I just love you! I was laughing so hard! Of course, I usually do laugh pretty heartily every time I read your posts, but these photos… had me tearing up at the corner of my eyes from laughing so hard.

    Love all of these ideas!

  11. Avatar

    Just lovin’ you so very, very much right now! LOL!

    The jars are absolutely beautiful! I know, I know…but to me, card-carrying member of the OCD-light crowd, truly, they are!

    Wishing you the best of the season,

  12. Avatar

    These look professional. Kudos to you for going crazy while making them; that’s what Christmas is all about, huh?! I like my gifts for neighbors to look like they were done by a spastic 3 year old. This works for me. It emphasizes the idea I am NOT crafty, never have been, and they ought to just be happy to get more than a Christmas card. We are giving Snowman Soup mix this year. My aunt gave us some last year and we liked it.

  13. Avatar

    Holy crap…I love you. Thanks for the laughs this morning. Me and my girls are making these today. 🙂

    Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  14. Avatar

    La la love how you used my kit for the labels and recipe cards. They look absolutely stunning! I love to see customers using my designs for hybrid crafts. I am soooo not crafty… so I have to live vicariously through others (like you). Thanks for sharing! 🙂

  15. Pingback: Things I Fell In Love With Today » Blog Archive » (Actually way more than) 5 [Budget Christmas DIY Gifts] Friday

  16. Avatar

    You are a joy and a delight!! I enjoy people with a sense of humor and you really are my kind of gal.
    Thank you so much for the receipe and the laughs.
    People who laugh and smile a lot live longer. You should be around for a long time!
    Thanks again.

  17. Pingback: Delicious Homemade Desserts in a Jar | IE Family Blogs

  18. Avatar

    My God lady! I don’t know what is better. The idea or your since of humor! I absolutely love this your sight. I’m sharing it right now!!!

  19. Avatar

    Thank you for all the hints and eye twitches I have read yet. It is awesome when people don’t take themselves too serious. Thank you for the Ideas and the laugh. 🙂

    P.S. I will be making these very soon, like today soon. lol

  20. Avatar
    Kathy R Salimeno

    Hi! Your cookie recipe is awesome! I received the jar at my cousins bridal shower as a take home favor! How cool was that!
    Since I shared the cookies with friends, now they have been asking me for the recipe!
    Thanks a bunch! I love your fun personality with a little hint of quirkiness! A great combination! My kind of gal! 🙂 Kathy Salimeno 🙂 🙂 🙂

  21. Avatar

    you are hilarious and will understand my pain when I discovered my wedding service referred to our exit song as “beach boys – gold only knows”. I wanted to sue them for having to re-do the entire day.

  22. Avatar

    Hi! Just came across your site while on the look out for cookie mixes in a jar…..and well, here I am! After reading your post, I just HAD to comment on your self proclaimed “OCD” issues with how the jars turned out, which by the way Im in no position to judge because I would feel the EXACT same way!! Haha Although your jars look great to me, I know I would totally find myself saying all the things you said, thought, felt etc
    With that said, will be following your directions and may come knocking on your blog door haha with questions…or rants! Haha

  23. Avatar

    I have made several of these pretty jars as gifts but no one has mentioned how good the cookies are after baking them. Maybe I should have tried them myself first?

  24. Avatar

    Here it is all these years after you posted this and since I am the age I am, I DID pee my pants laughing! Lol I’ve been making Cookies and Meals in a jar for quite some time and found you as well as your recipe delightful! I’m going to go check out more of your posts and would like to adopt your awesome sense of rumor! Can I have your permission to repost your recipe, with a link of course? Also, if you put an oxygen absorber or use a Foodsaver to seal your jars they’ll last double the lifetime of your raisins. At least mine do. (Not that they last that long in my house! Lol) Hugz:) and thanks

  25. Avatar
    Birgit Sola-Gross

    You’re the most hilarious person to follow….and you make great recipes 🙂
    Thank you for making my day(s)!

  26. Avatar

    I discovered this recipe, made it, and everyone RAVED about these cookies! I’ve made many to give away at Christmas….thanks for a killer cookie recipe!

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