

What do you get when you cross a princess with a junkie? Why, a *GIVEAWAY* of course!

You know how it is when you’re petite, savvy, unbearably cute and disgustingly talented? With great fashion sense?

Me neither.

I used to be petite and unbearably cute but then they took my umbilical cord away, slapped a diaper on me and it all went downhill from there.

And I don’t think I’ve ever been savvy, unless it was by accident.

But you know who is petite, savvy, unbearably cute and disgustingly talented with great fashion sense?


Princess Lasertron.

She lives in Omaha.

Not to be confused with Princess Leia who lives in a galaxy far far away. As far as I know, Princess Lasertron does not wear jumbo ear muffs made out of her own locks nor a gold lamé bikini. And even if she does, that’s her business, right? And I’ll just mind my own.

I like your hair, Princess Lasertron. And your necklace.


And when I say she’s got great fashion sense, I am SO not kidding. These are her shoes, people.

Can you say OH MY GOD seventy times fast while hyperventilating and drooling? I just did and I feel great, albeit slightly dizzy. Bet I would have felt a whole lot better if I had worn these shoes.

Princess Lasertron is a creative spirit, an entrepreneur, a designer, a blogger, a supporter of other local Omaha crafters and the walking personification of quirky adorable.

Is there such a thing?


Why, yes there is. See what I mean? This is one of her wedding photos. I mean, seriously? Could she be any sweeter?

Could he be any taller?

Could they be any more perfect together?

By the way, it was her boyfriend who dubbed her Princess Lasertron. She loved the nickname so much, she asked him to marry her and he said YOU BET and they’re still living happily ever after.

Do you know the last time I proposed anything to Nate?

Neither does he.

Unless hey, how about re-painting the laundry room counts?

I didn’t think so.

Do you want to know what Princess Lasertron does?

She’s a designer with a business here.

And she spreads around gobs of happy happy happy for 150+ brides a year by harnessing all that creativity bouncing around inside that talented head of hers and then cuts it and sews it and buttons it and wraps it until it comes out looks something like this:


I am in love with this bouquet and will gladly marry it. It’s delicate and classy and sophisticated.

Just like me!

Except for the delicate and the classy part.

Fine. And the sophisticated part.




I am, just looking at this one. I’m assuming this was a fall themed wedding. Then again, I’m wrong more often than not. But luckily, Nate remains clueless about this little idiosyncrasy of mine.

Ignorance is bliss, that’s my motto.



I adore this one. I’m partial to lots of cream with little *pops* of color all over it. This explains why I’ve decided to keep my entire skin and not give it away to the Salvation Army.



These little bundles of happy can be calm and poetic, announcing your presence to your beloved with a softly whispered I can’t wait to start anew with you.



Or they can burst at the seams with barely contained excitement and shout HOT DAMN, LET’S GET HITCHED!

And the thing is, these flowers will last forever. You’re not spending money on something that is going to wilt and emit a funky odor within three hours, causing guests to look at you funny and hastily spritz you with perfume when you’re not looking.

These bouquets are going to last a long, long time. There will no browning, shriveling or dying or scrambling around trying to make potpourri before it gets sucked up in a Dyson.



Display it on your mantel. Or on your bookshelf. Or simply make someone hold it in your foyer 24/7. Hey, how about your kids? Isn’t that what they’re for? That, and taking out the garbage?


Wow. Please keep it to yourself then and don’t spoil it for the rest of us. Thank you.



Nate, will you marry me all over again?

Because I want a bouquet like this.



And then I want to look like her while I hold it. Minus the tattoo because I’m a big, fat BAWK BAWK chicken when it comes to pain unless you give me lots of drugs in which case, I’m all over the pain! Bring it on baby!




We interrupt this post for an important message.These gorgeous flowers do not have to be used exclusively as wedding bouquets. This is a message from your emergency broadcast system.


Think outside the box. I know, I know. It can be scary and difficult. I, for one, always keep a box cutter and an oxygen tank handy whenever I attempt to do this myself.

But think about it. Why can’t you decorate your home with these? For holidays or parties or just because. That’s my favorite excuse for doing anything, like chasing after Anderson Cooper even though he’s proving to be very elusive.

Do you know how much my girls would love to have these flowers in their bedrooms? They are currently cleaning their bedrooms. THAT’S how much.

I would actually like to order a bunch and place them all around my house in vases and bowls and keep the eyes of my guests diverted from my gray carpets that were cream once upon a long time ago.


How cute would this be in that crystal vase your mother got you but you never use because the last time your husband got you flowers, you were busy giving birth?

And Princess Lasertron does not limit herself to brides, just so you know.

She also makes hair bows and headbands for little girls.



<thud> <———– That’s me, fainting from the sheer cuteness of it all. I’d like to plaster these all over Helena’s little head.



This is a headband. Doesn’t it make you want to gobble up a Granny Smith apple? Or ten?







Look at these composition notebook covers she just started offering. Helena tried to jump into my monitor and abscond with this one but I yanked her back by her ankles.

She’s got really sturdy ankles.



Lather, rinse, repeat.

By the way, one of Princess Lasertron’s dreams is to appear on The Martha Stewart Show. And it could really happen. It’s an actual living and breathing possibility, not just one of those delusions some people have after downing six shots of vodka.

Not that I would know.

If you’ve got nothing else to do today, go vote for her projects here: Martha Stewart. Aside from the fact that she totally deserves to be on the show, I’m secretly hoping she makes it just to see her stand next to Martha so I can see the difference in their height. Yes, I know. I’m shallow. I lost my depth at about the same time I lost my waist.

Here’s the big news: Did you know that Princess Lasertron offers bouquet kits, a sort of do-it-yourself kind of thing but she does it all for you? Now, those of us who run screaming from bathing suits and thusly, don’t swim in creative gene pools, can make our very own bouquets and use them for a wedding or home decor or just to have a fun project when your kids say WE’RE BORED, THERE’S NOTHING TO DO three seconds after they wake up.

They’re called Princess Lasertron Felt Flower Bouquet Kits and they can be custom ordered via email at in any color scheme you want. Personally, I want one for every single color and hue thereof on earth, but that’s just me. I tend to be a little obsessive.

These kits sell for $130 and come in funky boxes filled with lovely things such as hand-cut felt wool pieces, lots and lots of vintage buttons, embroidery floss, needles, pearl headed pins, satin ribbon and a bunch of other necessities as well as a few surprises. I love surprises! Except for the time I turned forty and hadn’t showered and was braless and twenty people showed up at my house and yelled SURPRISE in my face. Then, not so much.

Oh, and the kits come with detailed instructions! Perfect for those of us who do not have a “Y” chromosome and will actually read them. All you need to bring to the table is your own imagination and a pair of scissors. For those of you like me, please allot three additional hours to desperately search for one of the seven pair of scissors you own because you also happen to own a nine year old who is practicing to be a crafter and a hoarder simultaneously.

These kits make it so much easier to be creative like Princess Lasertron and they’re so much faster than standing around, waiting impatiently to just be her when we grow up, don’t you think?


Just because. That why.

Let’s get on with it, shall we?

Up for grabs:


One Princess Lasertron Felt Flower Bouquet Kit valued at $130.

Looky looky:


Go right ahead and shriek a SQEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

I just did!


This is the color scheme of the bouquet kit up for grabs. Can you say cool and refreshing? And get me some ice cold lemonade while you’re at it?

After you find your scissors and stare and faint at all the goodness you’ve won, you’ll soon whip up a snazzy gorgeous 10″ bouquet! Or, you can keep the individual stems separate and use each one however you want! And then you can sit back and bask in the awesome creative gloriousness that is YOU. Stick a stem behind your ear and then order a pizza for dinner. When your husband gets home, tell him that you are too exhausted from being awesome and creative and glorious to make anything else, let alone dinner.

How cute of a project would this be for your daughter? Little sister? Niece? Granddaughter? You know that little 9 year old scissor hoarding imp I mentioned earlier? She was all over me because she wants this kit so badly and when I told her that she couldn’t win it because it wouldn’t be fair, she promptly packed her suitcase and is currently walking down the driveway in search of a new mom who is not a blogger and who did not mess up her chance to be awesome, creative and glorious. And her fifteen year old sister is right behind her, telling her to wait up.

OK … here’s the scoop:

  • To enter, leave a comment in this post, telling me the last time you felt glorious. I’ll start. Two days ago, I found a gorgeous top at Kohls. It fit me without my having to relocate my boobs and it was on sale. And I had a coupon and Kohl’s cash. Oh yeah, that’s what I’m talking about!
  • If anyone has a spare life, I’ll take it. I obviously need to get one.
  • Anyone 18 or older can enter, even if you’re living in a swamp in the Amazon. Knock yourself out! You probably need it.
  • No entries after 5:00 pm eastern time on Sunday, August 9, because I will most likely have stopped feeling glorious by then and will simply feel bloated.
  • You know the drill. Randommmmmmmmmmmm.
  • Your comment will show up, please be patient. Please don’t enter more than once! It makes me grumpy. I’ll already be bloated, please don’t add to my misery.
  • I’ll announce the winner on Monday!

That’s it! Good luck!

Who said the best thing to come out of Omaha was steak?




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450 thoughts on “What do you get when you cross a princess with a junkie? Why, a *GIVEAWAY* of course!”

  1. Avatar

    To hell with neices or little sisters- this has MY name written all over it. I think the last time I managed to feel glorious was about two days ago, when Johnny came marching my way and I still managed to shower, shave, apply eyeliner and be all perfumed when the honey came home from work- depsite being bloated to the size of MT Rushmore. And it didn’t hurt he told me I was super sexy either. I was feeling pretty accomplished that day. Oh, and I managed to make stew and didn’t burn anything in my new electric stove. Go. ME.

  2. Avatar

    Glorious? That’s not a term I know intimately!
    I felt like I was in heaven while we were in Cabo San Lucas (husband had a convention and spouses got to come along! 🙂 ). Middle of February and our hometown is experiencing minus windchill and snow, but I am basking in the sun, sipping Miami Vices (oh my goodness!) without a care in the world.

    Oops – guess that was quite glorious!!

    So cool that you featured Princess Lasertron’s gorgeous felt flower bouquets. I absolutely love them and her cool blog, too.

  3. Avatar

    So can I get a wedding do over because I so wish I had had one of those! Let’s see the last time I felt really glorious was about a month ago when I went through my closet to get rid of all the stuff that was mocking me after I had son #2 and found out that I fit back into my old jeans. You know the ones. The ones that make your butt look good, hide your tummy bludge and yet some how don’t squeeze too much so you can still breathe. It made my day!

  4. Avatar

    Could anyone possibly have any better advertiser than you? I didn’t think so. These bouquets make me feel so old, though… *lol* I’m not entering, as I can’t remember the last time I felt glorious–but you sure did a glorious job making her look GREAT!

  5. Avatar

    Wow these are amaaaaazing! The last time I felt glorious was on Monday before I started getting sick… and I’m sure I will feel supremely glorious as soon as the rest of this crud moves out of my body and somewhere else!!!

  6. Avatar

    Those who know me are aware I don’t do the whole flower thing….BUT for this I could make an exception….in that I’d give it to an awesome friend who DOES SO do the flower thing! My most glorious moment of late was just a couple of hours ago, munching on a delectable Chicken Caeser Salad, a glass (or 2!) of red wine, in the company of four fabulous girlfriends for a lunch we do every couple of months. It’s important! It’s to commemorate a wonderful friend who died in December of last year (only 49!). So we sit and gas-bag about all the funny things she used to do and keep her alive in our hearts and memories. Now is that not glorious or what!!!!!!!!!

  7. Avatar

    Oh my gosh…what an awesome giveaway! The last time I felt glorious was actually last night. I attended a symposium for some fellow classmates who were presenting their senior research papers. We all went out afterwards to a local eatery/bar and had the patio reserved for our group. We shared some laughs, had great drinks and food and just an overall celebratory evening. And get this (FOR REAL) during the presentations, each student was wearing a boutonnière. I kept thinking to myself, “when my group presents their projects next year, I want boutonnières made by Princess Lasertron!!” So it was funny to come home and see this giveaway! (Must be kismet, right?!)

  8. Avatar

    Last time I felt glorious was the day before yesterday, when my beloved friend came home from a long trip! We had the best evening together!

  9. Avatar

    Ooh me! Please! I love Princess Lasertron 😀 owning one of these is a bit of a dream of mine, particularly as I am dead broke, so the giveaway is particularly inspiring.
    Last time I felt glorious was a couple of weeks ago, when the man-person and I went away for our third anniversary, and we walked into the little cottage we’d rented (it’s winter where we are and FREEZING) and there was a roaring fire already going and they’d left out port and posh chocolates for us on our arrival… and I hadn’t been on a holiday in seemingly forever, and walking into this beautiful cottage and seeing it all luxurious … ahhh it was glorious indeed.

  10. Avatar

    THe last time I felt glorious was 3 days ago when my boyfriend sent me a super romantic text message proclaiming his plans for our lives together.

    I love Megan’s work! She is the greatest artist.

  11. Avatar

    I am always so excited when I see Princess Lasertron stuff, it makes me smile. The last time I felt glorious was the other day when I woke up and my new kitten was cuddled up beside me and my fiancee was fast asleep and they both looked totally gorgeous! I felt so happy and content, the sort of moment you wish could last forever. Its makes me happy just thinking about it now 🙂

  12. Avatar

    Hmm, I last felt *glorious* 17 days ago when I gave birth to my son, Milo. What an momentous achievement, what a gorgeous baby, what pain and suffering, what a piercing shriek when he entered the world!! Is there any more glorious moment in a woman’s life than giving birth? Ha, I don’t think so. I felt like “King of the World.” Except, in a female, Queen-like fashion, obviously. I felt happy to lay back with a cup of tea, a slice of toast and bask in the glory of creating a little person 🙂

    Much love x

  13. Avatar

    These look like flowers even I could keep from wilting:) The last time I felt glorious must be last week when I finally found the perfect dress for my little brother’s wedding that fits to a t, is electric blue (my fav color) and manages to make me not look like a dowdy old lady (which can happen to us Moms from time to time). Found your blog through Two Peas and just bookmarked! Great giveaway…

  14. Avatar

    wow I have got to have a go at this.
    Last time I felt glorious was a few weeks ago when I got to have a nice hot shower, without either of the kids.
    It’s winter here and we have solar hot (hah) water so I often end up with the 4yo or the baby in with my just to so we can all have some heat before it runs out.

  15. Avatar

    I got to feel glorious yesterday (which is awesome, because today I went back to feeling exhausted and grumpy and weepy and generally unglorious). Yesterday I got to wear the most beautiful shoes in the world. I kid you not. See:
    Beautiful shoes will do a lot to make you feel glorious. So will Princess Lasertron bouquets, and I want this one so much. Please! Pretty pretty please! Pretty, pretty please oh rulers of!

  16. Avatar

    Over 18 (no doubt about it!) and I SO want to WIN this.

    Last felt glorious – at my 40th birthday party – outfit, hair, makeup, my best friends, a warm evening, fairy lights in the garden, and lots of candles everywhere (not just on the cake!!)

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  18. Avatar

    The most recent glorious time was not connected with fashion. It was last night, after eating a bowl of homemade vanilla ice cream, combined with White Chocolate Mousse Yogurt–over crushed homemade brownies, topped with real whipped cream, chocolate and caramel sauces, and a few crushed pecans. Yes, decadent. Yes, fat and calories, but for once…..a little grace please.
    Carol R

  19. Avatar

    Oh beautiful and nice give away. I just love seeing Princess Laserton’s creations. The last time I felt glorious was when I ordered my marble for my kitchen remodel. The floors are going in on Monday so I am still not cooking, so winning the give away would give me something to do while I can’t do for my family.

