Tomorrow, I will turn 43 years old, which is a whole three years past the date when I wanted to stop counting. However, my family overruled me. My family always overrules me. This is why we have a male puppy instead of a female puppy. A male puppy that we acquired prior to June 30, the date I originally agreed to so that the kids would be home to help out with the training. It’s also why we have a 52″ shrine to high definition into our living room. And heat our pool to sauna level in the middle of August. Now I can add scars from third degree burns sustained by my forehead, courtesy of the inferno from 43 birthday candles to the list. In case you’re keeping track, the score is now Andy = zilch, Family = 983.
A few observations as I complete my 43rd year of life:
- Last week, I ate an entire can of Betty Crocker frosting with a spoon. I had my period and it was dark chocolate and presumably full of antioxidants. The frosting, not my … flow. I probably didn’t have to clarify that but I’m a bit paranoid and don’t want anyone thinking I bleed the Willy Wonka chocolate river out my hoo-ha once a month.
- Coincidentally last week, I gained two pounds. Who knew antioxidants weighed so much?
- This week, I was one pound away from goal weight. If I don’t make it to goal weight by next week, I am considering putting our Dyson to good use by sucking out my uterus, appendix, gall bladder, adenoids and maybe even one of my colons. I’ll finally get to try out the Dyson hand tools everyone keeps raving about! Bonus!
- I started running around my neighborhood while crying. It was all in the name of exercise, just in case you thought it was because of something even more hideous like my doctor telling me I had one month to live or worse yet, my eldest getting her driver’s license. And when I say “running” I’m talking about that murky middle ground between a dead stop and Mach 10. If my nine year old daughter keeping pace by drawing hopscotch games on the road and playing them along side me while calling out positive reinforcements such as Yes, we have 911 on speed dial and No, you’re lungs haven’t exploded out of your chest wall is any indication, I suspect I’m probably closer to dead stop. In my defense, they were really small hopscotch games.
- I’m just going to go ahead and assume that it’s just pure coincidence that an earthquake shook the ground in China on the same day I started running because honestly? The alternative is a little demoralizing.
- Last week, I may have uttered the words RICKY MARTIN IS GAY?!? WHO’S NEXT, ELTON JOHN? In that order.
- I choose to live in a world where Anderson Cooper will never be the noun should anyone assemble those words in that order again. Unless, of course, they substitute the adjective “gay” with the adjective “On line two, holding for Creative Junkie and wondering if he should pack some extra Viagra, just in case.”
- I have started with a new hair stylist who has convinced me not only to keep my hair brunette but also to grow it out. For months, I had been determined to chop it all off and turn the remaining tufts into a stark, raving OH MY GOD, A BLIZZARD THREW UP ON YOUR HEAD white. I’m attributing my about face to sudden onset mid-life crisis.
- We assembled our IKEA dining room furniture and I recovered the chairs all by myself using a staple gun and lots of swear words. I will take pictures of the before and after as soon as I can find my hands underneath all the blisters.
- Also, after careful thought and consideration, we spontaneously painted the dining room. Pictures coming as soon as I decide if I like it.
- I typed that last sentence really quietly so Nate wouldn’t get all panicky. Do me a favor and read it with your quietest indoor voice so he doesn’t get suspicious.
- We also painted Helena’s bedroom and assembled her IKEA furniture as well. Pictures coming as soon as I finish up her wall art and headboard, both of which are dependent upon my getting my shit together. Seeing as how I lose my shit all over the place every time her room resembles a pigsty, this might take awhile.
- I am in awe of the contestants on The Biggest Loser and cannot watch an episode without yelling LAST CHANCE WORKOUT! BY THE WAY, WHERE THE HELL IS ALL THE SKIN GOING in ten minute intervals.
- Oliver has grown to almost three pounds and has decided that his own personal, grassy potty area outside is beneath him. So is the living room carpet but for some reason, that doesn’t stop him from pooping on it. This is the fecal equivalent to FOR SHIT’S SAKE, WHAT THE HELL?
- I have to take my Honda in because it’s squeaking and creaking and I’m losing sleep at night over the thought of it suddenly breaking in half during rush hour traffic. Upon cursory examination, it appears that the ball bearings are in dire need of repair, thereby reinforcing my theory that anything that comes equipped with a pair of balls is going to keep me up at night one way or another, whether I’m in the mood or not.
- I had my eyebrows threaded yesterday at a kiosk in the mall. Previously, I had them threaded at a salon. I prefer the salon to the mall as hair removal is painful enough without having it witnessed by people with mouths stuffed to the brim a la Cuisine de Food Court. How they manage to yell DOES IT HURT in passing while chugging down a Whopper with a Maggie Moo chaser and not choke to death is beyond me.
- I currently subscribe to a few popular conspiracy theories, such as (1) Lee Harvey Oswald did not act alone; (2) the government silenced Marilyn Monroe; (3) aliens walk among us with the full knowledge and blessing of the government; and (4) with her appalling lack of talent, personality and shame, Kate Gosselin will win Dancing with the Stars.
25 thoughts on “43 years old? Is that, like, 130 in Mom years?”
Hoorah! I am the first to comment (unless someone else has fingers a bit more spry than mine!)
First, Happy Early Birthday!! My hubby will be 43 in June and he says it’s no biggie. Whether that’s the male outlook or the truth, I can’t say. Hope you have a happy one!
Secondly, thanks for the belly laughs once again. I always know when my day is craptastic, I can always rely on you to lift my spirits.
Wish I had something witty and gut-busting funny to write, but I just can’t pull it together enough today to do anything more than look at my company website I’m supposed to be updating and improving and sob.
Happy birthday!
