

Winners! And for the rest of us losers, a little female porn

Let’s hear it for all the slobmobiles! After reading all your comments over the weekend, I no longer feel ashamed that I could probably feed, clothe, wallpaper and infect a small country with all the crap on the floor of my car. Not to mention entertain its people for at least a month by playing the game WAS THIS ONCE ALIVE AND HOW DID IT DIE? Keeps them occupied while they recover from bubonic plague from having come into contact with any one of several foreign substances decorating the interior of my Honda.

And for all you stinkers who have clean cars … live dangerously! Splash a little kool aid and vomit in your car every once in awhile – it keeps you humble.

As of 9:00 pm eastern time yesterday, there were 191 entries to the Designs by Jessie Giveaway. I asked to choose one random number between 1 and 191, inclusive, and this is what it spat at me:



and the corresponding comments were:




Congratulations Julie and Heather! Contact me at within forty-eight hours to claim your prizes! But only after you clean your cars. Geesh.

Thanks to all of you who participated in this giveaway and I’d also like to give a big shout out to Jessie of Designs by Jessie for offering up two shopping sprees! Remember … she’s got a coupon for my readers: enter CREATIVEJUNKIE4 at checkout to get $4 off your first order, good through the end of November!

Now, for all of us losers .. how about another episode of female porn?



*fanning myself*

I’ve always hated our stair runner and when I say hate, I mean abhor, loathe and despise with the heat of a thousand suns. But I couldn’t get Nate to do anything about it because of the other 865 things on his list that he secretly refers to as PROOF THAT I MARRIED AN ANAL RETENTIVE OBSESSIVE COMPULSIVE FREAK OF NATURE. Therefore, I’ve had to stare at that monstrosity covering our stairs for six long icky years.

Until yesterday, when I dropped a subtle hint like You know what just occurred to me? We’ve never had sex on hardwood stairs. A shame, don’t you think? and Nate yanked that runner up in two minutes flat.

Honestly, I’m embarrassed to admit I never thought of it sooner.

Do me favor … remind me never to bump uglies on any wall-to-wall built-ins anywhere, OK?  I’ve been wanting those in my living room forever.



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24 thoughts on “Winners! And for the rest of us losers, a little female porn”

  1. Avatar

    I might try that cos I’ve been wanting a pergola for the last 20 years, although the thought of doing ‘it’ in the backyard on the the brick paving?…. not so appealing.

  2. Avatar




    I w-w-w-w-w-w-w-won?!?!?!?!


    Ow, I gotta stop fainting. I’m getting bruised.

    Thanks times a squillion!!!!!


    As for your home improvements method, I don’t think I have the necessary flexibity or balance to utilize your strategy to get the wallpaper down and the paint up. Might work for the pepto-bismol tile shower though……………………………. *eyebrow wiggle*

  3. Avatar

    You crack me up! Thank you so much for the shopping spree, way too much fun.

    As for the “hint” to clean up my truck, it worked! Hubby wanted to use it today so he was forced to muck it before he could drive it. Yay, I’m a double winner today! Goodies and a clean (relatively) truck….And it’s Monday.. whoo hoooo

  4. Avatar

    Hilarious! Great decorating “tip”…this would DEFINITELY work with my hubby too {too bad I don’t have any carpet/runner removal projects for him to catch up on:)

    1. Avatar

      You don’t need a specific project really. Perhaps a little trade for some help with the dishes, vacuuming, groceries, cooking, paying bills – well you get the just. Seriously how can a man say no to helping with any of the above after a good romp in the sack?

  5. Avatar

    WOW SITSta!! Great day to stop by! I wish I had stairs! I never thought about it in the last house! Bummer. Truly. AND I was reading your little bio over there with the too cute picture…if your thumbs lose control when you laugh, do you look like Elaine on Seinfeld?? Please tell me you do the Elaine with your thumbs!! Have an awesome day! With those stairs, you may need some Motrin!

  6. Avatar

    Oh you are so right! There’s nothing sexier than a guy doing home improvements! I should use that same line on Tim…I bet he’d finally get around to doing the 1008 things he has on his list of things to do around here!

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