  20. Avatar

    what a fabulous write up!! That alone equals subscribing to your sire from here on in. Anywho, the last time I felt glorious was the day I got back my sexy boudoir shots and my mother cried good tears. Telling me how beautiful I was. Lisa Mark Photography can make any lady feel glorious 🙂

  21. Avatar

    Hmmm, glorious…. I think I’d have to go with our last vacation at the beach. Sitting there watching the kiddos play in the sand, chasing waves, collecting shells without a care in the world. Yep, that’s glorious.

    I hope I win! Those bouquets are so cute! Thanks for the contest.

  22. Avatar

    Ooh, the last time I felt fabulous was yesterday. Our household has been celebrating “No-Money-August” and spending on nothing but groceries, gas, and bills. Not even hair cuts, or copy paper is making the cut. Well the first week has been painful, but yesterday I fount about an extra $1K in our checking account. FAB.U.LOUS! And just the motivation I need to make it through the rest of the month!

  23. Avatar

    princess lasertron is awesome! i’d be so happy to win!

    the last time i felt glorious…hmm…. last week when i picked up my ten month old baby boy and he gave me a kiss! i’ve been trying to teach him how to give a little kiss all summer. he’s so sweet.

  24. Avatar

    Glorious? The last time I felt glorious??? When I was creating a layout that was totally, obviously way out of my comfort zone…I had friends cheering me on, I was clicking on all cylinders (NO comments from the peanut gallery!) and the layout turned out beautifully!

  25. Avatar

    Oooo…. I love these kits! Just looking at them makes me feel glorious! (Is that cheating?) Seriously, though, the last time I technically felt glorious was when I was on vacation and enjoyed a long, long overdue dinner out with my husband, overlooking the waters of Lake Michigan, right up until the bill came. 🙂

  26. Avatar

    Hmmm, SAHM here and not a ton of glorious feeling days or outings lately. Just living in my schlumpadinka clothes here hoping someone will offer up free babysitting services so I can get groceries by myself. Seriously though, my glorious moment was when my two year son said, “Mom I like you. You are my best friend.” Oh melt my heart, I was feeling glorious!

  27. Avatar

    ok, i have recently found your blog and i have to admit – your humor brings a smile to my face! when have i felt glorious???? i too, enjoy a good bargain. i shop target for clearance deals – it is especially sweet when something is say 75%-90% off and then I have a coupon for it as well. Who cares if I don’t need another 50 boxes of kleenex – when they are almost free you just can’t pass that up!

  28. Avatar

    drooling over all the yumminess…AND those hot pink shoes!!!! The last time I felt glorious I was slipping on a pair of HIGH Steve Madden’s for a dinner date with my girlz….

  29. Avatar

    What a great post today girl. So pretty and inspiring. Well, I want to get in the “pick me” line so…last time I felt glorious was out on beautiful Keuka Lake in the Finger Lakes in Upstate NY. Unbelievably sunny and warm day. Lucky me, tied up to a flotilla of 25 boats at a bikini contest. Now, the best part is the contest is for girls 25 years old and younger (of which I have not been a part of for about….gulp…20 years) and happily the boyz on our boat told both my friend and me we looked better and sexier in our bikinis than the girls in the competition. Of course they had enjoyed a few beers before they told everyone within shouting distance, but that doesn’t count does it? Felt glorious for the rest of the weekend. So, c’mon random…I love all things random and bizzare, so pick me please!

  30. Avatar

    The last time I felt glorious was Wednesday night… and well, most of yesterday. Why? Because my sweet boyfriend proposed and I said yes! And lest you think I’m some starry-eyed young thing, I’ll just let you know I’m closer to 50 than 40. And wouldn’t those flowers be put to their best use at my upcoming nuptuials? I thought you’d agree.

  31. Avatar

    I just love your blog. This is my first time ever visiting. I {heart} your creations with all that felt!!!! I love stitching, all that detail…just beautiful! Thanks for the giveaway too.

    Okay, to answer your question…when was the last time I felt “glorious”…probably last Saturday b/c I got a couple hours to myself (no kids or hubby around) and got my hair done. Nothing drastic or “pink” (okay, maybe a tad pink) like last time, but it was nice to get away for 2 hours and be pampered. Love the feeling after I’m done and walking to the car. 🙂

    Good luck to everyone!

  32. Avatar

    Last time i felt glorious was when i bought a new bikini that is black and white polka dot, halter neck, in a 1050’s style that made me feel like a pin up. then i realised i have no travel plans to anywhere i’ll wear it and i live in rainy old england!

  33. Avatar

    The last time I felt glorious was when I found my wedding dress and realized that it is a marvel of engineering that will allow me to go braless (I’m a 34H) without terrifying everyone at the wedding. The dress is awesome, I can’t wait for it to come in and get fitted so it’s perfect! My wedding is in October and I’ve been drooling over Princess Lasertron’s stuff for weeks now. I’ve even purchased some felt and pretty thread and buttons to try to recreate something Lasertron inspired at home on my own, but I just know that it won’t be any near as amazing as something from the Princess herself.

  34. Avatar

    I felt glorious last night at my bridal tea party. My girlfriends all got together and made tea, cucumber sandwiches, scones, etc…it was beautiful. I felt so completely loved. My wedding is in October and I would ADORE a PL bouquet!

  35. Avatar

    Wow, the last time I felt glorious? That’s a really, really hard question.

    It was this morning, when I woke up at 7:15am, with my alarm going off and my fiance going to work, and I realized I could go back to sleep for two hours because I am off today.

    That was glorious and the first time I’ve felt unstressed all week.

  36. Avatar

    Yay! Princess Lasertron! She’s making my bouquet for my Halloween wedding this year, I can’t wait!

    Last time I felt glorious was last night, eating a deep fried mars bar for the first time. Yes. Deep fried mars bar. With vanilla ice cream. It was orgasm in a plate. Mmmmmmmm….

  37. Avatar

    The last time I felt glorious was when my bf came home from work and offered to make me whatever I wanted for dinner. I’ve been unemployed for months and have absorbed pretty much all of the household chores as a result, so it was really nice to have him volunteer to help and pamper me for once! 😀

  38. Avatar

    I love following her blog – I want to know where to find all of the amazing crytal/rhinestone buttons she seems to have in all of her bouquets!

  39. Avatar

    I felt glorious the other night after I had gotten dressed to meet my friends to see a production of ‘The Melville Boys’. I was wearing that silver necklace, the one I save for special occasions, and just the right amount of eyeliner to make my eyes pop, but not to scream HELLO I AM EYELINER WOULD YOU LIKE TO MEET MY FRIEND GLOPPY MASCARA? I was flirty. I was sexy. I was sassy. I winked at myself in the mirror. Then I put on my big stupid raincoat and walked to the theatre, knowing that even if a downpour ruined my makeup I would still be glorious and awesome.

  40. Avatar

    If I win this is all MINE, yes MINE, if I get my hands on anything Princess Lasertron I can guarantee to you I’m not going to be nice and share, I’m going to run away with it, drool over it, then fondle everything gently, and then put it all together.

    The last moment I felt glorious is when I got accepted to paramedic school, I wasn’t even a licensed EMT yet and I beat out others that had years of experience. I start Monday.

  41. Avatar

    First of all, I must point out how I refrained from even turning on my computer until after 8:30 so I wouldn’t suffer the same fate as your last giveaway and wind up as Commenter the First, aka She Who Will *Never* Be Chosen by the Gods.


    Secondly? My standards for “glorious” are, sadly, quite low. If I’m being perfectly honest-n-truthful, the last time I felt glorious was yesterday morning, when I was faced with that thing of beauty and wonder, sitting before me on my breakfast plate: a Wegmans Cinnamon Streusel Friedcake.

    I know. I know. I told you “low standards” now didn’t I? You’ll have to excuse them for being particularly low this week, but I’ve been hit with a double whammy, part one consisting of a massive allergy attack following my lawnmowing escapades of Monday afternoon, which resulted in two subsequent days of red, watery eyes, red, stuffed up, Rudolph-would-be-jealous nose and a permanent fog from massive doses of antihistamines that would only clear for a few brief seconds during “damn, I think I actually just sneezed my nose off” sneezing spells. Whammy Part Deux came the day before yesterday, when, coming off the heels of my allergy attack, I was at the gym and pulled something in my lower back. Well, okay, fine, I actually began to pull the something in the shower before going to the gym, when I dropped my little scrubby bath puff thingy and had to BEND ALL THE WAY OVER to retrieve it from the shower floor and my back said “BEND ALL THE WAY OVER? WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE? SOMEONE YOUNG AND LIMBER? HAHAHAHAHAHA!” and twanged ominously. But, since hurting oneself at the gym at least sounds like one isn’t utterly pathetic and my back did twang ominously again while stepping down off the elliptical machine, I’m going with that. Annnnnnyhow, however it began, I pulled something in quite a painful way two days ago, and it got progressively worse as yesterday wore on, so I’ve been hobbling around slowly and heavily, all hunched over, for the past 24 hours, cursing myself for choosing to put the ibuprofen (along with all the other medicine-type things) waaaaaaay up on the top shelf of the medicine cabinet so Kiddo can’t get to them because, as I’m presently about 2/3 of my height, I can’t reach them either. Kiddo has proved useful in other ways, though, such as fetching me icepacks from the freezer…

    So, yes, anyhow, I am not having the most glorious of weeks. And besides, if we are being honest here, isn’t a Wegmans cinnamon streusel friedcake a thing of glory regardless of the circumstances?

    Oh heck, forget I just said all of that above. Let me try again:

    I recently felt most glorious when George Clooney whisked me away for a ride through the Italian countryside surrounding his vacation villa on the back of his motorcycle. Don’t believe me? Wait, I’ve got pictures to prove it (lucky to have the paparazzi around)…. look here: (That’s my pseudonym they used in the story. And my pseudobody, too.)

    Okay, enough. I’m actually going to proofread this before I hit submit for a change. You’re welcome. 😀

  42. Avatar

    The last time I felt glorious was at a my friends’ wedding in my princess lasertron pink felt flower headband and my favorite black maxidress! dancing all night is the best!

  43. Avatar

    Hmm….Last time I felt glorious was when I tried out my new mascara and it didn’t irritate my eyes like every other one has. It just made me so happy. Now I can wear mascara and not look like I am high on something.

  44. Avatar

    To be honest it has been to long since I felt glorious…until yesterday. I found out all my test result from the doc and found I do have a brain and yes it is healthy…no signs of a terrible disease (which was suspected). So yesterday and everyday forward is going to be a glorious day because I escaped a death sentance. Now we still don’t know what the heck is wrong with me but it could just be I’m a put together a little differntly than the next person :).
    Loved your story….I have followed her for a long time now and will be spending time with her oh so talented self at the Silver Bella in Omaha. How fun is that. I assume that it will be another glorious day 🙂
    Take care

  45. Avatar

    I love her bouquets!!

    The last time I felt glorious was last weekend doing normal boring errands with my fiance and stumbling on the coolest strip of stores- there was an indie craft store, indie REMOTE CONTROL joint, indie comic book store, indie LEATHERCRAFT haha the list goes on. I love having adventures in the middle of what should be really boring!

  46. Avatar

    The hell with the posies, I want those purple shoes. But I’ll settle for the posies.

    I felt glorious last night after surviving that first killer yoga class. It was the first baby step toward regaining control over my exploding and expanding waistline.

  47. Avatar

    OMGOSH….you are too stinking funny!!!! This is my first visit-I was brought to you thru Silver Bella blog and I HAVE to go read more…I have laughed my head off from this one post, maybe my rear will be the next to go, haha.
    I would love to win this kits o please, please pick me!!!

  48. Avatar

    I read the Princess’ blog and would oh so love my very own bouquet!
    The last time I felt glorious – probably a couple days ago when I came home after a not-so-great day at work. My husband and daughter had iced tea and pool lounges ready. Floating, iced tea, cannon balls, BBQ! What a summer afternoon together.

  49. Avatar
    Christine Praechter

    The last time I felt glorious was yesterday…I bought my wedding dress and I am marrying the most wonderful man!

  50. Avatar

    I {heart} princess lasertron. I religiously stalk her blog just to see the colors that she is using in her latest creations. She is so very inspiring!

    The last time I felt glorious was Tuesday when I left my dear sweet husband to fend for himself with the monsters. I got an iced chai latte, rolled down all the windows in my car and sang along to “Leaving on a Jetplane” as loud as I possibly could as I soared down the interstate heading absolutely nowhere. It was good for my soul and I felt glorious.

    Have a wonderful Friday! 🙂

  51. Avatar

    For three summers I’ve worked at Interlochen Center for the Arts as Production Assistant in the Junior campers (age 8-12) theatre department. I’ve loved every minute of it, but as this summer came to a close, I knew I couldn’t spend a summer up there in glorious northwest Michigan with so little pay. I found out about an opening in the Faculty at the beginning of the summer, but doubted I had much of a chance of getting the position. So, three days ago, I stopped by the dept head’s office and expressed an interest in the position. After a short conversation, he OFFERED ME THE JOB! Of course, I took it! I managed to keep it together until I left his office….then ran down the hallway, trying to find someone to tell! It was amazing!! I squealed, jumped up and down, and generally felt absolutely glorious!

  52. Avatar

    It has been a while since I have felt glorious. I think the last time was at my cousins wedding in may….yeah that long! Hopefully I will change that soon though because I am getting married in 2 weeks…ahh. Can’t wait!

  53. Avatar

    I love her stuff, and her blog makes me smile. 🙂 I showed the bouquet to my husband and said that if we ever do a real wedding, that I wanted one of those (we got married at the Justice of the Peace before he deployed).

    I felt glorious a few days ago when I got into a XL shirt – hey,it’s been a long time coming since I had the lapband put in a year ago. 🙂

  54. Avatar

    I always feel glorious after the first sip of a regular Coke – so I guess that was yesterday.

    It came after a parent/teacher conference, 2 1/2 weeks before school starts, so goodness knows I needed it. 😀

  55. Avatar

    the last time I felt glorious? When I got my hair cut 2 days ago. I love getting my hair cut, it makes me feel all shiney and new… and even a little glorious! These bouquets are absolutely fantastic and I am contemplating have one for my bouquet for my wedding!

  56. Avatar

    Hm … the last time I really felt glorious was my wedding, about a month ago! I have never experienced such an emotional high before, it was amazing!

  57. Avatar

    OMG!! She is so talented!! I better not tell my hubby that I want to get remarried for the freaking boutique. He would be like a valley girl reply, “Like no, no way”. If you haven’t read my blog in the last few days. You’ll see why.

  58. Avatar

    I just loooove your blog. I came over to visit on a tip from the Princess herself (Lasertron not Liea, that is). Your blog is great…you are a riot!! I felt glorious when I got up this morning….good night’s sleep (no snoring husband, bed hogging dog or noctural roaming kids), then I read this blog and felt even better!!!! And, Princess Lasertron’s creatuions are to DIE FOR. I hope to see her on Martha too!!!

  59. Avatar

    the last time i felt glorious was 2 weeks ago when i was up in muskoka (in ontario, Canada) and was swimming in the lake. feeling the water surround me. no summer is complete without a true dip in a canadian lake.


  60. Avatar

    What a lovely wedding bouquet that would make for my middle son’s partner, she would love it! Those two are also the ones who gave me the most recent glorious moment, a couple of weeks ago, when their beautiful little daughter Grace was christened. It was in a beautiful very old church on a glorious day, with so many friends and family attending and a glorious gettogether after the baptism. A truly glorious day.

  61. Avatar

    I love those flowers!
    I felt glorious yesterday, when my boyfriend said he was taking me to the special all-you-can-eat night at my favorite sushi restaurant on Saturday. I should ask him to marry me over a giant plate of sea creatures.

  62. Avatar

    Can I have a re-do even though my wedding was 16 yrs ago?

    My last, albeit fleeting, glorious moment was on Wednesday, in ballet class (yes, I take ballet class for adults) when I finally caught on to the petite allegro combination!

