

Sunday Regurgitation for 3/29/09: Don’t miss the Grand Canyon

For those of you wondering why Sunday is throwing up, fear not. Sunday Regurgitation occurs every Sunday, when I link to a prior post of mine, because I am trapped under something heavy and am unable to write anything original or riveting. Hopefully someone will notice I’m missing, remove whatever is suffocating me and I’ll be back to normal by tomorrow. But just in case this doesn’t happen, think of me fondly.


My parents returned safely from Vegas. While there, they managed to (1) gamble; (2) see Bette Midler; (3) pay $3.50 for bottled water; (4) complain about paying $3.50 for bottled water; (5) try to convince my brother to get married to someone; (6) fail to convince my brother to get married to ANYONE, FOR CRYING OUT LOUD; (7) get stuck in the back seat of a Honda civic; and (8) refuse to visit the Grand Canyon because it might be chilly.

And my brother told them (1) it’s Vegas and you’re eating lunch at the Venetian; (2) you are going to pay $3.50 for bottled water because it’s Vegas and you’re eating lunch at the Venetian; (3) stop complaining about paying $3.50 for bottled water; (4) stop complaining, period; (5) let Mom sit in the front seat of the Honda civic so she won’t get stuck again and hold up the entire valet parking service at the Venetian; (6) he doesn’t want to get married to Anyone because she’s not his type; (7) STOP IT; and (8) the Grand Canyon is beautiful, and who cares if it’s chilly?


My brother’s marital status, or lack thereof, tends to bring out the latent Soprano in my mother.

I have fond memories of our own Vegas getaway last year. Nate and I (1) gambled; (2) didn’t see Bette Midler; (3) ate lunch at the Venetian; (4) paid $3.50 for bottled water while eating lunch at the Venetian; (5) didn’t complain about paying $3.50 for bottled water while eating lunch at the Venetian; (6) never mentioned the “m” word to my brother; (7) didn’t get stuck in a Honda civic; and (8) visited the Grand Canyon.

And my brother is absolutely right … the Grand Canyon is gorgeous and who cares if it’s chilly?

Not us.

We were fine with the chilly.

We were even OK with the freezing.

But we got a little ticked at the DAMMIT, IT’S LIKE WE NEVER LEFT HOME blizzard.

I leave you with We came, we saw, we ran …

Happy Sunday, everyone!


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13 thoughts on “Sunday Regurgitation for 3/29/09: Don’t miss the Grand Canyon”

  1. Avatar

    I think your stories about your parents are my favorite things you write about.

    And I’d love to see the Grand Canyon…chilly or no. Blizzard? That might be a problem.

    I’d also likely get stuck in the back of a Civic…so I can empathize with your mom 🙂

  2. Avatar

    Truthfully because of dial up I have very little time to wait and wait for blogs to open so I don’t get to check them out as much as I would like to. But I must say your Vegas story is absolutely hilarious and I had to read the whole thing. Very nice blog as well!

  3. Avatar

    I so enjoy your stories. Introduce me to your darling brother, by the way. If he’s half as funny as you, I have to meet him. I live not far from you, so next time he’s here for a visit, let me know! I promise my name isn’t anyone…not even my middle name…LOL. And I think it’s time you post a picture of your dear brother too! Keep up the great writing. So nice to have a snort laugh every now and then…

  4. Avatar

    I swear to you that last night I was talking to my mom about my brother going to the Grand Canyon over Easter and she kept worrying that it might be chilly. I swear!

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