You should celebrate your birthday by getting some hot color streaks in your hair, like purple or pink or blue. It distracts people from the gray I have discovered.
It was two days before I could share photos of my IKEA furniture assembly. That stuff is painful on the hands
.-= stacey@Havoc&Mayhem’s last blog post is here ..Flour power =-.
YOU are funny as hell. Kate, OTOH, sucks.
.-= Barb’s last blog post is here ..There’s A Chicken in my Dining Room =-.
I’m excited for two reasons:
1) I love to celebrate birthdays, even if they’re not my own
2) *I’m* not the one turning 43 tomorrow.
Can I take you to lunch, or do you have plans for tomorrow? If not tomorrow, then sometime after Spring Break? Pretty please? I promise I won’t make a single comment about your rapidly advancing age…
.-= Heather @ nobody-but-yourself’s last blog post is here ..Mostly Wordless Wednesday… reaching for the jumbo-sized ibuprofen bottle =-.
Funny stuff!!!!!!!!!!!
Andrea, Happy Birthday Girlfriend. 43 is a BABY. I am 47. When people ask my age I say I’m 60 – they are freaked out by how fantastic I look. Gotta look on the positive side of things.
After age 45 I stopped wearing pantyhose forever and quit plucking my eyebrows. It was incredibly freeing.
Now for the bad news – Anderson Cooper is gay. I’m sorry, but you cannot live in denial forever. He and Ricky and Elton swap decorating tips and gossip all the time.
I am hoping the three of them will get drunk one night and kidnap Kate Gosselin and we will never have to see her on TV again. They would be better mommies than her…
.-= Dee’s last blog post is here ..It Lurks In My Fridge – Be Afraid! =-.
I turn 43 this summer. Let me know how it goes LOL.
Actually a 25 yr old thought I was her age, either she forgot to put on her glasses that day, or being short has its advantages.
Happy Birthday
.-= Tracy’s last blog post is here ..Doctor say I have a Heart =-.
As much as I don’t want to agree with you, I do. Kate is going to win. Darn it.
Happy Birthday.
.-= Jen’s last blog post is here ..What to do with all that Artwork. =-.
Awww, happy birthday sweetie! I’ve got 5 years on you. *sigh*
.-= Heather T.’s last blog post is here ..Collaboration with JM Designs: Little Boy Bluebird @ The DigiChick! =-.
Oh my gosh, that was one of the funniest posts you’ve written!! Happy Birthday!!
.-= Tammy Moore’s last blog post is here ..Events this Saturday =-.
You are so my favorite.
.-= Kearsie’s last blog post is here ..Top 3 Things Thursday =-.
I am also celebrating a birthday this weekend. 33 for me. And unfortunately I have a slew of cake decorating classes under my belt during a creative summer. So I not only am making my own cake but I can make icing by the quart! I didn’t start running but I did start Zumba classes. My niece told me old ladies can’t shake their boot-ays like Shakira. I looked it up, I am 2 months younger than Shakira….
Happy birthday Andrea, once you hit 50 you stop counting (actually you start to forget how old you are…that gets a little scary). Go grey I say, it’s very liberating along with not shaving your underarms, with your new slim bod and silver hair you’ll knock ’em dead. Have a wonderful day and eat cake.
.-= Davinia’s last blog post is here ..I’d Rather Bead than Cook =-.
I really needed this post today. I’ve been in need of a good laugh.
“thereby reinforcing my theory that anything that comes equipped with a pair of balls is going to keep me up at night one way or another, whether I’m in the mood or not.” This made me nearly pee my pants. So flippin’ true!!
Hope you enjoy your birthday!
.-= B’s last blog post is here ..Nourish Your Inner Goddess Giveaway =-.
I couldn’t stop laughing!!
.-= Joy ‘s last blog post is here ..Project Life Tuesday: Week 14 =-.
Happy Birthday! Only a wee bit early. Hope it’s a great one!
Golly, if your last prediction comes true I’m gonna cry.
.-= Lynn from For Love or Funny’s last blog post is here ..People think I’m weird, and they’re right =-.
Happy Birthday SITSA!!!!
.-= Chennifer’s last blog post is here ..Hunting for Latina Books =-.
I’ll be 43 in a couple of weeks too! I don’t remember getting this old. Hang in there!
.-= SeriousMom’s last blog post is here ..dresser monster =-.
Happy Birthday – what is it like on the dark side? I will be joining you in the “43 club” in August – eeek!
You youngins are so cute! I turned fifffffffty last year. I’m still pretending I am forty something since that is so much easier to say. Ok, so it is 40 + 10 but so what??? Happy Birthday and enjoy your day. You give such pleasure with your writing so don’t let your failing eyesight, sagging and drooping parts ever keep you from writing. You have a gift.
BWAHAHAHHAHAHAH! Oh man, I don’t have to do my stomach crunches tonight! Thank you for making me laugh so hard!
Oh who am I kidding…thank you for making me do any stomach crunches at all.
And Happy Birthday! If you could see my forehead, you would see I wrinkled it in such a way that the creases actually say Happy Birthday. One gets creative when they sit a lot….
.-= Insanitykim’s last blog post is here ..Forget Rogaine, I Know How to Grow Hair Wherever You Want It… =-.
LMAO Happy Belated Birthday!
I always wondered about that eyebrow threading stuff I may have to try it.
Conspiracy Theories ROCK! I agree with all of them except #4.
.-= Kasandria’s last blog post is here ..Dig into Earth Day with Sprout and dirtgirlworld =-.
I so love your blog. You always make me laugh.
.-= Sunshine.shadows’s last blog post is here ..The Trial =-.
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