  63. Avatar

    To set the scene, I was on a family vaca with our 3 tween girls…we were staying in a hotel with 5 tween boy baseball teams, my girls were getting harder and harder to keep track of (probably because they were playing spin the cell phone behind the stairs!) and I left my husband ‘in charge’ and got a pedicure at the hotel spa. My feet were soft, my toes beautiful. I loved that moment so much I cannot bring myself to take the polish off and it was a month ago!
    LOVE PL work and especially that she is doing it from Omaha! Keep up the fab work!

  64. Avatar

    Love your blog! The bouquets are fabulous. Glorious? Not in my everyday vocabulary. I have 2 small boys, a husband, a male dog, and a male cat. I’m surrounded by testosterone. I think the last time I felt glorious was when my best friend and I treated each other to a good mani-pedi, followed by a movie and then coffee after. It was lovely!

  65. Avatar

    I LOVE Princess Lasertron.

    While I couldn’t possibly look as cute as she does, the last time I felt truly glorious was this weekend. I was trying on vintage prom dresses at a thrift shop. I popped out of the change room in a sparkly pink poufy number and a grin from ear to ear. My boyfriend gave me a look that said “you are the craziest girl I’ve ever met, and I love you”.
    Now I’m smiling just thinking about it.

  66. Avatar

    I love this question! The last time I felt glorious was about two and a half hours ago. Yup, just two and half hours ago, I had hair dye on my head, and was idly shaving my legs, listening to The Dead Weather too loudly and drinking soda. Sound stupid? I guess it probably is. But the fact that I could afford to dye my hair, buy a new album, and buy razors to shave my legs is actually sort of a big deal, what with my student wage pretty much leaving me on the poverty line. But I saved a little and decided to splash out with personal hygenie and rock ‘n roll, and it felt awesome. I actually still kinda feel glorious, with my bright red hair, smooth legs and Jack White-infused brain.

  67. Avatar

    These are so unbelievably awesome!

    The last time I felt glorious….hmmm…oh, I know! Last Saturday, my kids slept over at their Grammy’s, the husband left early to go fishing, and I got to sleep in until 9:00! For the first time in…well, my oldest is 3 1/2, so about 4 years! It was amazing…

  68. Avatar

    THANK YOU for introducing me to Princess Lasertron! I like to think she’s the me I would be if I were childless… and cute…. and talented!
    Last time I felt glorious? When I lost 30 lbs, (before most of it came back and jumped me in a dark alley – I swear I never even saw it coming) and tried on a pair of pants that hadn’t fit since the day I bought them in a fit of optimism… and they fit!!
    Thanks for doing the contest, Andy, great idea! And I voted for her!

  69. Avatar

    The last time I felt glorious was a couple of days ago when my husband said some super sweet things. I love Princess Lasertron’s blog. It’s the first one I look at in the morning.

  70. Avatar

    What a great post! I was brought over here from Princess Lasertron’s blog (which I absolutely love), and I love your style of writing.

    Hmm.. a glorious moment, eh? I would have to say it was a few weeks ago when I went to the outlets and found THE rehearsal dress. It’s the most sought out dress, which retails for $400. They had 3 dresses, all of which were tiny. I tried it on, and I felt like a princess. It fit in all the right spots, and even complimented my barely there boobage. I felt super glamorous, and even the price was right at a discounted 77% off. Oh.. I didn’t actually buy it, but trying it on was worth the experience.

    Thanks for the amazing giveaway! I love Princess Lasertron like many do, and I am in awe of her talent. Thanks!

  71. Avatar

    Glorious? Maybe when I got to go to the bathroom without being interrupted by a child, pet or husband? Patheti, I know….but I take what I can get 🙂

  72. Avatar

    No question, hands down, the last time I felt truly, absolutely glorious was on June 20th when I said I do! My dress was glorious, my man was glorious, my friends & family were glorious. Wow, I felt great!

  73. Avatar

    Love this! I so admire out-there people who are so very talented! I like to hope that my thinking is totally out of the box…not quite as wonderful as Princess Lasertron! But now she has given me something to aspire to. When did I last feel GORGEOUS? Hmmm, definitely a couple weeks ago when I was in the dressing room of a local consignment shop and I was wearing (and eventually purchased) a pair of Talbot capris for $9.00. The same ones I saw in their catalog for $48.00! What was the chance I would walk in that shop the very morning someone brought them in because she didn’t like the way they fit. And that they would be MY size, and the color I would have chosen…for $9 freakin’ dollars! Yup, GORGEOUS!

  74. Avatar

    The last time I felt glorious…. probably last weekend when I had a mom’s weekend away and I had a long dinner without cutting up anyone else’s food!

    P.S. I am pretty sure the best thing to come out of omaha was my husband 😀

  75. Avatar

    The last time I felt glorious was when my husband took my toddler with him on a trip to the cabin for a night. It was delightful to watch actual television at the actual time it was on, instead of on the DVR. And I didn’t have to eat Spaghetti-Os…but I did. 😉

  76. Avatar

    I love these flowers. The last time I felt glorious was last week, swimming in the water off of Cozumel. I felt like a voluptuous graceful mermaid instead of an overweight, middle-aged mom of two.

  77. Avatar

    Okay I have been dreamingof one of these for years!!!!! okay maybe not years but I need one:)
    The last time I felt glorious or whatever, hmmmm, I think would be when I gave birth to my little guy and he smiled at me. i was swelled up, tired, had two crummy pig tails, but I had to most wonderful boy in my arms.

  78. Avatar

    First off, you.are.funny. Like giggle at my desk since I can way too easily follow your line of thinking funny. So my employees think I’m crazy…but really, what’s new?

    The last time I felt glorious…was Tuesday. It was just one of those “gosh I look good” days. I wore a new brown old navy t-shirt, my jeans were on day 2 meaning they fit exactly perfectly right and the orange ballet flats I got to wear on my wedding day. My wedding isn’t until November but until then I’m wearing the hell out of those shoes. I just feel so….glorious (!) each time I do.

  79. Avatar

    A Princess Lasertron kit has been on my “I NEEEEED” list since they came out. Last time I felt glorious was Wednesday on a date with my honey. Thanks!!!

  80. Avatar

    The last time was yesterday when I gave my sister a birthday present. She was really happy and it was great ^^
    And about this giveaway: Fantastic!
    Thanks a lot!!!

  81. Avatar

    Winning this kit would certainly make me feel glorious!!

    The last time I felt glorious, was last weekend. Went away with some friends, was surrounded by size 2’s (which I Soooooooooo am not) but my fiancee only had eyes for me. It was so nice to feel so loved and just bask in it.

    Have a great weekend!

  82. Avatar

    I love Princess Lasserton’s bouquets. I’ve got to remember to talk my niece into having them for her bridal party.

  83. Avatar

    I’m really starting to feel glorious this morning…yeah babeee…this is the absolute first day in over three weeks that I have not had a headache!


  84. Avatar

    I love Princess Lasserton!!!

    The last time I felt glorious: Last night. My fiance and I had an At Home Date Night. I dressed up, put on make up (very rare for me these days), made Fettuccine Alfredo, opened a bottle of wine, and put some Sinatra on the stereo. No tv, no computer, no phones, and no wedding talk. We ended the night with a boat ride that started at dusk. We got to watch the moon rise over the lake. It was very magical, romantic, and glorious!

  85. Avatar

    Wow, this is beyond cute and a very generous give-away! We did something similar for my wedding. My mom crocheted my flowers and interspersed them in with the real ones. I still have them 20 years later.

    I felt glorious about a month ago when my parents watched my kids & I woke up that morning and realized I could stay in bed all day if I wanted.

  86. Avatar

    Hmm the last time I felt glorious was definitely yesterday. It was 70 degrees (SO rare for where I live in August, it’s usually closer to 100) with a light breeze and I spent my hour lunch break laying in the grass, enjoying the sunshine. Then I took the kids outside (I work with infants at a child development center) and we went an an hour long buggy ride. It felt glorious to be outside, enjoying nature and the beautiful weather. It’s the simple things, you know? 🙂

  87. Avatar

    MY heart be still I would love this….
    Not for daughters, nieces or granddaughters but for
    Me the mom, aunt and Grand me (was what my granddaughter use to call me when she was two).
    And happily, I would sew my fingers to the bone…

    The last time I felt glorious was just the other day. My dh reached over to me and gently touched my cheek
    and said I love you…. We said our I do’s more than 38 years ago however, he can still make me feel like a young bride.

  88. Avatar

    The last time I felt glorious was last weekend when my daughter came to my sewing room to ask what I was doing. I explained I was making things for my business and she sounded exasperated and said “why do you make so much business stuff. Just make me some clothes I love them, and you haven’t even started on my back to school dress yet”. It was the best feeling to know that my almost 8yo still loves mamamade clothes. So I immediately started on her back to school dress. 🙂

  89. Avatar

    The last time I felt glorious was when I had a pedicure – did you know they have massage chairs at the spa?

    LOVE this bouquet kit – I have the perfect place to put the finished project too!

  90. Avatar

    the last time i felt glorious?

    can it be glorious with hilariosity? because then the last time i felt that was about a week or so ago. my boyfriend got humped by a cow.

    yeah, it was pretty amazing.

    oh, and the other day i got free pops via the state of ohio’s busted pop machine. nice, eh?

    and yeah. that’s all the gloriousness i got.


  91. Avatar

    The last time I felt glorious is easy…..last week! My 10 yr old flew on a plane alone to camp this summer!! I was ecstatic when I picked her up at the airport after 9 days!!!!

  92. Avatar

    Glorious….the last time I felt like that was when I was uber relaxed receiving a hot stone massage at the spa. Seriously, I melted. All of the stress just disappeared. Absolutely glorious 🙂

  93. Avatar

    The last time I felt glorious was yesterday, when I got home from work early, got into my pjs, grabbed a frozen snickers bar, and started re-watching LOST, starting at season 1 🙂

  94. Avatar

    Love the Lasertron!!!

    I last felt glorious when I got my eyebrows threaded for the first time last night. I’ve never done brows this thin before, but WOW I have browbones!

    Thanks for setting up this contest and learning about your blog – I just moved into a house and would LOVE a Lasertron bouquet to decorate with!

  95. Avatar

    The last time I felt glorious was this morning cuddling on the couch with my kids. I don’t have many days left home with them before heading back to the classroom when school starts so I’m really trying to soak in as much snuggle time with my children because by next summer, they’ll be so much bigger, older, different, and they may not value snuggling nearly as much.

    What an awesome give-away!

  96. Avatar

    This is the greatest thing I have ever seen. Let’s see – last time I felt glorious was 3 weeks ago when my Jill and I did a secret, sexy photo shoot for a mysterious surprise Christmas present, and I was wearing nothing but a red, white, and blue bunting.

  97. Avatar

    Well, I don’t know about feeling glorious, but I was pretty darn thrilled when the first swimsuit I tried on at Kohls this summer actually didn’t make me look too bad. (And it also was on sale 🙂 ) I had promised my daughter that I would get into the water at her pool party, so I needed to get a suit to do that since I have not worn one in several years … I HATE swimsuits!! Well, I would absolutely love, love, love one of Princess Lasertron’s kits. They are to die for.

    Have a great weekend!

  98. Avatar
    Susan in Colorado

    I felt ‘glorious’ yesterday.. I scored a Chico green suade jacket at the thrift store to wear in the fall time. I LOVE it.. Green with black Egypt type writing on it.. not to busy looking.. just right. THEN found some brown shoes that I knew I needed but wasn’t looking for. I was SO happy with my purchases and spent less than $20 on five or six items….

    PS.. Love Princess Lasertron.. follow her blog almost daily. She is a cutie pie and her wedding pictures are ADORABLE.. you don’t have to sell me on her.. 🙂

  99. Avatar

    The last time I felt glorious? Oh heck, I have no idea….I want to say my wedding but that was 15 years ago and it was planned by my mother and I looked like a poster child for the early 90’s complete with pepto bismal pink clad friends so that clearly wasn’t it….besides I ended up having to ditch the hubby awhile ago but that’s not what you were asking anyways….Maybe it was when a friend flew in from across the country just to take me out for dinner for my birthday because my birthday hadn’t been celebrated in oh 15 years but then my ex ruined that moment for me so that wasn’t it….Maybe it was when I was in NYC last month with my girls getting all dressed up to go to the theater but then again I was hot, swollen and was retaining water and was just 2 days out from a rather painful medical procedure so that wasn’t it either….hmmm….you’ve got me here….I think I need to win this so I can definitively say that the last time I felt glorious was when I won an amazing felt flower kit from Princess Lasertron and the Creative Junkie!!! Ya, that’s it!! Pick me Random Generator, pick me!!! Please, for the love of all that is holy – pick me!! Yes, I’m that in need of a glorious moment that I am begging a random number picker to pick me!

  100. Avatar

    The last time I felt glorious was when I found the perfect white summer capris that I’ve been looking for for months and I only had to pay $9.00 for them.

  101. Avatar

    I am drooling, yes drooling…lol
    Oh how beautiful, would just luv to have this little beauty.
    The last time I felt glorious was on Monday when I jumped on the bathroom scale and realized I have lost 17 pounds and have gone down two, yes two pant sizes. Oh life is good….
    Enjoyed your blog immensely.

  102. Avatar

    Love the bouquets! I felt glorious when I got to hold my friends brand new baby girl, oh the smell of such purity!

  103. Avatar

    Such a great post! I love your presentation and those shoes would NEVER come in my size (12 ). 🙁

    glorious? I am having a hard time on this one, but i would probably describe how i felt 6 weeks ago after an hour long massage as glorious! Now I need to figure out how to finagle one of those bad boys each week 🙂

  104. Avatar

    Oh man, I so want this!!! I love the bouquets and would marry my sometimes, uncooperating husband again to buy them. The last time I felt glorious, hmmm, I figured out my bra size the other day, no more overflow. Gotta love those moments!!!

    This is my first time commenting on your blog. I have to say I love, I lol every time I read it, thanks for the laughs!!

  105. Avatar

    I feel absolutely glorious YESTERDAY but not because it was my BIRTHDAY – – Just about every year I happen to feel glorious on my birthday because my mom, my philosopher, my friends, and my family are so creative and amazing! I’ve gotta admit – – the glorious-ness is still lingering. After all, birthdays are worthy of week long celebrations and I feel up to it… although my very own Princess Lasertron bouquet kit would bump me up to the next degree — extra-super-amazingly-glorious!

  106. Avatar

    The last time I felt glorious? Hmmm, let me think a moment.


    oh, I know. I was having a particularly bad day. My sister came over to cheer me up.
    We went to Ruby’s for a diet vanilla coke.
    We stopped at See’s for some delicious chocolate.
    We had mani’s and pedi’s
    We went ot dinner.
    Then to top off a fabulous afternoon and early evening, we went to the movies for a double feature and laughed so hard our tummies hurt.

    It really was glorious!:)

  107. Avatar

    The last time I felt glorious my 3yo daughter climbed into bed with me, grabbed my face with her little hands and told me I was the most beautiful Mommy in the world.

    It was probably one of the most glorious things anyoe could ever do, but coming form her made it even better.

  108. Avatar

    The last time I felt glorious was this morning as I took my first sip of morning coffee. Oooohhh, that very first sip tastes sooooooooooooooo good! It is what motivates me to get my rear in gear at the crack of dawn .

  109. Avatar

    Haha, your post made me laugh:) I love Princess Lasertron’s creativity and therefore this excites me so! The last time i felt glorious was…at my grad party because my bf went all out buying blow up monkeys and palm trees and other cutsie things – oh, not to mention the fact that i finally graduated! 🙂

  110. Avatar

    The last time I felt glorious was November 26th 2008. I didn’t realize it was going to be the last time then. If I had known I definitely would have celebrated.

