

Here a winner, there a winner …

I have winners of two giveaways to announce today!

FIRST: As of 9:00 pm eastern time Friday night, there were 178 entries to the $50 shopping spree giveaway. I asked to choose one random number between 1 and 178, inclusive, and this is what it yelled back at me:



And the winning comment #110 belongs to:


Congratulations Heather! Contact me at within 48 hours to claim your prize! This may or may not involve flying to Ireland and claiming your prize in person directly from JanMary in which case, you’ll need to bring me along as a translator because I’m fluent in Irish. And Guinness, if need be. This means you’ll have to smuggle me into your suitcase because I can’t afford the airfare so prepare accordingly because I weigh slightly more than fifty pounds and thusly, you’ll be paying a hefty baggage fee. I’ll let you know.

SECOND: And now, the winners of the free copies of The Creative Junkie Notes from Studio Rosey Posey at Scrapbookgraphics! Here’s the screenshot of the winning numbers spewed forth by



And here are the corresponding winning comments:


Congratulations Alicia, Leigh Ann and Andrea A! Contact me at within 48 hours to claim your prize! I must say, I’m feeling pretty honored that my words will haunt you guys for years to come. Now you three can experience the same kind of joy my family endures on a daily basis! Maybe I should yell FOR GOD’S SAKE, IF I FIND ONE MORE PAIR OF DIRTY UNDERWEAR CRUMPLED UP INSIDE YOUR JEANS, I AM RUNNING AWAY FROM HOME AND TAKING THE REFRIDGERATOR WITH ME just so you can get the full effect?

I’d like to thank JanMary of who, I recently learned, had no idea who Anderson Cooper was (insert *GASP* and mini fainting spell here) and thought I was mildly obsessed with Alice Cooper and yet still wanted to be my friend anyway, bless her Irish soul. And a huge shout out to Lorilei Murphy of Studio Rosey Posey at for making my words pretty and giving them eternal life. Now if she can work that kind of magic on the rest of my body, I will kiss her right on the mouth and I’ll even swish a bit with Listerine beforehand, out of simple courtesy.

And I’d like to thank you, my readers. Without you guys, I’d be sitting here talking to myself and on behalf of myself, I’d like to thank you for saving me from boring myself to death.

In light of my 216 other personalities, would that scenario be considered suicide or homicide?



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4 thoughts on “Here a winner, there a winner …”

  1. Avatar

    I’m a winner! I’m a winner! Yippee! Thank you so very much! I’m going to go email me you now! 😉

  2. Avatar

    Hi, Andy!
    I’ve awarded you the Sunshine Award, for having a great blog. (I know, Obama got the Nobel Peace Prize, but I did the best I could!)

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