    Man, this girl is t-a-l-e-n-t-e-d !

  111. Avatar

    I wouldn’t give this to someone! I would have a creative blast with a kit like this!

    Last time I felt glorious was watching a movie with my husband. We were in the theatre, he was holding me tight and it just made me feel so so loved and well, GLORIOUS!

  112. Avatar

    Well, I had to think about it, but it had to do with finding 3 cute shirts at H&M clearanced out at $3 a piece. Going into the dressing room (usually yuck time!) and finding out they fit nicely and I bought them. Three cute shirts, $3 each was bliss. Did I forget to mention my MIL was watching the kids? Yay!

  113. Avatar

    I adore Princess Lasertron’s creations. As the mom to 3 boys (and the only female in the house besides the cat), I’d love to win this awesome giveaway because I need a little girly in my life. The last time I felt glorious was on Wednesday when I wore a summer dress that I made myself that fit perfectly and was an awesome shade of bright turquoise. Even though it was cold & wet outside & I had to wear a blazer over top, I felt pretty all day.

    Thanks for hosting the giveaway!

  114. Avatar

    i love drooling over princess lasertron’s bouquets.

    the last time that i felt glorious was a year ago. i have a gorgeous sun dress to wear to sil’s wedding. love the dress. have only worn it to one place, but i go into to my room whenever i need a fix and put the dress on.

  115. Avatar

    Just stumbled on your blog and I must say I LOVE it! You are one funny lady. The last time I felt glorious was in 1978 when I finally got my pink satin shiny jacket. I rocked the roller rink.

  116. Avatar

    I LOVE Princess Lasertron! I’m hoping to use her bouquets and accessories in my wedding next June, but … what could be better than winning a bouquet kit!? Can you say “bridesmaids bouquets?”
    The last time I felt glorious was probably just yesterday when I realized that, over the past week, I’ve biked over 20 miles to and from work. It was AWESOME to notice how fit I’m becoming while also saving money (no car payment, thank you very much) and helping dear old mother earth. All while living and working in Los Angeles. Ahhh!

  117. Avatar

    This blog is too cute and too timely…I actually felt glorious this morning as I was leaving for work my husband told me how great I looked and then said “Wait” (As he took a step back and gave me a once over) “I want to take it all in for a minute”. I really needed that.

  118. Avatar

    the last time i felt glorious was last weekend. i finally got a fun part in a show (“A Midsummer Night’s Dream…a 50’s musical version!!) that fits me perfectly. being back onstage is AMAZING and i get to do it all over again this weekend, starting tonight. did i mention that my cast/crew are all glorious, too? 🙂

  119. Avatar

    Oh I love these bouquets!

    It’s such a coincidence about the word glorious- I just thought to myself how glorious a morning we are having since it’s been raining forever and it’s finally bright and sunny.
    I felt particularly glorious recently when I found out how much money I saved w/ Geico… ok, ok, just kidding-
    honestly, this past weekend I was telling my mom how I found these clasps that hold the bra straps back so they won’t show with certain shirts, they improve the bust and most importantly help with posture. I’ve got terrible posture. A little while later she mentioned how much they are helping with my posture – I haven’t tried them at all yet- I’ve just improved that much by remembering at work – sit up straight! Since it was something she always nagged me about and since she noticed it later that made me feel great.

  120. Avatar

    The last time I felt glorious was when my boyfriend Matthew proposed. This was a month ago, and I have been feeling pretty glorious ever since. Not that you need a man to make you feel like way, but you might need a diamond. I kid. But it does feel great to be secure in love and look forward to happily ever after with my boy and our rabbit, Harpo. She will finally be a legitimate child. And since I am slightly addicted to Princess Lasertron’s blog and bouquets it would be great to win this prize. Then I can try and make one myself for my wedding day (my colors are blue and white with pops of pink, so this works!) and if I mess it up, I still have time to email Meg and beg her to make a better one

  121. Avatar

    Well, the last time I felt glorious was when my 2 1/2 year old told me I was “boo-tiful”. I don’t usually feel “boo-tiful” taking care of little boys but he made my day that day!!!!

  122. Avatar

    The last time I felt glorious… hmm… when I had to go shopping for new clothes for school (headed back for the MBA!) and I got 4 tops, a suit jacket and a great pair of earrings on sale with a coupon for 50% off. And then… when I started school on Monday wearing some of said clothes and I didn’t feel overwhelmed and intimidated by the rest of the students in my class. That was definitely glorious.

  123. Avatar

    Every time I see Princess Lasertron (Megan) and all her glorious creations, I wish I’d never left Omaha–I’d love to meet her and chat with her and see her art in person. Winning one of her kits would be the next best thing!

    My daughter is just a few years younger than Megan and she recently celebrated her 23rd birthday. I felt glorious when we took her out to dinner the night before to celebrate and we listened to her talk excitedly about her plans for her last year of college, and what she’d like to do after graduation–her chosen career path and maybe grad school. It’s so exciting to see what a wonderful young woman she’s become and all the possibilities that lie ahead for her. That day, twenty three years earlier, I held her for the first time and imagined what the future would hold (for both of us) and prayed that being a first-time mom I wouldn’t make too many mistakes, that she’d be healthy and happy and have a good life; she is, she does and I’m so proud of her!

  124. Avatar

    This is my first visit to your blog and I’m literally rolling over with laughter…rolling!!! Yes please, enter me for this fabulous giveaway…
    thanks so much!

  125. Avatar

    I feel glorious every day! Life is wonderful and has so much to offer!!! I felt overly glorious last Sunday at a family get together. I had my new heart shaped glasses on, a funky flower in my hair, a tight t-shirt and short short shorts on and got comment after comment on how unbelievably good I looked (I’ve lost some weight ;)) How glorious is that?! And that day my little puppy proved his love for me by being a good boy and listening and following me everywhere and looking at me like I’m a goddess and just the best thing to ever happen to him 😉 That was a super glorious day!!!

    princess lasertron rocks!!! i’ve tried to copy her style but nothing compares!!! her creativity is amazing! yay!!!

  126. Avatar

    The last time I felt glorious was about 4 hours ago when I stepped on the scale and I’d lost another 2 lbs!! That makes 5 lbs in 2 weeks!! I’ve lost a total of 56 lbs over the last 7 months and am well on my way to losing another 25 before the end of the year!! 😀 😀 😀

  127. Avatar

    Those bouquets are to-die-for gorgeous!!!! I wish I had seen them 6 years ago when I got married! The last time I felt glorious was last week when I got ready for my son’s first birthday party and wore some heels with clothes that I owned before I got pregnant!!!! Even my husband commented on how cute I looked. However, I would feel glorious if I won the bouquet and could look at it every day!!!!

  128. Avatar

    The last time I felt glorious was two weeks ago when I went shopping for a new wardrobe. I’ll be student teaching in the fall and until my shopping adventure, didn’t have any professional clothing. I bought so many cute things, now I have a professional wardrobe I can be proud of. I’m typically a fan of wearing lots of black, but I branched out and bought lots and lots of color for the first time in years. I feel so great in all the things I bought, truly glorious.

  129. Avatar

    Glorious? Seriously, it’s been a while. I should try to work on that. My 26th birthday is coming up at the end of October and I *think* my boyfriend has something big planned. I think I’ll make it a goal of mine to feel glorious that day. That is a great idea.

  130. Avatar

    last time i felt glorious.. mmmm i cannot remember when. Was it when I found the perfect bench for my back yard and the price was right? Was it when i found a new pair of jeans and without trying them on bought them and they fit..
    no, it was when my boys hugged me… or the grandchildren give me hugs.. that is it! cool kit, man i hope i win.

  131. Avatar

    I don’t stand a chance, but the last time I felt glorious was last night. I’m talking to a sweet new guy and I get to meet him next week. I fell asleep smiling for the first time since, well, since I don’t know when and THAT is a glorious feeling. Plus, I’ve decided I either have to get married or have some other sort of over-the-top party so I can wear a hot dress and carry a bouquet made by Princess Lasertron.

  132. Avatar

    Oh I love her stuff!! I drool over it on her website on a very regular basis! And yup, she does seem like the sweetest thing.. Fellow 2P chick here 😉

    The last time for me was yesterday! Spent a couple hours filling out loads of paperwork, and mailed off everything to go back to school!!! Yahoooooo! I’m so excited & proud of myself!

    Thanks for an awesome giveaway!!

  133. Avatar

    I felt glorious 2 weeks ago after getting my two tone hair-do cut and colored. I felt like a new person. My hair got fried over a year ago and I haven’t been able to do anything to it since. Thanks to my fabulous NEW hairdresser (fired the old) for making me feel glorious!!!! (that is a great word, by the way!)

  134. Avatar

    loved the pictures, loved the post…this is such a beautiful idea.
    My husband loves me and kids hug me even if my hair is all sticking up and I stink from working so I feel beautiful in that way.

  135. Avatar

    I actually feel glorious right now!! I just got married 3 weeks ago today and I finally got my name changed. And after 2 long hours waiting at the DMV, I have my new license with my brand new name! Simply glorious! =)

  136. Avatar

    I felt glorious this morning while looking at page after page of cute things at! I’ve done nothing else but view cuteness this morning!

  137. Avatar

    I love Princess Lasertrons work! I have been following her blog for months now and everything she comes up with is fabulous! I also bought one of her flower wrist coursages (not sure if that is spelled right!) but use it as a headband for my hair! It is so cute and I get a ton of compliments everytime I wear it!

    The last time I felt glorious was tuesday morning. I was getting ready to go to the gym and decided maybe I would weigh myself to get inspiraton for a good work-out. The best part was I found out I had lost 5 pounds in the last month!!! To reward myself I bought a new outfit (I work at a clothing store so I got a discount on it besides!)

  138. Avatar

    I felt glorious last night when I was riding my BEAUTIFUL daisy cruiser as fast as I could pedal and felt like I was flying. I LOVE my bike and I LOVE the felt boquets.

  139. Avatar
    Rebecca Richardson

    I adore those colours and would have a perfect little studio space in which to sew and bring those flowers to life! I adore all of what Megan makes, and is so giving of ‘herself’.

    I think the last time I felt glorious was when I finally had my visa approved and flew back to United States to spend forever with my fiance. Just seeing him at the airport, waiting for me gave me such a wonderful rush. There’s nothing like the amazing hugs and kisses he gives me to feel a million dollars!

    Thanks heaps for the giveaway! 🙂

  140. Avatar

    I love Princess Lasertron! I would love to win this kit! The last time I felt glorious was when I found out I was pregnant with my second child! :0)

  141. Avatar

    hmmm…when have i felt glorious lately?? guess when my youngest son looked at me and told me i was beautiful!! LOL i can certainly tell you when i’ll feel glorious in the future! IF my # gets chosen for this giveaway!! 😀

  142. Avatar

    I heart Princess Lasertron. 🙂

    I felt pretty glorious this morning when I aced my final exam for this summer class I’m taking. It felt awesome to confidently fill in all the answers and walk out of there sure of my A+. 🙂

  143. Avatar

    Oh my gosh, I was so excited when I saw Princess Lasertron’s photo at the beginning of your post. I just drooled over all the keyboard, lol! (figuratively, not literally, of course, because then I’d have to clean the keyboard and I hate cleaning)

  144. Avatar

    Such a fun blog!!!
    I felt absolutely glorious being in the North Carolina mountains last weekend. Nothing like mountain air and the sound of waterfalls to sooth your soul.

  145. Avatar

    LOVE LOVE LOVE Princess Lasertron!!! Everyone should check out her blog, too… absolutely charming.

    The last time I felt glorious was last night, sitting on the porch on a beautiful summer night, reading books with my mama, who’s visiting me from my hometown. Gotta love summer nights.

  146. Avatar

    The last time I “LOOKED” glorious was quite a while ago…maybe 10 years? (Lord that’s sad isn’t it?) As I’ve gotten older and “fluffier” and wrinklier and splotchier, I admit to feeling less glorious. I think I need to go get glorious now that I’m thinking about it!! But I feel glorious when someone tells me I’m a good mother or my hubby or kids tell me they love me!

    I do have a glorious daughter going to college this fall who loves to craft and her dorm room is in these colors. She’s LOVE to use these to decorate her room. And maybe she’d miss her mom when she looked at them!! sniff, sniff, sniff……

    (P.S. I LOVED reading this post!! Not bored at all. Laughed out loud more times than I can count! I gotta subscribe just so you can make me laugh out loud!! Thanks for brightening my day!)

  147. Avatar

    Ok, I felt glorious a few weeks ago when I discovered I no longer had to shop in the “fat girl” stores and could actually GO TO THE GAP AND BUY A CUTE CARDIGAN!! Yeah, it’s a simple thing, but, getting 3 new cardis at The Gap and then clearing ALL my old clothes out of my closet made me feel absolutely, positively glorious. I may have even been glowing. And believe me, as a snarky, sarcastic girl, glowing and glorious is NOT a normal state of affairs.

  148. Avatar

    that last time I felt glorious was last night. My husband is out of town and I thought to myself “Hey self why don’t you get stuff done around the house like Organize the garage, and paint the dining room chairs.” When I hauled the cabinet up on the wall by myself and it was leveled I felt like supergirl. And when I finished finally paint the dining room chairs I felt so accomplished.

    I guess it’s the just the little things right.

    p.s. I love Princess Lasertrons flower bouquets and wish I had found them before my wedding they would have been perfect.

  149. Avatar

    I adore those flowerts – the last time I felt glorious was when I was shopping and discovered that a beautiful pair of fuschia pink suede high heel shoes that I had been lusting after for months were not only on sale, but they also fit perfectly. A shoe match made in heaven 🙂

  150. Avatar

    Oh, that is SO cute…she makes the cutest bouquets ever.

    The last time I felt fabulous, was a couple nights ago when my DH gave me a pedicure and painted my nails! Since, he was so generous to do that I let him choose the colour…of course it was red! 🙂

  151. Avatar

    I could just squee with the cuteness of those flowers and I am not a squee type girl. 😉

    Glorious? hmmm. that’s a toughy lately. Picking huckleberries was pretty good. It’s been years since I was in the mountains and it was just gorgeous. Having a gallon of berries to cart home and make jam out of was pretty good too.

  152. Avatar

    there once was a princess lasertron
    who’s flower kit, i have a chance on
    i’ll hope and i’ll dream
    if i win i might scream
    fingers crossed my number is drawn.

    the last time i felt glorious? after a during a recent bout of heartache, my best friend drove an hour to come to my door and surprise me with homemade meatballs and plenty of hugs. friendship is glorious, i must say.

  153. Avatar

    I LOVE Princess Lasertron bouquets!

    The last time I felt glorious…reaching 20 pounds of weight loss this week after a 6 week plateau!

  154. Avatar

    The last time I felt glorious??!! I’d have to say it was in June in Hawaii while swimming with the turtles. I think they are glorious creatures and I felt glorious gliding along side them!

  155. Avatar

    I felt glorious this morning running through the forest preserve and seeing a deer in the middle of the path. Dang the runner coming the other way that scared the beautiful deer off!! It was glorious and it filled me with energy to keep going.

    P.S. My dear daughter is a wedding planner apprentice. What a great bouquet to show the brides!! They are truly works of art!!

  156. Avatar

    I’m actually feeling glorious RIGHT NOW! I found some adorable wedges *on sale* at Gordmans while school shopping for my kids last night. It’s been two years since I bought a new pair of shoes for myself. They were so cute (and COMFORTABLE!) that I just had to wear them to me very *very* informal office today. (We’re so informal that three people asked me if I was going to a funeral and two asked me if I had a job interview just because I was wearing shoes that weren’t flip-flops or in any way athletic.)

  157. Avatar

    Hmmmmmmmm. Glorious? Pretty much every time my 8 year old tells me how beautiful I am. Let me tell you, I certainly wasn’t beautiful until he came along, now I’m queen of the world.

  158. Avatar

    Last time I felt glorious? Rather personal question if you know what I mean. I’d have to say it was last night 😉

  159. Avatar

    My last glorious moment was a highly unlikely one. I was wearing clothes I hate to the gym (not glorious) and having a seriously bad hair day (also not glorious), but I managed to survive 20 minutes on the eliptical with fainting or passing out which did make me feel glorious. Perhaps there is hope for me after all!

  160. Avatar

    I have several Princess Lasertron hair bows and headbands and they’re not just for little girls 🙂 I love her!

    The last time I felt glorious was on our last girls night out…you know when you’re having a skinny day, a good hair day, and everything looks good on you? Yeah it happens once every 20 years or so for me but it did last weekend and I had the best night out! 🙂

  161. Avatar

    I love your Kolhs note, shopping there tonight – I hope I find a lot of glorious items. I would say that I felt glorious last night while watching a movie with my husband. the movie got us talking about highschool and other things and I just had moment of how darn lucky I am and that every time he looks at me i feel great!

  162. Avatar

    I felt glorious when I dropped off a baby gift to a former colleague (and she loved it) and I saw how many people actually miss me!

  163. Avatar

    Last time I managed to feel glorious? Was when my husband told me out of the blue a couple weeks ago that I’ve “Been looking good lately.” Hurrah!

    No, it doesn’t take a lot to get me excited… lol!

  164. Avatar

    I love Princess Lasertron! I am dying to have her make my bouquet for my wedding!

    Actually the last time I felt glorious (other than just waking up this morning) was last night when I got an email from our wedding photographer saying she’s giving us a deal on our photos. The entire day photographed and all our photos edited on a CD with a print release… drum roll please….. $750!!!! I burst into tears. I wish I was kidding! Talk about glorious!

  165. Avatar

    The last time I felt glorious was July 26 when my youngest turned 10! She has grown so much and is such a sweet, caring girl that my heart swells when I look at her!

  166. Avatar

    The last time I felt glorious was last weekend. I got ready to go out with my husband. I had on a cute little outfit and had done my hair and makeup…when he saw me he said, “wow, you look great.” It always feels glorious to hear that after spending the whole day with your 2 little kids.

  167. Avatar

    Love the kit!!! I just love every. single. thing. that Princess Lasertron makes!

    The last time I felt glorious was Wednesday. I had pulled a muscle in my back the day before and was in agony. On Wednesday I got a massage and felt like a new woman! My dear friend who gave the massage did not charge me for it and I felt like the luckiest girl in town!

  168. Avatar

    i heart princess lasertron for many, many reasons – including that we both proposed to the cute boys in our life.

    i love the word glorious!
    it makes me laugh.
    my husband/partner/man friend says it when he’s excited about something
    and raises his hand in the air, all super-geeky like.
    he’s pretty much always excited about me —
    and i’m pretty much always excited about me —

    so i pretty much ALWAYS feel glorious.
    it’s good for you!

  169. Avatar

    the last time i felt glorious was when i was graduating from school on top of my game, with hardly a clue at really how difficult it would be to find a job 🙂 ignorance was bliss lol!

  170. Avatar

    I felt glorious yesterday. I watched Marie Antoinette with my siser and decided to make hair super SUPER poofy and wear bright read lipstick to work. Everyone commented and I just felt great 🙂

  171. Avatar

    i feel gorg any time i try on clothes in a dressing room and don’t look hideous and washed out in the fluorescent light. i mean really they’d sell more clothes if they had better lighting! maybe even no light at all. and of course megan isn’t the only fabulous thing to come out of omaha because i’m from there too! 😉

  172. Avatar

    My last moment of gloriousness…Wednesday…you know that magazine “Take Ten” put out by Somerset? It’s full of greeting cards that are supposed to take ten minutes to make. I have never made one in under 45. Wednesday–popped one out in TEN. (It may have helped that I only had 15 minutes to do it, but whatever…ten was the magic number.) And the person lI made it for loved it.

  173. Avatar

    I can’t remember the last time that I felt glorious–it isn’t something that I feel often. It’s such a wonderful feeling when it does happen though. Finding just the perfect piece of jewelry, or shoes is such a great feeling that can last for days. Glorious is how I feel about Princess’s bouquets–the lucky brides must feel extra glorious on their special to have one of those gorgeous bouquets.

  174. Avatar

    I would have to say last night, walking into a meeting and having all my friends yell Happy Birthday to me! 🙂 It was unexpected, and made me feel so loved.

  175. Avatar

    Hmm….the last time I felt glorious?! This morning when my 7yo daughter was all smiles and huggs and I love you’s cuz I helped her with cups and KoolAid for a lemonade stand her and all her neighbor friends were putting on. That smile – her whole face smiling – made me feel glorious!

    And SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE – I’m shrieking with excitement – how my girl would love this kit! Pick me, pick me!!!!

  176. Avatar

    OMG! This bouquet is just so beautifu!!! Let’s see…The last time I felt glorious was on Monday morning when I thought I looked like S#@$. but my Husband who sometimes amazes me, tells me that I looked BEAUTIFUL!! It was so awesome to hear!! I went to work feeling like a princess!!!

  177. Avatar

    I adore Princess Lasertron’s creations! The last time I felt glorious? Last Saturday, on my 17th anniversary. Hubby whisked me away for some wonderful shopping and a lovely dinner out. All by ourselves – no kiddoes. 🙂 Simply GLORIOUS!

  178. Avatar

    Just love Princess Lasertron’s bouquets. I met her briefly last year @ Silver Bella and she was just a doll! What a fun giveaway. Okay, my most recent glorious moment…hum…Had to be the other night when I slept on the floor surrounded by all three of my children—8,12, & 17—and just listened to the sweet sound of their soft breathing (okay, the 17 year old was snoring quite a bit, but he’s a football player so what do you expect?)…It was especially bittersweet as school begins for us next week and they’ll all be off @ school all day then their many activities. Even though I woke up barely able to walk with my back so stiff from sleeping on the hard floor, it was just precious!!!

  179. Avatar

    The last time I felt glorious was just a few minutes ago… my dog was asleep in my lap while I was reading your blog… she woke up, and gave me a big juicy doggy kiss just because she loves me 🙂

  180. Avatar

    My glorious has nothing to do with fashion. My mother-in-law, who is like a second mom to my kids, is out of the wood and will hopefully be on the fast track to healthy very soon. 🙂

  181. Avatar

    The last time I felt glorious was actually this afternoon – all of the moons managed to align themselves properly and my professional life is blossoming!! 🙂

  182. Avatar

    glorious… hmm…It has been a while probably in March when we dressed up and went to a shmancy dinner. I looked cute and he knew it!

  183. Avatar

    The last time I felt glorious was last Sunday, when for the first time in my life I actually wore a bikini! Not much of a feat for most of the population but I’ve been on a diet for a year now and am almost at my target weight. It’s been really hard work I have to admit and I loathe going to the gym twice a week and coming out all sore and red-faced whilst other skinny girls run for hours and don’t seem to even break into a sweat! Anyway, last weekend I decided it was time to expose my midriff to the world and I wore a bikini to the swimming pool for the first time in my life and I actually felt good about how I looked.
    A small step for mankind but a massive leap for me, and maybe glorious is exaggerating a bit but I did feel good about myself, and that’s what it’s all about, isn’t it?

  184. Avatar

    wow-0! those things rock! so cute…

    last time…prob when i took my 4 & 5 yr old neices to the salon and all three of us got pedi’s.

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  186. Avatar

    The last time I felt glorious was when I was watching TRUEBLOOD!!! Sorry. Totally lame and unoriginal, but I just can’t help it. That Bill Compton makes me all warm and tingly!

  187. Avatar

    Possibly the cutest bouquet ever! And you make me laugh. Glorious? Well, jumping in the waves the other day was pretty darn amazing (and besides everyone floats so well in salt water!) And I had my super cute polka dotted swimsuit on, I felt great!

  188. Avatar

    Oh! I would love, love, love to win this! So the last time I felt glorious was just a few days ago. I am just over 5 months pregnant, though everyone who knows swears I barely look pregnant (I guess that means I just look chubby normally, because I have definitely put on a few pounds). I am to the stage where none, and I mean none, of my clothes fit right. On Sunday I tried on about 10 different outfits before settling on one, which ended up with having my long black skirt pulled up under my boobs, making it more of a calf length skirt. Then, I bought a pair of maternity jeans, with the stretchy band! Oh, it feels wonderful, & looks so great! So, sorry, for the long post, but that’s when I felt glorious!

  189. Avatar

    Last time I felt glorious was last weekend at a party I hosted and every one kept going n on about how great it was. Cute giveaway!

  190. Avatar

    Well, I was planning to go to a pre-wedding yacht club party for a dear friend of mine. I already had something to wear, but a shopping trip earlier that day made me forget that I actually owned (and had brought from out of town) a dress I loved. I found the cutest navy blue dress that was just screaming “WEAR ME TO LOOK CUTE AT A YACHT CLUB PARTY” AND it looked fabulous with a pair of red leather wedges I was already planning to wear that night. Oh, it was glorious. And about four days later, I found the perfect trench coat to wear with it, so I bought that too. And then I wore the whole outfit (with yellow satin flats instead of the red wedge heels) on a big shopping trip the next day…when I bought my wedding dress! Straight off the rack…good thing too, because my wedding is only a couple of months away! I swear, I don’t shop that much normally (I live quite literally in the middle of nowhere) but I was in the city and had very important shopping to do!

  191. Avatar

    I felt glorious last Wednesday when I had a lunch date with a old college friend that I hadn’t seen in 15 years. Everything went perfect that day the outfit I chose looked great and everything went wonderfully the entire day I couldn’t ask for better.

  192. Avatar

    Wow! What a great post! I think you’re hilarious 😉 I don’t get a chance to feel glorious often, because I work too much. But I think I have some planned – vacation at the beach at the end of the month. That will feel quite glorious. And if that doesn’t work out for whatever reason, Silver Bella in November will be the ocassion. I’m pretty sure that I will be sharing a workshop with Princess Lasertron – yeah!

  193. Avatar

    Wow! What a beautiful giveaway. Let’s see.. the last time I felt glorious was last night.. in my daughters Camaro Convertible……driving home alone ( alone is a good thing when you are a mother of 6) and blasting Carrie Underwood. Gorgeous!

  194. Avatar

    The last time I felt glorious was last Friday, when I woke up with the semester over with, I had slept in and had the option of reading whatever I wanted to, not what I had to.

  195. Avatar

    The last time I felt glorious is when my dear, sweet husband AND my dear, sweet 6 year old son had a conversation about how beautiful I am. Made my heart just melt. That was two nights ago… <3

  196. Avatar

    The last time I felt glorious….this morning actually. When I woke up and lazily looked at hubby who was looking at me, he said I looked so beautiful in the morning. Ha! The man clearly needs his eyes examined. Messy hair, no make-up, wrinkled nightie, beautiful?!? Ahhh, I think I’ll keep him.

  197. Avatar

    Wow. Those are GORGEOUS! Thank you so much for posting them here because I would’ve probably lived in ignorance for the rest of my life otherwise. 😛

    The last time I felt glorious was last Tuesday… when I went out to dinner with a friend from elementary school who I hadn’t seen in a year and hadn’t actually talked to for more than seven years. It was pretty much out of the blue and happened because I bumped into him while getting frozen yogurt with one of my friends. I was afraid it’d be a little awkward, but it wasn’t at all!

  198. Avatar

    This is soooo easy, I was walkin on air 4 days ago at our family reunion. When my mother’s cousin who was in her 90’s was leaving for home and I said my goodbyes with my husband by my side, (who she hadn’t met yet), she gave me a hug and said “oh, I forgot to say goodbye to your father.”

    HELLLLL YES, that made my day, my month and my decade. So yes, I’m still feeling kind of “glorious”.

  199. Avatar

    I felt pretty dang glorious last when I climbed into my new king sized bed. The hubby and I have been sleeping on a queen, the same queen, for the last 13.5 years. The bed is old, and lumpy and hard. Hard lumps are bad. I also think that bed must have shrunk over the years. There just wasn’t as much room in it as there used to be. Yes, it definitely shrunk! Anyhoo, I felt like a glorious princess crawling up into my soft, squishy, pillow topped bed.

  200. Avatar

    Ooooo, I LOVE her stuff!

    The last time I felt glorious…mmmmm….

    Well, I am taking ASL IV this summer, a 16 week class crammed into 5 weeks… and it’s ASL 4…. and my professor is Deaf! Can we say tough?`

    But I am getting a B so far and I understand everything my prof signs! Big deal for this 46 year old brain! Sign language interpreting is not for the weak.

    Add that to my son starting Special Olympics last week and I have all kinds of gloriousness going on here!

    Now if I could just feel as glorious about the other son learning to drive we would be in high cotton. Sigh. 🙂

  201. Avatar
    Kirsten Holthusen

    I love me some Lasertron. Have several of her brooches, but no bouquet flowers yet! I want! 🙂

    The last time I felt glorious…. I’m going to say last night, during a quiet dinner at home with my husband. It has been a frantic week and last night we finally got to sit and enjoy each other’s company over penne pasta with my mom’s homemade sauce, a nice fresh salad, some warm bread and a glass of shiraz. Yum-o. It was nice.

  202. Avatar

    Last time I felt glorious….last night, when my husband and I(and we had been having troubles…bad ones) went away for the night(because that is all my teens, that are over 18, would let us go for without wanting to come, which would have totally spoiled the mood!) and it was lovely, it was delicious, and he asked me to marry him all over again for our anniversary, and I said, heck yes, and now I know where to get a beautiful bouquet!!! Thank you!!!!!!!!!!

  203. Avatar

    Glamorous? I don’t know the last time I felt glamorous… I’m not married and it’s been so long since I even had a date! I think I’m the one who needs to get a life. lol Does that mean I’m not eligible for one of these awesome kits? You’re right, she is way too cute!

  204. Avatar

    The bouquets are gorgeous!

    The last time I felt glorious was last night when my sweetie got a big grin as I entered the room. It gets me every time.

  205. Avatar

    The last time I felt glorious…last week when I went for a bike ride and made it up the hill without having to get off the bike and walk it up.

  206. Avatar

    I last felt glorious…uhhhhh…..Today! When I got dressed this morning I had clothes that fit (and when you a pregnant and fat this does not come easy! let me tell you!) I wore a cute little strapless black dress, a fun peachy orange cardi and some gold sandals, and my hair, my poufy, not sure whether it wants to be curly or straight hair decided to look soft and lady like today! I felt gloriously beautiful and pregnant at the same time! I was glowing if I do say so myself (and you know what? that happens so rarely in the Oklahoma heat, I had to brag.)

    I love your writing and Princess Lasertrons flowers! if I have a girl, my husband is going to want to hide my mouse and wish I had never heard of etsy (and more specifically Princess Lasertron!)

  207. Avatar

    The last time I felt glorious was picking out a puppy to bring home at the pound!! Allll those sad cute faces and I actually got to take one home!

  208. Avatar

    The last time I felt glorious was after a long day with the kids, messy house, etc… and my husband came home and told me how beautiful he thought I was… the perfect compliment to a crazy day. Please pick me, pick me for the flowers!!!!

  209. Avatar

    What an amazing find!

    Is it bad that I don’t remember the last time I felt glorious? I know what would *make* me feel glorious, though… if my husband, who I’ve been with for almost 8 years, would one day buy me flowers. That’s right. No flowers. Not once. In 8 years. Perhaps I should send him the link to Princess Laserton’s store…

  210. Avatar

    The last time I felt glorious was Wednesday night. I cooked lasagna for my boyfriend of three years. Even though we live together and have been together forever, this was the first time I have ever cooked for him. Seriously, I even had to go buy a baking dish. His mom and 5 sisters are such good cooks, I’ve always felt so intimidated, but finally did it and the end result was edible! Doesn’t get any better than that. I have never seen these kind of bouquets before, but I’m in LOVE!

  211. Avatar

    The last time I felt glorious… probably last week. When I put fresh clean sheets on my bed and then took a shower and took the time to shave and not miss that spot I always seem to miss…. then slid in between the aforementioned clean sheets. Ahhhh.

  212. Avatar

    I felt glorious last Thursday when I was treated to a WONDERFUNDAL pedicure, manicure and new haircut color and style. Nothing makes me fell better, refreshed, and shiny new than a beauty day!! Now all I need is the perfect accessory to go with it all. 😉

  213. Avatar

    I ADORE these! So pretty, so unique! Hmm – last time I felt glorious. Had to have been last night when I had both little girls of mine wrap their arms around my neck at the same time and told me they loved me. It doesn’t get better than that!

  214. Avatar

    Sigh- I just love the Princess’s stuff- it’s all so pretty! Let’s see – last time I felt glorious was probably visiting Maroon Bells last month with my sister. Gorgeous scenery and nice, cool weather, even in July!

  215. Avatar

    Hm. The last time i felt glorious was this past weekend over at my sister’s house. My hubby had the kids and I was out BY MYSELF for once. It was so glorious in fact that we stayed up playing Wii bowling, eating cake and leftover tequila lime chicken wings and just talking until 3 am. The next morning was not so glorious because we both had to be up early, but that late night spending quality time with a lady I adore? Glorious. Did I mention BY MYSELF for once?

    I’m thinking a close second would have to be looking at Princess Lasertron’s flowers right this minute. So purdy!!!!

  216. Avatar

    I felt absolutely invincible after my run on Wednesday! I felt like I could take on the world! And can I just say, I would LOVE to carry a bouquet like the above at my 10th anniversary party next year!! What a lovely giveaway!!!

  217. Avatar

    I NEED those flowers!! No, really…

    The last time I felt glorious was Sunday night. We had a terrible thunderstorm, but it was beautiful! My husband and I sat out on our covered deck enjoying the view. Simply awesome.

  218. Avatar

    The last time I felt glorious was last week when my husband started terminal leave from the military. It felt freaking AWESOME!!! to know we’re done with all that stuff. Add in the fact that we just bought a house and I’m on cloud 9

  219. Avatar

    UHHH! what an awesome giveaway!!! I ? Princess Lasertron!

    hum… last time I felt glorious… I think it was a couple of months ago when I finally got my savings from my bank account, ran to Macy’s and bought my first Kitchen Aid Mixer in PINK!!!, and then got home and made the first cupcakes with her… awww… she’s so pretty!

  220. Avatar

    How stinking cute is she? It should be illegal to be cute, perky, and talented. It’s just not right. Last time I felt glorious….let’s see…I recently had a girls’ day out for the first time in a year. We went to the movies, we did some sightseeing and photo snapping in my hometown, we went out to eat, we gossiped our lips off and then I drove two hours back home. It was so worth it.

  221. Avatar

    Hey! Just what I need. A new project to start so that I can justify my procrastinating on all my other projects. Put my name in the draw, please, please, pretty please!

  222. Avatar

    I felt glorious last weekend when my family and I went to Tapatio Cliffs resort. Lots of swimming, lots of family fun!

  223. Avatar

    Love those bouquets! I want one!

    The last time I felt glorious (and fabulous) was last week when my husband came back from a trip to the States and he had bought me a ton of new clothes, all by himself, that somehow all magically fit me. When we got home from the airport I tried on each new thing he got me and we made a fun little fashion show video. What a great guy! Here’s the (less than a minute) fashion show… 🙂

  224. Avatar

    Andrea, I’ll admit I came over her just to enter the contest . . . and then I started to read, and read, and read and I read to the very end of this post. And you know that reading your post is what has made me feel most glorious recently! Yes, it’s true (this may sound like sucking up, but the giveaway is random right?) You made me laugh after a long day. I love funny and witty and self-deprecating (but only if it’s funnY) and I got all three! So thanks for such a surprise to the end of my shop day. I will visit again even if you never do another giveaway.

    Oh yeah, and I would LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to win Princess Lasertron’s bouquets. They are fabulous!

  225. Avatar

    The last time I felt glorious was probably the last time I dyed my hair purple. I do it because it makes me happy and is like an instant pep. Who can be sad with purple hair…PLUS the best part is it smells like blueberries. I mean, really what is not to love?

  226. Avatar

    I felt glorious yesterday when I got to sleep in because I didn’t have to be at work until 2PM LOL. Talk about needing a life! I would love one of these bouquets to decorate my scraproom!!

  227. Avatar

    The last time I felt glorious was on Monday. The kids were gone for the week, I got my haircut and enjoyed an evening out with my hubby!

  228. Avatar

    I feel glorious reading about all of your fabulous lives and your love for MyMeg!

    I wear Black Clogs and stretch pants. Megan was BORN this way and she is following her dream!

    Love reading all your responses here!
    Megan’s Mom

  229. Avatar

    The last time I felt glorious was this week when my husband brought me a huge bouquet of flowers home and told me he loved me. Awesome! Thanks for giving us a chance to win the bouquet kit. Princess Laserton rocks!!!!

  230. Avatar

    Ooooooh! Glorious? Hmm….could be when I found the shoes I bought last week for $120 on sale last night for $43. And I could RETURN the others! Wheeeee!

  231. Avatar

    I felt glorious today because first, I had a wonderful yoga class, and then my 16-year old daughter wanted to go out to lunch with me. What a wonderful Friday!

  232. Avatar

    Oh my freakin goodness. How much cuteness can one girl take???

    Lets see the last time I was glorious was (only a week ago) finding a stash of old buttons at my grandmothers and remembering all these little friends I had played with as a child. I couldn’t believe after some 20 years or so, I can remember vividly holding these little guys, re-arranging them for hours, and then putting them away for the the next visit. sigh……happy days. So there I was basking in the gloriousness of childhood for a brief second. great day! xxxx

  233. Avatar

    The last time I felt glorious was after a good solid 2 hours on the eliptical machine at the gym a few days ago. However, we are on a 70+ hour cross country road trip with the kids and family dog and I would like to predict that my next glorious moment will be that plop into my own bed and a slither into my own crisp cool sheets. I really hate feeling like I need to blacklight the bed before I go to sleep, ewwww!! God bless hotel living. Seriously, bring on the gloriousness!
    Hugs and thanks for hosting the awesome give-a-way!!!

  234. Avatar

    The last time I felt gorgeous was when I found this amazing dress for $7 that I looked stunning in… and then got to wear it to an amazing over-the-top fashion party I was invited to… It was a week ago 😀

  235. Avatar

    I feel glorious every time my little girl comes up and throws her arms around me and says, “Mommy, you’re my best, best friend!” And since I love felt and buttons and embroidery floss (oh my!), I would love, love, love to win this kit and make all sorts of adorable things for my little girlie girl!

  236. Avatar

    Mine’s simple. It’s Friday 5:13. I’m off work. It is the absolute most glorious feeling I’ve had all day. all week. Fabulous. I’m ecstatic. The phone just rang and I let the machine pick it up. Oh HAPPY DAY!!!!

  237. Avatar

    I got a real paycheck today for my first full week of work ever!!!! And I did good at work. I do feel glorious. 🙂 (and I worked with my Mom today! that was nice)

  238. Avatar

    I can just see me sitting there making up those beautiful flowers & then sharing them with my daughter & a special freind. Now, that would be glorious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    The last time I felt glorious was last weekend, kids away, hubby & I canoing, sun shining, no noise & not fish to be caught because a pod of dolphins was playing in the harbour. Now that was a wonderful few hours until we had to pick cranky, smelly kids up from camping, but that then makes you appreciate the time without them even more!!

  239. Avatar

    I felt glorious last weekend when I had an all weekend slumber party with my dear college roomates! We had so much fun just being silly!

  240. Avatar

    Glorious? Hmmm…let me think! I guess it would have been on Monday. I’ve been working out like crazy and watching what I eat. When I stepped on the scale Monday morning, I was down 3 lbs! Whew! What a great motivator & I felt glorious!!!

  241. Avatar

    This is adorable and looks like a bunch of fun.
    The last time I felt glorious was swimming in the pool last weekend when it was about 100 degrees outside. Boy did the water feel good.

  242. Avatar

    Man, I’d love to win this. I love these flowers. The last time I felt glorious was last week, when my new husband (married 3 months on Sunday!) told me I was the most beautiful woman in the world – even though I was wearing a dirty t-shirt and shorts, and painting our bathroom!

  243. Avatar

    Glorious? Hmmmmm. Okay. I went in for a trim the other day and left, Samson-like, without most of my hair. I have NEVER seen my neck. But there it is, uncovered. After hyperventilating again. and worrying a bit. I finally liked it and then downright LIKED it and felt a little more hip and summery and unfettered. I rock. How glorious:)

  244. Avatar

    The last time I felt glorious was a couple of weeks ago, when someone bought my old car. I couldn’t believe it, and I smiled all day.

  245. Avatar

    The last time I felt glorious? I got my hair dyed really really blonde- like Marilyn blonde- I was uncertain about it at first, but then I threw on some shades and figured out how FABULOUS it looked. Plus my boyfriend thinks it looks AMAZING on me.
    I really really really really really really hope I get the prize. : )

  246. Avatar

    the last time i felt great was today, because not only did i find a super cute pair of thrift store jeans, i did so while drinking a yummy smores coffee drink. and OMG love this giveaway because i adore Princess Lasertron’s bouquets, but they are a little out of my price range for my wedding, but best of all, these are MY WEDDING COLORS! whoa!

  247. Avatar

    What an awesome giveaway!
    I felt glorious yesterday. I had a job interview on wednesday and only one day later I got a call to come in next week for a second interview. Such a boost after months of no luck.

  248. Avatar

    Glorious? I’m guessing that’s something we can put our own personal interpretation on, right? I feel glorious whenever I can spend even 5 minutes with the most incredible man in the world…and I’m lucky enough to call him my best friend, among other things 🙂

  249. Avatar

    The last time i felt glamorous…. i got my hair cut yesterday and a new blouse to wear. I also got some new hot pink trauma shears yesterday too and i bedazzled my safety glasses. (i’m a paramedic!) I take every opportunity i get to be pretty and girly.

  250. Avatar

    The last time I felt glorious was when I woke up this morning. My amazing husband looked over at me and told me I was the best thing to wake up to ever. Not a bad morning, eh? 🙂

  251. Avatar

    I felt glorious the day I turned 30. I was on the island of Rarotonga with my soon-to-be husband (four days hence), my bestest friends in the world who had travelled from various countries to celebrate with us in tropical bliss and I was 4 months pregnant and for the first time in my life, oh so proud of my protruding tummy. I was happy and content and proud to wear a bikini and the tightest tops possible. As I then proceeded to squeeze a second child out less than a year after the first, I still have a protruding tummy, but unfortunately I don’t feel quite so glorious now at 33 but hey, who knows what 34 will be like!

  252. Avatar

    Those flowers are fantastic! SO creative!

    Last time I felt glorious was was today, I got to sleep in and spend the day just relaxing at home; no where to go and nothing to do. It felt great!

  253. Avatar

    OMG! I want to win so bad. I’m finally getting married in a few weeks and I would *love* to win this!!! I felt glorious the last time i put my red wedding dress on. I love that thing…

  254. Avatar

    When is the last time I felt glorious? I don’t remember. Circumstances in life have gotten in the way of that, and it is a long story, but I am working my way out of hard emptional times.

    I love reading your and PL blogs, as they bring a smile to my face. The creativity and talent you both display is inspiring and motivating.

    Feeling glorious is in my future, and I do hope soon. The giveaway is gorgeous, and will surely brighten anyones day. I hope to have them brighten my days, and feel glorious in my home.

  255. Avatar

    I felt glorious about 3 hours ago sipping an appletini overlooking the harbor with a cool breeze for a change. What a fun kit!

  256. Avatar

    I feel dumb, because I had to look up glorious. I sort of knew what it meant, but just wanted to be sure. =) The last time I felt glorious was when I went to visit my nieces and nephews and my new baby nephew had me laughing and giggling because he is so stinkin’ cute and looks like Humpty Dumpty with the most gorgeous blue eyes and long eyelashes. Then 20 month old niece was saying and doing things that lead to believe she may be a genius….not that I am biased or anything. =D

    Loved reading your thoughts on Princess Lasertron. I’ve checked out her blog quite a few times and wish I’d have known of her before I got married. I can only dream of what she would have come up with!!

    P.S. You are quite the writer. I laughed out loud several times. Thanks.

  257. Avatar

    The last time I felt glorious was when I ran 3 miles yesterday (for the first time ever!). Oh, and when I looked on PL’s blog tonight and saw the chance to win a kit here. And then saw it on 2peas too. Oh, how glorious it would be to get this in the mail!!

  258. Avatar

    THe last time I felt glorious…I have to go with Wednesday night when a sub in our Bunco group guessed my age at 32 – she is my new best friend! I turn 45 on Sunday! I have been lovin’ on Princess Lasertron’s flowers for a long time. Oh where was she when I got married 15 years ago?! She was probably about 10 years old is my guess.

  259. Avatar

    Feeling glorious trying on a sweet ruffled top in a billowy fabric, fresh and light at the mall. Of course I had to buy it! 🙂 The bouquets are just beautiful, what a wonderful giveaway.

  260. Avatar

    On Wednesday, I received a bouquet of tulips from hubby. That made me feel glorious! Luscious red tulips (eek! I just realized that I left them at the office… guess I’ll need to take a lil trip to the office tomorrow to pick them up for the weekend).

  261. Avatar

    The last time I felt glorious was when I sang for a friend’s wedding last weekend. I love to sing and sing for people. How appropriate for the occasion here while we’re on the subject of weddings 😉 PS: Need a wedding singer? Drop me a note!!! 🙂

  262. Avatar

    Hmmm…glorious. That is a tough one. I’d have to say it was on Monday when I celebrated my 46 birthday. My kids made me a cake and the hubs came up with flowers and a super cool gift. It’s glorious to be loved by your family.

  263. Avatar

    The last time I felt glorious was when I when I won at monopoly last week, yes I’m a loser.
    These are amazing!!! I would soo wear them.

  264. Avatar

    Simply amazing! I soooo want this. I’m a fellow artist/creative type, so I can definitely appreciate the genius of this. I would put this bouquet in my office for a burst of creative inspiration when I’m working. Perfect! The last time I felt glorious was a couple of days ago. I returned home from a business trip. I got home very late and everyone was asleep. The next morning when I woke up, my 6 year old son had crawled into bed with me. When I opened my eyes, he was wide awake staring at me. As soon as he saw I was awake, he threw his arms around me and told me over and over again how much he missed me and was so happy to see me. I took off work and we spent the day hanging out together. It was magic. Nothing makes me feel more alive or more meaningful than my kids.

  265. Avatar

    Jeepers you have whacks of friends, nice to see!! Love your blog and thanks for the chuckles! Princess Lasertron is fabulous and I could not possibly blow the chance to win this kit!!! So my glorious moment..hmmm that would be today when DH took DD out to do errands then they went outside to play… it was quiet in my house for 3 hours straight.. no colorful people on tv repeating themselves over and over, nobody sassing me, just clear pure silence, glorious.
    Thanks for the chance, hope she wins a spot on Martha!

  266. Avatar

    Glorious? Well, as a SAHM to a 2.5 year old and a 7 month old, not very often. I did feel glorious earlier this week when I splurged and ordered some sparkly eyeliner from Sephora! I’ll bet I feel even more glorious when it arrives!

  267. Avatar

    Ok so I’m just rolling on the floor laughing (not too loud though, because the kids are asleep). You just crack me up!
    Anyway, so I’m turning 30 in September…yes I know these comments are about being Glamorous-I’m getting there. So I’ve decided to throw myself a Roaring 20’s party and I just got the best “costume/dress” for this momentous occasion, and I must say I look pretty Glamorous in it! I think I might need some glamorous felt flowers to complete the ensemble.

  268. Avatar

    All of these florals are fantastic! I do hope I win—I do! I do! Ok, the last time I felt fabulous, probably this week when my aunt sent me several pair of her expensive shoes as hand me downs. I’m waaaaaay over 18 and I still get excited about hand me downs!
    You know a flowerbed full of these would be gorgeous!

    Cathy ?

  269. Avatar

    I LOVE Princess Lasertron for all her creative spunkiness! The last time I felt glorious was today when we got to bring my Dad home from the hospital after his bypass surgery! What a glorious blessed day!

  270. Avatar

    Glorious……yesterday, an empty house and nothing pressing to do. My kind of day. I think I’d feel pretty darn glorious if I won that amazing kit. Just so gorgeous and wasn’t she an adorable bride.

  271. Avatar

    Oh holy mother of bacon, I want one!

    Last time I felt glorious? Hmmm…

    A friend was feeling like crap, and she often does, and I decided she needed cheering up, so I made some things, found some more things, put them all together, crossed my fingers that she wouldn’t hate them, and sent them off.

    And luckily, I think I made her day. W00t!

  272. Avatar
    Crystal (crystalbella77)

    ooh! The last time I felt glorious was seriously after giving birth to my second child. It was crazy how amazing I felt! I had zero drugs and sooooooo easy! I didn’t even bleed once I got home (TMI I know…sorry!) that’s just seriously how easy and amazing the whole experience was! Thanks for the chance!

  273. Avatar

    The last time I felt glorious was last night–in a dream that I won the lottery! Of course, I had to wake up this morning back in my mundane and boring life–glorious feeling gone! It would come back if I win, though! Thank you for the contest!

  274. Avatar

    I felt pretty glorious sitting with my 3 girls at an outdoor theater tonight watching a dress rehearsal with gorgeous costumes I finished sewing 5 seconds before I walked out the door!

  275. Avatar

    Mmm! I love me some Lasertron!

    The last time I felt glorious was probably Tuesday, when I went to my blog counter and saw I had over 100 hits for the first time ever!
    Thanks for hosting this giveaway!

  276. Avatar

    Holy cute craftiness!
    Glorious? The last time I felt glorious was when my kids were screaming, whining and otherwise complaining that the car ride of 45 minutes was 44 minutes too long. And instead of screaming, whining and complaining back I kept my cool, whipped out a couple of pinwheels I’d brought along on a whim, rolled down their windows and they were entertained for the remainder of the trip. The relative peace & calm was definitely glorious.

  277. Avatar

    OMGSH how totally cute! Flowers I cannot kill – gotta get me some of them. Let’s see, the last time I felt glorious… a few days ago when I remembered where I put the only cookbook that I trust to help me make banana bread …I trust it because it helps me to not turn out burnt offerings or something that would need penicillin to counteract.

  278. Avatar

    So adorable!! 😀

    The last time I felt glorious was today when I was at WordCamp NZ and I won an external hard drive and had it handed to me by one of the founders of WordPress – Matt Mullenweg. Geek out!!

  279. Avatar

    The last time I felt glorious was yesterday afternoon, and for the rest of the day. I’m still feeling the left-over gloriousness that I experienced.

    My fiance has been interning all summer out of state and we’d go weeks at a time without seeing one another…this has been an extremely difficult summer for both of us. Well, I knew he was getting back for good on Sunday evening and we both could not wait! Yesterday morning while I was at work, I was chatting with a co-worker, and look over to see my fiance coming towards me with pretty daisies and 3 Babycake cupcakes (my favorite vegan cupcakes in the city)!! I was so excited and surprised I couldn’t wipe that smile off of my face for the rest of the day!

    Since we have decided to get married, I’ve had my eye on these bouquets! I stumbled across Princess Lasertron on Offbeat Bride…a website for any girl who’s planning a wedding, who likes to do things a little different. Even if I don’t win, I’m still buying a bouquet from her…can’t wait!

  280. Avatar

    What a fantastic and wonderful craft idea!! I would have a blast making one of those gorgeous bouquets! Thank you for the contest!

  281. Avatar

    The last time I felt glorious was this morning, I woke up extra early for some reason and glanced over and there was my fiance fast asleep and I thought “this is how I will spend the rest of my life? that’s awesome”

  282. Avatar

    Crafty girl – I LOVE them and the tone of this blog as well!! At nearly 9 mos pregnant, feeling glorious is not in my current repertoire, but I suppose I felt pretty close when some of my craft projects got featured on a blog this week. Planning to feel glorious when I can wear normal jeans again….;)

  283. Avatar

    The last time i felt glorious was about a week ago when i went to my local second hand store and found around 10 shirts and 2 dresses that i absolutely adored. everything i tried on fit, and it was amazing!!! i’ve found a way to wear everything already at least once. 🙂

  284. Avatar

    This morning I’m about to leave my hotel in Manhattan in search of a yummy breakfast at Balthazar’s, then fantastic trims at Tinsel Trading, and by then, I’m sure I’ll feel glorious! But I could feel glorious all over again if my name is drawn for Megan’s sweet kit on Monday!

  285. Avatar

    Glorious? Oh gawd… ummm… that would be a couple of months ago when I won an award at a convention that I really didn’t think I would win. Yep, I am truly a princess now… got the crown to prove it 🙂

  286. Avatar

    I **heart** Princess Lasertron!! My glorious moment was last night at a Daughtry concert! He gives a great concert! Nothing like hanging with friends, a drink in hand while you dance and sing music that you love!!

  287. Avatar

    OMG! I want this! So! Bad!

    This last time I felt, uh, glorious, was… 1993 when I weighed 110 pounds and was 18 years old and drove a convertible.

  288. Avatar

    Glorious? Let’s see…hmmm…proboably when my 5 yo granddaughter told that I was beautiful and the best grandma ever! Ahhh…from the mouths of babes!!

  289. Avatar

    The last time I felt glrious was yesterday at Sesame Place. I found the perfect black ruffle tankini to wear that made me look awesome (which is a feat being 9 months pregnant!) I never looked so cute! LOL!

  290. Avatar

    I have never heard of this before. Where have I been? These bouquets are so cute!!

    Okay, glorious eh? Well that would be about a month ago. I walked into a clothing store I have never been before because I was always too fat to fit in their clothes. I have lost a lot of weight and guess what? I fit in their clothes! I bought some shirts and cammys and feel glorious to be able to wear them.

  291. Avatar

    I’m a follower of the Princess. I love her crafts, her style, her spunk, and that she’s a fellow teacher!

    The last time I felt glorious was two weeks ago. We had a Friday evening wedding to attend and I had nothing to wear. I kept reverting back to my own wedding dress. It’s a black tea length halter with a cummerbund. I’d bought it two months before my wedding and it ended up being too big! Who would guess that a pregnant girl would actually lose weight??? But I’m a big girl and had made some drastic changes to my eating habits. Needless to say, between my dress and my swollen ankles, I didn’t feel glorious on my own wedding day.

    Fast forward to Thursday night of two weeks ago. I decided I had nothing to lose. I’m not a seamstress by any stretch of the imagination. In fact, I don’t think I’ve sewn with a pattern since Home Ec. But I was desperate. And I did it! I’ve lost 30 pounds since I wore that too big dress, and I managed to alter it all by myself. I took in the sides, extended the seams, and adjusted the shoulders. DH just watched in amazement as the dress changed shape.

    It came out perfect! And I felt glorious! I got lots of compliments on my dress that night, and no one suspected that there were nearly two inches of extra fabric tucked inside each of those new seams. 🙂

  292. Avatar

    The last time I felt like that was when I found the perfect bathing suit. NOTHNG compares to that moment like most people I am self conscious to find something I truly felt comfy in was a blessing.

  293. Avatar

    Hmmmm…..sitting on my couch with a back injury makes it inherently harder to remember the last time I felt glorious. Perhaps last weekend when I was shopping and fit into a size I haven’t worn in a long time. We won’t talk about the fact that the item in question was probably sized incorrectly and twice what I could afford for new work pants.

  294. Avatar

    Way too cool! Let’s see the last time I felt glorious… I seriously cannot remember! 2 kids will do that to you…
    I would have to say, slipping on a fabulous vintage gold satin gown with no back. No I am not dreaming. I was a senior in high school, and found this gorgeous gown at a great thrift store for only $25!!!! Even better, it fit! I felt like a movie star on the red carpet. Still have the gown, even if it no longer fits.

  295. Avatar
    Jennifer Watkins

    I feel glorious every morning. The very first thing I do in the morning after brushing my teeth is spray purfume on. Several times a day my 4 yr old will smell me and tell me I’m beautiful. That makes me feel absolutely glorious.

  296. Avatar

    SHUT THE DOOR!!!! I am in love with those bouquets!!! AB FAB and a martini with it!!!
    Princess Lasertron rocks, and so do you for this giveaway.
    Now the last time I felt glorious?
    This morning. I finished getting dressed for class, and dh said, nope that won’t do, I have to undress you…. you can fill in the rest, you may want to keep this blog unrated… TEE HEE
    Enjoy the day!!!

  297. Avatar

    Yesterday was completely glorious. It was our 3 yr. anniversary. He took me to Waffle House (where we had our first date : ), and got some free pie. Nothing says happiness like free pie. We then drove an hour and a half to Knoxville to see a double feature of 500 Days of Summer and Away We Go. Both were completely glorious and amazing.

  298. Avatar

    The last time I felt glorious is when I opened my email and read that I won the flower box kit from Princess Lasterton and I would be making and showing off all of the fabulous flowers I have been dreaming and drooling over for months and months! Ohhh, wait that hasn’t happened yet… but hopefully it will! I love love all of her stuff. What makes her style so amazing is that she can conform her creations to anything! Punk colors, traditional, contemporary.. anything!!! I am such a HUGE fan of hers! Thanks so much for offering this.

  299. Avatar

    love Princess Lasertron! Love, love, LOVE HER! I’m like a stalker, except that I’m too lazy to actually go Nebraska and find her. The last time I felt glorious was yesterday when I spent the entire day with just my favorite 2 guys. We started out going to yard sales and then came home and relaxed all day. It was a great day! And one I can’t wait to repeat.

  300. Avatar

    Hi Andy!
    Machelle with an A here…Feeling glorious because it’s SATURDAY!! Which means I don’t have to go to work today!! (that’s a good thing)
    Love the bouquets, sooooo cute! Can’t wait to show my sister-in-law! (she’s the artsy-crafty one)

  301. Avatar

    The last time I felt gorgeous was last Saturday night. I babysat my niece and nephew. We had what could be described as a cross between a tea party with teddy bear and Barbie; and a beer brawl with GI Joe and Transformers. We got dressed up using items in a plain cardboard box. We used a little make-up and a lot of face paint. Glitter was the highlight on our face, and yarn wigs allowed us to create fabulous dos. I felt so gorgeous when both my neice and nephew ganged up on me to give me bear hugs and kisses, when the party came to an end. Only a child sees beauty for what it truly is.

  302. Avatar
    Virginia Burrows

    Oh these are wonderful! I love the flowers and have just started felting. I would love to win the kit. I felt glorious last week doing nothing at the beach but playing with my 4-year-old grandson! He was delightful! Virginia

  303. Avatar

    how cute are those?? I love the felt, the buttons, the colors, all of it!! My Girl Scout troop would have a FIELD DAY with that kit!! whooo!!

  304. Avatar

    A few months ago I felt gorgeous when I went to dinner with my husband. A new outfit and make up does the trick every time.

  305. Avatar

    I felt glorious and deleriously happy last night. I had my first solo art show opening and some great friends came and entertained me for two hours. It was fantastic.

    I also adore Princess Laserton. 🙂

  306. Avatar

    I am a SAHM to a seven-month old son, so feeling glorious is not so much in my vocabulary these days. HOWEVER, I got to attend the birthday party of my former boss, with all of my former coworkers last week. I have successfully lost all the baby weight, I’m nursing so my boobs are huge, and I was rockin’ a hot new wrap dress and high heels for the first time in about a year. GLORIOUS! Thanks for the contest…I also have not been at all creatively awesome since giving birth, and live in a house with lots of boys! (husband, son, two male dogs!)This kit would remind the world that a girl lives here, too!

  307. Avatar

    I felt glorious when I decided that I can do all the things that I want and all the things that I have to do. I dont have to choose between them, because life is too short to skip any adventure that comes your way.

  308. Avatar

    Glorious, huh? It’s been a long time since the word glorious and I appeared in the same place together. My wedding day maybe? The first full night of sleep after my oldest child was born?! 🙂

    Most days I’m lucky to be functioning and somewhat put-together. That’s why I need this fun flower kit – I think you’d have to feel pretty glorious with these! Total cuteness!! (And I’m not one to say “total cuteness” very often, either!)

  309. Avatar

    Hmm…it had been awhile since I felt anything close to glorious, until I headed over to Princess Lasertron’s blog and saw that she was being featured and offering a give-away on yours! I am in dire want of a win! The buttons alone are making me swoon!

  310. Avatar

    Last time I felt glorious? After giving birth to my daughter! It brought my family back together again and was so amazing that I created this little bundle!

  311. Avatar

    The last time I felt glorious was about 2 days ago. We’re finally all moved in to our new house and I was standing in the middle of my new (and first) walk-in closet looking at all my things on display. I don’t think I’ve ever had all of my shoe collection out of the box at the same time. It is fabulous. I stood there and stared for a good five minutes.

    I have no life. I don’t mind. I have clothes and shoes. Together we are glorious. 🙂

  312. Avatar

    I felt glorious this morning when I woke up and remembered that, nearly a year after getting married, I am going on my honeymoon tomorrow! Iceland here we come!

    p.s. I *heart* Princess Lasertron. I really hope *hearts* me.

  313. Avatar

    The last time I felt glorious is when I went to the doctor’s office and the receptionist asked if I just had my hair done. She said it looked nice. I said I just got a haircut last week but I do it myself every day! It made me fee great that she thought I had just come from a beauty salon!

  314. Avatar

    back in february i dyed my bob a rich auburn and couldn’t stop smiling for how sassy i looked and felt!! glorious?? – you betchya!!

  315. Avatar

    I felt glorious 2 days ago. It doesn’t take much. I was getting ready to pull into the drive-thru line at Starbucks and there was another gal waiting to turn in who had to make a left turn (mine was a right turn). I waved her on through and let her go first. I didn’t even think twice about it.

    Ordered my drink and muffin and when I pull up to pay they tell me the lady ahead paid for my order because I let her go first! What an awesome little treat as I was getting ready to go sit in a hospital and wait for my mother to go through surgery.

    I was able to honk and wave at the gal before she pulled into traffic and I definitely plan to pay it forward!

  316. Avatar

    I actually felt glorious early this morning…..the sun was shining and the air was fresh and the rain and clouds of the past three days had disappeared!!

  317. Avatar

    Those flowers are so sweet, I was in a diabetic coma. Unbelievable! Just gorgeous. I fly to Omaha once a year and I would love to see a shop full of these bouquets!

  318. Avatar

    OMG. these are absolutely adorable!!!!
    Last time I felt glorious was last night – when a much younger man smiled at me and told me that I look amazing!!!

  319. Avatar

    Feeling glorious whats that I can not even remember the last time I felt this. Though these arangements are so beautiful. I agree with the wedding do over comment I would have loved to have one of these for mine. Thanks

  320. Avatar

    I tried on my wedding dress this morning, and even though it’s been over four months it still fit like a dream! I would use the kit to make a bouquet for my TTD sesh coming up. That would be insanely badass!

  321. Avatar

    The last time I felt gloriou was last week when I gave my parents some greeting cards. It was her birthday and his very late father’s day card. My father is very unsentimental but said I really do pick out nice cards. I think so to and it meant a lot to know he knew even though I don’t have time to hand make cards anymore doesn’t mean the message I choose is any less meaningful.

  322. Avatar

    The last time I felt glorious was this morning when my 11 yo son and I went to our local community center to clean the tables, chairs and benches surrounding it. They were filthy, even thoughtb here is a company that is subcontracted to clean them. We spent hours sweating in the hot sun, scrubbing away. When we were done, we could see such a huge difference and the fact that we used chemical free cleaners, and washable rags really made my son and I feel glorious.

    It’s oging to be a glorious day!

  323. Avatar

    Shopping at Macy’s — found smaller size black capri’s with cute (smaller size) black and white stipe T with fancy hot pink lining. Fit. Fit GREAT! Fit GREAT and made my butt look …… less! I felt Glorious!

  324. Avatar

    Those are absolutely adorable!!!!! OMG, the sheer talent and creativity just boggles my mind!

    I can’t remember the last time I felt glorious….well, unless you count the time Tim took the kids to his parents house for a few hours and I had the house all to myself. That was pretty darn glorious.

  325. Avatar

    I work at an after school program in downtown Omaha with urban youth. Many of the kids have very unstable home lives and have dealt with things way beyond their maturity. Last week we took 30 of our regular attenders who participated in the summer program all the way to Kansas City to Worlds of Fun. One of my favorite little second graders was so brave and decided to go on some rollarcoasters. It really made me feel “glorious” when little Synae grabbed my hand and asked to sit with my on the coaster. I am excited that I can be a positive role model in the kids’ lives and be someone that they can trust and rely on.

  326. Avatar
    corinne johnson

    wow! love reading your writing! so amusing and interesting, and i love princess lasertron! what a great giveaway!!!!!!!!!!!

    the last time i felt glorious was this morning actually! my husband and i slept in, made a huge breakfast with eggs and bacon (yummmmm), went to the store and bought a few movies and we are now spending the day watching movies and eating freezies!!!!! nothing better than great company, great food and enjoying life’s simple pleasures! xo

  327. Avatar

    What an amazing give away. Thanks for sharing this. I felt glorious this past Friday when I received my box full of charm bracelets for the Charming Exchange swap I am in. I am the last to add my charms so I got to see all the bracelets finished and they are Fabulous! (and glorious too)

  328. Avatar

    I felt great on Friday. Picked up my Mom & we drove to Camp Quality (Illinois). Camp Quality is for children up to age 18 dx with cancer. The campers/kids are all ages & love their week at camp. We were volunteers in the craft room for 3hours. It was great fun to demonstrate surface stitching to the campers & their companions — with the felt piece they stitched on being put into a tin lid (top was clear to see their creations). What an awesome morning & it was fun to be a part of it.

    As for the flowers. I’ve never seen anything like it & I’m so over-the-moon excited to give it a try : ) Always, L.

    leliaevelyn (at) gmail (dot) com

  329. Avatar

    I love these flowers. I want to have some all over my house!

    I guess the last time I felt glorious was about 2 hours ago when my husband made tortellini salad for lunch. so tasty, and I didnt have to do any of the work!

  330. Avatar

    What a wonderful giveaway! The last time I felt truly glorious was walking out of a movie theater Wednesday night after seeing The Magic Flute…. the puppets! the costumes! My friend and I walked out immeasurably inspired… so trying to not let that feeling go…

  331. Avatar

    The last time I felt glorious was when I stepped on the scale and met my goal weight. It was a loooooooong time ago. Thanks for the giveaway!

  332. Avatar

    Last time I felt truly glorious was my wedding day. To bad it was 17 years ago. These days it’s more like “gore”ious. My children however are glorious!!!

    Beautiful work!

  333. Avatar

    Not feeling too glorious right now due to recovering from surgery, but my 3 year old DID make me feel pretty glorious last night when she told me “I love you sooooo much! You’re the best!”

    Love Princess Lasertron’s stuff. So cool!!

  334. Avatar

    The last time I felt glorious was when I took an actual bath. With bubbles. And an Oprah magazine. AND WINE! And the kids weren’t allowed to come in. I was seriously in that bath for an hour and a half. IT. WAS. AWESOME.

  335. Avatar

    Glorious, lets see perhaps at my wedding 5 years ago. Since then I think the only time I feel glorious is when the kids aren’t screaming at me..This giveaway is awesome. I have 2 girls and they would be a great addition to my older daughter’s room. Yes always thinking of the kids, to hell with me…

  336. Avatar

    The last time I felt glorious was on a day trip to Chicago, where I went shopping at Marshall Field’s, to the Museum of Science and Industry, the Chicago Art Museum, the Aquarium, and all sorts of places! I NEVER get to travel anywhere anymore (too many responsibilities) and this felt so good!

  337. Avatar

    LOVE LOVE LOVE these. I felt glorious recently while I was white water rafting in CO. I have been feeling a bit old and out of shape, I rocked it. I felt glorious, this was cool.

  338. Avatar

    Really, really glorious, not just every day glorious , well that would be while on a cruise this last March I went diving with Rays, amazing, swimming with these gentle giants. I felt light and wonderfully peaceful and I was with one of my daughters so it was even more glorious

  339. Avatar

    The last time I felt gorgeous was this morning when I woke up and my fiance was already awake and smiling at me.

  340. Avatar

    This is the first time I visited your blog and I must say you have a terrific sense of humor. The last time I felt glorious was the last week in June. I put on a brand new Dana Buchman two piece knitted outfit-your basic black long dress with a short black and animal print jacket. I wore shoes and bag in the blonde brown of the animal print and all the right gold accessories. I went out to celebrate the end of the work year with friends and colleagues who also felt glorious on this evening.


  341. Avatar

    Hey these flowers look neat. My glorious moment is going to be tomorrow after my husbands three nephews go home and left with my own two kids. I plan to do nothing all day!!!!! Maybe the husband will even take my two kids out for awhile. Even Better!!

  342. Avatar

    Hmm, the last time I felt glorious…I got the invite to my wedding shower. It’s going to be a fun, over-the-top-but-not-TOO-over-the-top Mad Hatter Tea with fun hats and such. It made me feel so wonderful to know that my best friend had done all of this planning and putting together with me in mind.

  343. Avatar

    The last time I felt glorious was when I found some of my mother’s old dresses from the 70s and started pairing them with my grandmother’s jewelry- I love pulling together an entire amazing outfit from old bits of treasure!

  344. Avatar

    Love reading your posts. Princess Lazertron ~ you Rock! The last time I felt glorious was this morning ~ got to sleep until 9:00am! Life is good when the nest is empty!

  345. Avatar

    The last time I I felt glorious was about five minutes ago when my beautiful boyfriend ducked out of the house mysteriously. Here I was thinking he was avoiding my grumpalicious hangover only to have him return with an yummy, icy cold Red Bull in hand and a kiss on my aching forhead.

  346. Avatar
    Veronica Garrett

    The last time I felt glorious was last year when I won a trip to Hollywood. I We stayed in a world class hotel and had limousine service available all the time. We were right next to Rodeo Drive and everything.

  347. Avatar
    Laura Robertson

    The last time I felt glorious what two months ago when my youngest daughter stepped off the plane. She had been in Iraq for 18 months and for the first time in 18 months I felt like I could breathe again! The next glorious day will be next month when she will marry her fiancee.

  348. Avatar

    This is the first time I’ve been on your blog, and I have to say, I love your sense of humor. You are definitely getting added to my reader! I would love to make them seperately! Put little splashes of color all over my life, yes, that would be amazing!

  349. Avatar

    Glorious is one of my favorite descriptive words….hmm this will prove how much of a chunky monkey I am! The last time I felt glorious was after finishing a large frozen yogurt from Sweet Green.

  350. Avatar

    I love, love, love Princess Lasertron. Why wasn’t she around when I was living in Omaha? Oh, right, she was still in diapers…. or well, grade school or something like that. Oye! Now I REALLY feel old. Anywho…. last time I felt glorious? When my neighbor was cleaning out her closet a few weeks ago and handed me a brand-new, never worn, still with tags tankini (plus matching little skirt). And I shrieked and asked her if she was insane, because I hadn’t worn anything “kini” in 15 years! But she convinced me to try it on and it was the most amazing thing! I know I still have jiggly thighs and belly fat, but magically it all seemed to disappear… or at least be less visible. I felt glorious!

  351. Avatar

    I felt glorious last night with my red ruffly dress and thick black tights and shiny killer heels. Felt even more glorious this morning when I woke up without a hangover. I believe everyone should try to feel glorious at least once a day.

  352. Avatar

    I felt glorious this morning when I woke up and didn’t have much of a hangover and THEN I sat down at the ‘puter and found this stinkin’ glorious giveaway!! xo, suzy

  353. Avatar

    The last time I felt glorious was when I got my hair cut and colored and it just looked so healthy and perfect!

  354. Avatar

    The last time I felt glorious? I was watching Jeopardy (which I do daily of course, huge *NERD* right here) and I got over 85% of the questions right! Hey, if you watch Jeopardy, you know that is impressive. Normally less than half of the answers I am yelling at the TV are correct. So, yeah, it was a pretty glorious day.

  355. Avatar

    Glorius? Not sure that word belongs in the description of myself at any point of time in the last 16 years. Well, umm…. maybe the last time I had my hair styled at a salon, aka Fantastic Sam’s. She really did a good job and I loved the color.

    I hope PrincessLasertron makes it to Martha, she deserves it.


  356. Avatar

    Glorious – Vacation 2 weeks ago watching my kids spend time with extended family, watching the sunset, the fireflies light up and a swarm of memories of my first trip to meet this same family almost 20 years ago.

  357. Avatar

    What amazing felt flowers! I now know (I love these two words side by side, its probably terrible grammar but oh well!) what to do with my Nana’s button collection!
    I felt absolutely glorious yesterday. I was yardsaling with two of my best girls and we found the mother load. A family of wealthy shop-o-holic women who must buy and sell a new wardrobe every year. I now own 8 new pieces for my wardrobe that are from desigers I dont even recognize. Though I long to be a fashion farward girl im just not thank god for friends who are! 3 dresses, 2 pants, 1 skirt, wool wrap, and a super cute blouse for $14! THATS GLORIOUS

  358. Avatar


  359. Avatar

    The last time I felt glorious was when I was sixth months pregnant and having an awful time finding maternity clothes. I went to Maurice’s, explained to the lady how pregnant I was and how little clothing I had to wear. She showed me some great tops in my size that were nice and “flowy” and they looked FABULOUS! Bonus: I can still wear them today and they don’t look like maternity clothes…because they’re not!

    Thanks for this opportunity, I’m a Princess Lasertron follower and just had to pop over and enter! 🙂

  360. Avatar

    The last time I felt glorious was walking in the rain after a rough day at McDonald’s… it was like the drops melted away any stress. 🙂 (The weird thing is that I live right next door, so it didn’t take long for the rain to do its thing.)

  361. Avatar

    the last time i felt glorious was when i had my hair done for my daughters graduation now its a big frizzy frumpy mess 🙁

  362. Avatar

    Oh my goodness. This is the raddest giveaway in the history of giveaways!

    The last time I felt glorious was just last night. The ol’ husband and I made an impromptu journey up to Seattle and by night’s end we found ourselves at the vegetarian Chinese restaurant Teapot. We filled our bellies with Mandarin Orange Tofu and cute fake chicken drumsticks constructed of tofu and sugarcane. There is nothing quite so glorious as having your belly bulging with vegan treats!

  363. Avatar

    When I was staying in Barcelona, Spain at a hostel on top of a mountain in the middle of a national park- just looking out over the Spanish landscape at night, with all the pretty lights, made me feel glorious.

    : )

  364. Avatar

    I had a glorious Kohl’s experience recently. I found a vest that reminded me of one I had (and loved) in middle school. And it was a whopping $2.80! Glorious indeed. 🙂 Also, when I put on black nail polish this morning.

  365. Avatar

    My nieces would not be getting anywhere NEAR this gorgeous kit! MINE MINE MINE!
    The last time I felt glorious was just the other day when I was swooning at how well my lime green headscarf rocked with my new knit & felt necklace. I felt like a lovely Gypsy woman.

  366. Avatar

    Last time I felt glorious was Friday afternoon. My husband came home early and we layed in bed all afternoon snuggling, giggling and re-connecting. I haven’t felt so pretty, loved and glorious in a while. It was a perfect afternoon.

  367. Avatar

    This morning! I got my hair cut and colored yesterday. I changed the bed sheets last night to some new ones I just bought…I woke up this am in soft, yummy, new sheets with some fancy new hair..What is better than that?? ***Jenn***

  368. Avatar

    REalizing I’d won a vcr for 12 dollars on ebay to replace mine which refusing to rewind without eating the tape (and sometimes when playing) therefor putting off the time when I need to find a hard to find vcr/dvd recorder to transfer all my favorite only available on vhs oddball movies to dvd before the tapes disenigrate (at least with a new vcr I can at least watch the movies) or make it where I can just get a dvd recorder and hook it up to the new vcr and record.

  369. Avatar

    I’m addicted to Princess Lasertron after she did my wedding flowers! The last time I felt glorious was yesterday after leaving Water World all sundburned and sleepy, and my husband looking at me with a smile on his face and a twinkle in his eye. “You are so precious to me,” he said. And I felt glorious!

  370. Avatar

    the last time i felt glorious was when i had my ‘wedding day hair trial’ trial. we are planning our wedding long distance (san francisco to new jersey) and i had to find a hair dresser near my mom’s house on a short trip to the east coast a few weeks ago. i sat down with the 1st one i found, and within 15 minutes i looked like a glamorous movie star from the 40’s. imagine what she will do with me after the 2 hour appointment! can’t wait.

    princess lasertron is one of my favorite people. definitely an inspiration and motivator to go after what you want in life. i have my scissors ready. yay felt flowers!

  371. Avatar

    The last time I felt glorious was last night when I threw a candy party and all my friends came over and ate all the candy that we used to love when we were little kids.

  372. Avatar
    Stefanie Zucker

    last time I felt glorious?? Last weekend I had my dad and stepmom visit. Didn’t have a relationship with them until about a year ago. We sat around the pool and drank pina-colada’s and listened to great music and then went out to dinner…and we were kids and grown-ups and friends and family all at the same time..and it was fantastic. It was what I always wanted when I was growing up…and never thought I could have for 40+ years… Absolutely glorious!

  373. Avatar

    oops! i forgot to tell you the last time i felt glorious…well, that would be 13 years ago when i was pregnant. i loved, loved, loved being pregnant and wish i could have done it more than once!

  374. Avatar

    I honestly have to say that the last time I felt glorious was the moment I found out about this giveaway! I am going to win this! I am sooo going to win this!

  375. Avatar

    The last time I felt glorious was on my wedding day.I looked great,felt great and
    all the eyes were on me.What a day

  376. Avatar

    The last time I felt glorious was yesterday — had an awesome summer day with kids at the carnival in our new home town. Fun, fun, fun!

  377. Avatar

    i feel glorious waking up every day to the blessed life i live. i love seeing the beauty in everyday things and your beautiful bouquets and amazing creativity make me happy. very special!

  378. Avatar

    All of these items are so chic! I felt glorious this morning after a fun night with friends and then a whole lot of beauty sleep.

  379. Avatar

    I felt glorious after spending time with family and friends at our pre-wedding party that we had last night.

  380. Avatar

    I feel glorious when I take action to go after the things in life that inspire me. This morning when I woke up and saw your website

  381. Avatar

    Last time I felt glorious… Valentines day! I was dressed to kill.. looked cute and my guy doted on me. Since then?… He requested we move in together and things have been….. well… less than glorious.

    Know what? I don’t need him to feel glorious.. right?